Chapter 203 Boys and Girls

Weapon name, Onikiri;
Equipment requirements, level 20;
Weapon type, two-handed knife;
Attack power, 200-210;

Special effects, passive skills - evolution.

Evolution, the current equipment can be evolved once every thousand monsters of the same level or above are killed.After evolution, the current equipment requirements of the weapon, the current attack power value, the appearance of the weapon will be changed, and a special effect will be added.

"This weapon seems to be a bit powerful!" Looking at the details in the column next to the icon of the Ghost Cutter in the backpack, Yang Han was surprised.

"What, what? Did brother Yang Han get some great spoils?" Silica moved her little head over, without considering privacy issues at all, and stared at Yang Han's backpack data non-stop.

"Well, I don't know if it's a scam or a treasure. It doesn't specifically describe what it looks like after evolution, and I don't know what level it is after evolution, so I'll save it for later. But the attack power of this weapon is still pretty good. It’s high, and the level is just right for me now, so I might as well use it.” Sweeping the backpack interface in front of him with his hand, Yang Han said indifferently.

"Hey!? Brother Yang Han, why don't you take it out and see what it looks like? What if it's a very handsome weapon?" Obviously, Silica's curiosity was aroused, so she asked Yang Han suggested.

"Let's open the door to the second floor first and then talk about it. It's just a level 20 broken knife. I'm curious." Lika, Yang Han said amusedly.

"What does it matter! This is the weapon that the BOSS exploded, why are you not curious at all, Brother Yang Han..."

"Okay, okay, I'll take it out for you to have a look!" At first, Yang Han thought that he could dispel Silica's curiosity by just saying a few words. Silica had been instigating himself from the part of the materials and high-quality equipment left behind until the door to the second floor was opened. In desperation, he had no choice but to take out [Onikiri] again.

This is a black Taidao with a purple line embellished on the scabbard and blade. The blade is more than 70 cm long and nearly 80 cm long. It is a rare long-bladed sword among Tai Dao.

The starting weight is much heavier than the good-quality Taidao I used when I killed the BOSS just now, and it feels thicker.The knife is a smaller rectangle, narrow enough for a hand guard.

"I always's still pretty good..." Silica's apparently neutral look didn't satisfy her, but he gave such an evaluation out of consideration for Yang Han's mood.

"Level 20 can be regarded as a novice weapon. It's understandable that Akihiko Kayaba didn't do a good job." Although Yang Han said this, he was actually very satisfied.The feel of a weapon is very important to him, and he prefers this kind of simple and easy-to-hand weapon to fancy ones.

"Brother Yang Han, look, the exit is just ahead! When you reach the second floor, do you want to find a mob to try the effect of this weapon?" After chatting for a while, the two saw the door leading to the second floor. export.So Silica pointed to the direction of the exit and continued to chat with Yang Han.

"Let's go out first." Yang Han replied with a smile.

Going out of the exit, you can see a tropical area dominated by grasslands and rocks.There are many hills in the distance, and many small caves can be seen. There are underground water veins flowing in the caves. It can be inferred that there should be a lake in the center of this map.

The strange scenery that was different from the first floor quickly attracted the attention of the two of them. Yang Han and Silica let go of their pace and accelerated to catch up, because a town could be vaguely seen at the outermost edge of the field of vision.

Their current location should be in the western part of the map. The town in the distance is no more than ten kilometers away. After clearing out some bison-like monsters on the surrounding roads, the two arrived smoothly.

The town is not empty, there are many NPCs.After replenishing some of the props and materials he needed as usual, and then repairing the weapon, Yang Han took Silica to the next destination - a characteristic food store in this town.

Although the two of them are not foodies, the greatest fun in this game lies in this point. In addition to fighting and killing every day, exploring new areas and tasting the delicacies in new areas have become their habits. interest of.


At the same time, when Yang Han and Silica were wandering casually in the urban area on the second floor, many players gathered at the bulletin boards in various towns and small villages on the first floor.

They stood in a semicircle in front of the bulletin board, looking at a piece of news that seemed very interesting to Yang Han and the others—an invitation to hold a first-floor boss battle strategy meeting.

"The conference square in Torbana..." This is a female player wearing a crimson cloak whose face cannot be seen clearly. After she whispered to herself, she stepped forward and walked firmly towards a The direction line went.

Three days later, there were not many people gathered in Torbana's conference square, about thirty people, and some of these people were not of high rank.

Although the girl in the crimson cloak was also among them, but because she came alone and didn't deliberately talk to other people, so now she looks as if she is isolated.

"I believe that we will win the boss strategy this time! Now, please form a team of six people here. After all, the boss can't be defeated by one person, can it?" the person standing on the stage of the conference square The players are obviously very good at stirring up the atmosphere, and they mobilize everyone around them in a short time.After reaching an agreed goal, he made such a suggestion to the other players present.

Because the suggestion was reasonable, the other players nodded in agreement one after another.Many people have already started chatting about forming a team, but they did not include two people, one is a very handsome black-haired boy, and the other is naturally this girl in a crimson cloak.

"Are you also nobody wants?" The boy was a little dazed after hearing this suggestion, but because of such a short time, he missed the best opportunity to form a team.Originally sitting back and coming alone, he had no choice but to move closer to the side of the girl who seemed to be alone like himself, and said this.

"It's not that no one wants it. The people around me seem to have companions. I just don't want to disturb them." The girl in the crimson cloak replied in a calm tone, the voice was somewhat similar to Tobiichi Origami.

"Then you want to form a team with me? Bosses cannot be defeated by one person, so let's join forces temporarily this time!" The boy did not refute the other party's words, but put forward his own.

The girl in the crimson cloak didn't say much, but nodded slightly after hesitating for a while.

(ps: I saw a message from a reader yesterday about the poor setting of Taidao.

Yes, Tang Dao is better than Tang Dao, there is no doubt about it, but Tai Dao is also better than Tai Dao.Not to mention that the difference between the Tang knife category and the original one is not easy to write, there are not so many estimates based on the selection of weapons alone.

All kinds of weapons have various advantages and disadvantages. I am here to pat my chest and discard all kinds of foreign and foreign fawning. I think it doesn't matter what kind of knife, the key is to see what you think.A sword is a sword, and it has nothing to do with anything. Taidao is also good. Miao Dao, Tang Dao, and Da Dao are all the same. It's just a setting. Please don't pay too much attention to this point.

I have searched a lot of information, the Tang knife is much better than the Tai knife in terms of stabbing, but the quenching process of the Tai knife is very good, the sharpness is very high, and there are still some advantages in other aspects, it is not useless, please look rationally.

As for the question of durability, I think Asuna's rapier is more brittle than the Taidao, right?

I have read a lot of books that question Tai Dao and praise Tang Dao. Yes, Tang Dao is very good, but I think it is a little inappropriate to put it in the house text, especially the setting with neon as the background, so I hope everyone Readers, please accept this setting, above.

Finally, I wish you a happy reading. If you have any suggestions, please leave a message and comment. I will try my best to give you a satisfactory answer. You are also welcome to continue to pay attention to this article. )
(End of this chapter)

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