Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 202 Where's the Midnight Coat?

Chapter 202 Where's the Midnight Coat?
"Well, I see, let's go!"

From Silica's answer, Yang Han heard serious emotions.He smiled slightly, drew out his long sword, and rushed towards the boss room first.

Silica followed closely behind.She holds a small round shield in her left hand and a dagger in her right hand. This is for her own mobility. Although her equipment is a bit inconsistent, she has a good performance in statistics and actual combat.

The two quickly ran to the middle of the room. Before the other party could move, Yang Han immediately kicked a few explosive barrels that were placed around them, and at this moment, he sat quietly on the throne. The kobold lord has also moved.It suddenly raised its lowered head, and its opened eyes exuded a terrifying blood-colored light!
With a big jump, it jumped directly in front of Yang Han and the two of them. Immediately afterwards, a light flashed in front of it, and three kobold sentries wearing knight armor and holding small hammers were also summoned by it!

The four monsters stood in the shape of an arrow and rushed towards Yang Han at high speed, but in front of the two sides, there was a pile of explosive barrels blocking them!

"Hey, the power of two thousand cols, give me a good taste!" Facing the three elite monsters and a boss that came on the attack, Yang Han charged up the flint in one hand and threw it out. .

The speed of the red flint was just right, and when the four monsters had just arrived around the explosive barrel, they were the first to hit the explosive barrel.The loud bang was not just a single sound, the surrounding explosion barrels were detonated one after another by splashing sparks, sparks splashed everywhere, fragments and heat waves blasted the four monsters' faces into blossoms.

After all, intelligence is intelligence. They can attack and defend, but they don't know what the first step strategy is.The two elite kobold sentinels were directly killed due to heavy injuries, and the remaining one had low blood volume.

Due to the boss's size, he was forced to blow up a tube of blood. If he had a total of four tubes of blood, if he really had an IQ, he would definitely scold his mother on the spot!
"Meteor!" Explosions would also cause stiffness. Taking advantage of the monster's injury, Yang Han swooped down in front of the bloody kobold sentinel with a single attack, and took him away with two swords in succession.

"Silica, hide behind the surrounding stone pillars and throw the poison dart!" Yang Han shouted, and rushed towards the only boss after getting rid of the stiffness effect.

The poison dart has only one function, which is to cause poisoning damage to the monster, thereby blocking the opponent's life recovery effect.

This is very important, because the automatic blood recovery speed of the BOSS is extremely fast, there is no poisoning or bleeding effect, and a large part of it will be restored almost at the same time when its blood is knocked out.

Although the damage of the poison dart is almost negligible, it is extremely practical, and it is also a must-have item for Yang Han and Silica when killing leapfrog monsters.

"Roar!!!" The kobold lord roared, and rushed towards Yang Han with red eyes.

The small amount of damage from the poison dart would not attract the hatred of the boss, so Yang Han, who injured the boss nearly a tube of blood, became his first target to kill.

Yang Han didn't confront him, nor did he use sword skills, he walked lightly around the boss's body, pointing, stabbing, and picking at the boss's body with a big sword in his hand.

He almost turned his arms into several afterimages, attacking every vital part of the kobold lord's body.Although there is no skill damage bonus, the final damage judgment is still good enough due to factors such as critical strikes and critical strikes.

The speed at which the boss swings the big ax is extremely slow. As long as he dodges a blow, he can win a lot of output opportunities while the opponent is swinging back.

Knowing this well, Yang Han naturally wouldn't let go of this period of time, his flowing movements didn't rely on the back-swing stalemate of his skills at all, and won many opportunities to slash and strike in the most common way at a fast pace.

"Hoho!!" Under Yang Han's fly-like attack, the kobold lord slowly lost three tubes of blood, leaving only the last tube.He yelled again frantically, and began to enter the next mode.

According to the information obtained by Yang Han, when the boss has only the last blood bar left, he will switch weapons, discard the original big ax and round shield, and replace it with a long scimitar on his back.However, he hesitated that it was the information of the beta test, so now the kobold lord in front of Yang Han discarded the big ax and the round shield, and replaced it with a Nodachi.

This action of changing weapons is a bit exaggerated. It took a full ten seconds from the time the boss threw the original weapons and equipment into the air, until it unfastened the Nodachi from behind and held it in its hand. Yang Han would not let it go. In this gap, he hurriedly made up his sword while the opponent was in a dominant state and changed weapons.

"I told you to change your weapon with a fork, and I told you to change your weapon with a fork!" This scene is still fresh in Yang Han's memory when watching anime!When the BOSS changes weapons, the anime explained that this time is simply too long to explode, but now that he is actually facing the BOSS, he will naturally not choose this time to change his course of action like the idiots in the anime. Wait for the opponent to change equipment before starting the fight.

After the aggrieved boss changed his weapon, he had only half a tube of blood left, and his eyes were already filled with rage. Maybe this rage was not only angry at Yang Han for hurting him, but also for him. Dissatisfaction with the developer who designed the equipment change action!
The attack speed of the boss who replaced Nodachi did increase a lot, and he also changed the attack method, but this was still not enough to save his defeat.

Yang Han didn't do a single block, but only twisted his body to evade to buy time for attacking again and again.From Silica's point of view, the kobold lord's hit rate is almost equivalent to a negative value, while Yang Han's dodge is at the MAX level.

There is no flashy one-hit kill, only the scarred and fallen boss and the unwilling roar he left behind, accompanied by the final critical attack, the body of the first-floor boss, the kobold lord, was shattered into pieces all over the sky .

"Phew, it's much easier than imagined! I thought there would be some accidents, but I didn't expect that the boss on the first floor is nothing more than that." With a sigh of relief, Yang Han withdrew the sword in his hand.He looked at a system message flashing in front of him, and pointed to it while speaking.

【Congratulations!You got the last hit reward—Onikiri]

"Ah! Why isn't it Midnight Coat?" Looking carefully at the name displayed on the system menu, Yang Han blinked twice, with a cute expression on his face.

"Congratulations, Brother Yang Han! Hey, did you get an unexpected reward?" Silica also came up at this time, looking at Yang Han who was staring at the system menu in front of her, curiously, she leaned over to take a look, and saw Hearing this news, he congratulated immediately.

"Ah? Oh, thank you." Yang Han, who was in a daze, was distracted by Silica's voice. He thanked him and quickly opened his backpack to check what this [Onikiri] was.

(End of this chapter)

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