Chapter 209 FNC Syndrome

"Hey, Klein, are you still short of manpower, I want to go too." In order to prove the authenticity of what he said, Yang Han suggested decisively.

"Idiot, let's go! Don't embarrass yourself here anymore." Asuna was a little annoyed, she felt that Yang Han's reason was far-fetched, so far-fetched that she couldn't stand it.Therefore, she no longer gave Yang Han too much time to explain, grabbed him by the neck and walked away.

She felt that Yang Han was weird today, and she even felt sour for no reason.But compared to this emotion, she felt dissatisfied with Yang Han's actions.

"Ahem, wait, wait, what I said is true, hey!" Yang Han said while coughing because his throat was stuck.

Silica and Kirito covered their faces, they just felt a little ashamed at the moment.So I just buried my head and followed behind Asuna and Yang Han, pretending that I couldn't hear or see anything and walked into the distance.

"It's... a very interesting person." A drop of sweat appeared on Yuna's temples. Although she was calm on the outside at this moment, she was also filled with a shy emotion inside.But she, who has always maintained her composure, didn't want to let others see her little daughter's emotions because of this, so she said this.

"Yuna..." The boy named Nogilas was silent all the time, but after hearing Yang Han's words, he was the only one who cared a little bit.

He cares about Yuna very much. This girl is his childhood sweetheart and the only person he knows in this game.In addition, because Nogilas suffers from FNC syndrome, it is very difficult to fight in this game. Since the opening of the server, this gentle and lovely childhood sweetheart has been taking care of him.

FNC syndrome is the abbreviation of not suitable for full stealth. This symptom is simply that when playing a stealth game, there will be errors in the connection between the brain and the neural device, resulting in the character being unable to fully sneak into the game.To put it bluntly, it is a fighter with high PING, who is usually fine, but when it comes to fighting the boss, he will be stuck and fly.

For this reason, Nogilas felt very aggrieved by himself with such symptoms.Because he can't play any role in this world at all, he can barely fight some mobs in the wild.Most of the time when doing tasks, it was Yuna who stood in front of him and sheltered him from the wind and rain.

"It's okay, Nogilas-kun." Seeing the worried expression on the other side, Yuna replied with a calm and gentle smile.

After Yang Han was forcibly taken away, the two parties separated. Yuna and Nogilas, who looked a little hesitant, followed Klein and his group out of the city one after another, and went to level training.

The task they are doing today is actually not too risky. A team of six people will work together to deal with monsters of the same level. Even if they besiege three or four monsters at the same time, they can barely handle it.What's more, there is Yuna in the team as a support who has mastered special skills!
Yuna's occupation is slightly different from other players, because after entering the game, she has been working hard to study music. She was the first to reach the full level of music attainment, and she obtained a special exclusive skill - singing.

Singing skills are one of the most wonderful skills in this game. They cannot attack, but they can give teammates in the team superimposed BUFF by singing different kinds of poems.This is a skill that even somewhat breaks the original setting of the game. It can be said that in the entire SAO, Yuna is the only one that can be called a support job in the true sense.

"Brothers! Work harder, you can return to the city to submit the task with the hand bones of four skeleton soldiers!" Thanks to Yuna's assistance, Klein's group completed the task smoothly after leaving the city.After he chopped down a skeleton soldier and picked up the materials, he said to the rest of them.

"Boss... Boss! It's not good, we've wandered too far, near here is the spawning location of the field boss!" Suddenly, a panicked voice came from another battle circle, and the voice in the words Full of fearful emotion.

"What!? The one inside is, the two-headed ogre! It's over, retreat quickly!" Seeing a huge figure that suddenly appeared not far from his side, Klein felt his scalp go numb, and immediately ordered road.

"No, it can't be done, Boss, these monsters haven't been cleared yet, we're entangled and can't get away." One of Klein's teammates had a tear in his voice.

"Hurry up, I'll come back!" Klein quickly walked a few steps to his teammate, charged at a skeleton soldier who was bumping against the teammate, and swung a knife.

"No, Boss, you don't even have the ability to block the wild boss by yourself, that monster is two levels higher than us!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go, and bring Mr. Nogilas and the others, drink! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss The soldiers collided.However, at this moment, the field boss double-headed ogre had already strode over.It waved the big stick in its hand casually, and even though Klein had already made a blocking action, he was still sent flying far away, losing nearly half of his blood.

"It's half a tube of blood at once, it's over, we're locked in, and we can't run away even if we want to run." One of Klein's companions helped him up, and it can be seen that his hands were shaking, which was a response to the wild. The fear of BOSS.

"You take care of President Klein, I'm here to attract these monsters, take advantage of this time, go!" However, when everyone was desperate, a blue and white figure ran out from behind quickly, and walked around the two sides. The moment before the head of the ogre, he said to everyone.

"Miss Yuna, what are you going to do?" Klein turned pale with shock. At this time, he rushed into the enemy circle. The assistant Yuna, who was wearing cloth armor, was looking for death naked!

"[Noise], President Klein, Mr. Nogilas, please take care of you, go!" Seeing that Yuna's figure was blocked by the huge figure of the two-headed ogre, only this voice separated her. The opponent's body passed over.

[Noise], this is a skill that taunts the enemy.It is reasonable to say that such a skill can be used to kill a support wearing cloth armor, but at this time Yuna resolutely ran into the battle circle and activated it.

Both the skeleton soldiers and the two-headed ogre around them changed their targets because of the effect of this skill. They turned their eyes like crazy and rushed towards Yuna, the person who activated the skill.

"Yu," Yes, our high-ping warrior Nogilas-kun is embarrassingly falling into the FNC syndrome again.He moved his body with difficulty, trying to catch up in the direction where the other party was leaving very slowly, but his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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