Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 204 Extremely Reasonable BUG

Chapter 204 Extremely Reasonable BUG
"Is this the room that guards the BOOS!?" A group of people who held the first floor BOSS strategy meeting yesterday gathered together and came to the door of the BOOS on the first floor this morning. One of the players looked completely different from the other rooms. The different guard gates could not help but sigh with emotion.

Don't worry, it's fine, everyone will cooperate with each other in a while, with our number of people, a mere defensive lord can completely defeat it! "The other player is obviously a leader. While he is directing his team, he is also encouraging the morale of others.

The girl in the crimson cloak and the very handsome black-haired boy stood at the back of the group. They didn't talk much from the beginning to the end, as if they were so low-key that they lost their sense of existence.

"Let me win together, let's go!" The conversation didn't last long, and the morale of the leading blue-haired player had been mobilized after seeing everyone's morale was mobilized, and the equipment and props were also ready, so he finished, Turn around and push open the door of BOOS's room.

A group of people roared and rushed through the door.

However, after entering the door, everyone was stunned on the spot.Because behind the gate, it is not the same as when Yang Han and the others came, but it looks empty.

There is no first-floor boss here, and there is only an empty throne in the innermost part of the room.

On the side of the throne is a spiral staircase, which leads to a door, which has been slowly opened. From a distance, one can only see the vague fog and a slightly dark corridor behind the door.

"What happened, where is the BOSS?" The puzzled crowd gathered together cautiously, and the player in the front row carefully asked the commander behind him holding up his shield.

"No, I don't know! Did we go to the wrong room? This is not a BOSS room at all!"

"Impossible, what kind of room would be filled with a throne! And you can look at the map, isn't the back of that door the route leading to the second floor?" Another player simply slid away menu, the coordinates on the map are exported.

"Could it be that other teams have already killed the boss and opened the door to the second floor?"

"Everyone, be careful. It may be because the game has modified the data after the public beta. Let's be more cautious in the direction of the gate, in case there is an explosion!" Only at this moment was it obvious that I was out of place, so I had to propose such a nonsense Arrange like this.

A group of people walked cautiously, until their feet stepped through the door leading to the second floor, they still dare not relax.They moved forward slowly, and after seeing light appearing in the distant passage, the group of people became even more confused.

"This... Could it be that the BOSS mechanism was canceled after the public beta? We seem to have reached the second floor, right?"

"How could such a thing happen!"

Walking out of the tunnel, the bright sunshine seemed to be laughing at them.Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one fell down and opened their mouths.For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

However, at this moment, a roar of a wild beast from a distance attracted their attention as if they were understanding.

The distance from where the sound came from was not far away, and the group found the source of the sound within 2 minutes of quickening their pace.

It was a boy and a girl, and they were killing monsters at the moment, no, or it would be more appropriate to say that they were killing monsters.

What the boy and girl hunted was a group of manic bison. This kind of bison monster is one of the most common monsters on the second floor, with a strength of about 21 or [-]nd level.But compared to this group of players who barely broke through level [-], each of them is an extremely terrifying enemy.

The difference in level made this group of people dare not go forward alone when facing such a bison monster. Therefore, when they saw a boy and a girl and dared to fight a group of bison monsters, they were all very surprised. .

The boy and the girl were none other than Yang Han and Silica who had arrived on the second floor a few days earlier.

After arriving on the second floor, the two of them had nothing to do and started the upgrade journey after almost visiting the town.The reason why the monsters in this area are chosen for leveling is because this kind of buffalo monster refreshes faster and the income is also good.However, compared to the income and refresh rate, there is another reason that is most worthwhile for them to come, and that is that Yang Han came up with a ghostly idea to spawn monsters efficiently.

I saw Silica standing with a spear in her right hand. Hanging on the spear was a brand-new piece of blood-red cloth. This cloth was originally a piece of clothing, and it was a product obtained after decomposition.The original correct usage was to synthesize new armor materials, but it turned out to be modified and utilized by Yang Han in this way.

As we all know, cows are extremely sensitive to red, and when they see red, they will rush forward with uncontrollable excitement.

Perhaps because Kayaba Akihiko referred to the original characteristics of creatures in this world when designing the characteristics of monsters, the bison monsters in the SAO game also have this characteristic, or weakness.

After Yang Han tried to find such an extremely reasonable BUG, ​​he used the red cloth to achieve the purpose of luring the buffalo monster to reach his designated target point.

The location where he spawns monsters is also extremely interesting, next to a small rift.Silica's spear was standing right on the edge of the rift, and when the buffalo charged up, Yang Han only needed to scratch it casually with a knife to take the first damage, and then the opponent would fall off the cliff and die!

The efficiency of two people spawning monsters is extremely simple and rude. Put a piece of props for attracting monsters at the "flag" position and wait for the prey to take the bait.

It is also because of this that I never thought that there would be such a big reaction from people with such a routine.Among the players in their group, there are some players with longer experience, who have played hundreds of games, but because of their fixed thinking, they almost forget to think when killing monsters and fighting enemies.

"Oh? Silica, look quickly, someone is finally here!" Bored, he casually stabbed the buffalo monster who leaped in mid-air without understanding the meaning of suicide, and Yang Han looked at a group of figures in the distance. , said to Silica.

Silica was almost drowsy at the moment, because she had been holding the spear for an unknown amount of time.Although the experience of the two of them will increase rapidly without doing anything, the boredom is still uncontrollable.

After hearing Yang Han's words, she finally became interested and turned her head to look over.

"Really! Brother Yang Han, this group of people is really slow. We have planted flags here for three days!" Silica couldn't help but said happily when she saw it, but she still complained after she finished speaking.

"Okay, okay, since they're here, let's call it a day! Don't take that broken weapon, it makes me a little sick." Yang Han comforted Silica and signaled the other party not to continue. !Then when Silica was about to put the spear back into her backpack, he stopped her.

(End of this chapter)

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