Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 210 Yuna's Question

Chapter 210 Yuna's Question

The monsters gradually condensed and surrounded Yuna, and there were seven or eight of them if I didn't count carefully.

Locked by so many monsters, while running hard to give her teammates time to retreat, Yuna thought bitterly in her heart: "I didn't expect what that person said to come true..."

The distance from the monster was shortened extremely quickly, until suddenly a big stick hit her body, shaking Yuna a few meters to the ground, and this life-and-death race came to an end.

At this moment, Yuna, compared with the pain, what makes her more unbearable is the fear of death in her heart.

How could he have acted like that?

For the sake of my companions, I never thought that I would be willing to sacrifice myself like this!
Are you going to die... I... am I regretting it?
Yuna, who was bitterly thinking about some things, felt that time seemed to slow down for an instant.Facing the big mace wielded by the two-headed ogre again, she could only watch dumbly, waiting for her body to explode into pieces all over the sky.

"Knife drawing, Onikiri!" The voice came from not far away, it was so abrupt.

The next moment, the body of the two-headed ogre suddenly froze. Looking at the mace of death less than [-] centimeters away in front of him, this kind of stimulation was even more exciting than jumping without a rope. Yuna was about to pass out immediately.

"Fortunately, I added some tracking skills, otherwise we might meet in another world next time!" The figure speaking the unknown words approached from far away, and it rushed towards this direction at a speed as fast as a phantom.

At the last moment before Yuna passed out, she could barely see the blurred outline of the other party. "This figure is that strange young man I met not long ago. Why did he appear here?" This was the question Yuna had in her heart before she fainted.


When Yuna woke up again, the surrounding scene did not change.She covered her head and sat up on the ground, looked around, and soon found the figure that made her full of doubts.

"Hey! Girl who doesn't believe in fate, you're awake!" Yang Han was sitting against a big tree, and greeted the other party after seeing him coming.

"How long have I been unconscious?" Yuna asked.

"Not long, maybe five or six minutes." Yang Han replied.

"Is that so... No, Mr. Kami, why did you appear here?" After subconsciously answering, Yuna remembered the most critical question.

"Of course I'm here to save you. I told you that you're going to have a bloodbath today, but you still dare not believe it!"


"You don't need to apologize. Check your physical condition first. If there is no problem, I will take you back to the city immediately. I guess your teammates are in a mess now." Yang Han waved his hand, indicating that these are trivial matters, and immediately suggested.

"Well, Mr. Kami, how did you know that I would have a bloodbath today?" Yuna who was sitting on the ground was still a little dazed. No one would adapt immediately after walking before the gate of hell.

"For the sake of being the only one, no, the second one willing to call me ID, let me answer your question for now! I'm not an ordinary person, but a god, so it's only natural to know this." Yang Han pointed to the ID on his head and explained indifferently.

"God? Can God also play online games, and be trapped in this death game?"

Yuna's answer made Yang Han stunned, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"This... I'm a demigod for the time being, so there are some things I can't do. But I came to play this game because I'm interested. Basically, there is no danger to life, and it doesn't matter even if you die." Yang Han said.

"It's good not to die..." Yuna whispered.

"I said girl! You are really weird, you don't refute anything I said at all. Logically speaking, shouldn't you question my identity now?" Yang Han suddenly said to the person in front of him. The girl became interested and immediately asked.

"Didn't Master Kami hear a sentence? When all the impossible facts are excluded, then the rest, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth!" Unknowingly, Yuna's title has quietly spread There was a change, so that Yang Han couldn't tell the truth from the other's words.

"I won't talk to you anymore, can you stand up, do you need me to give you a hand?" Scratching his head to withdraw his thoughts, Yang Han didn't bother to guess the deeper meaning contained in the other party's words, so he simply changed the subject.

"The last two questions, Master Kami, can you please answer me, please?"

"You guys are really self-willed. You obviously have a gentle and elegant Virgin character, but you are so arbitrary." Although Yang Han was complaining, he didn't change the subject, which meant that he had already acquiesced in disguise.

"Master Kami, why did you save me?" Yuna asked with a forced smile.

"Three reasons! First, your character suits me very much, and you are self-sacrificing, so you shouldn't die now; second, it is fate to meet halfway, and I can do it; third, you are very beautiful, um, this It should be considered more important. Of course, I didn't mean to pick on you, because I already have a wife!" Yang Han's answer was still straightforward and decisive, since he became the god of preparation, his personality has gradually changed accordingly, no longer She concealed herself as she did when she was a human being, and hid many things in her heart.

"Yes, is that so...Then the second question, Master Kami, how many of us, including everyone in this game, can survive?" After a moment of shyness, Yuna continued to ask.

"I haven't counted, I don't know, but there must be some of them. I have already found helpers to rescue them, but I have to screen them later when I have time. I may not care about some of them who are not eligible to live." Yang Han gave a vague answer.

In fact, during this period of time, he also kept communicating with Icarus from the outside world.By tampering with the loopholes, the progress of Icarus has been greatly improved!
Now the player whose life value is cleared in the game will exit the game at the next moment, and his data will be frozen and transferred to the server set up by Icarus at Yang Han's home, so that he will no longer be threatened by his brain being completely destroyed by NervGear.

But Yang Han can't publicize this matter in the game.

According to the original setting, Kayaba Akihiko will scan his brain to die after the game is cleared. Now if he publicizes this in the game, he can quit the game and use his real body to repair all the problems. item vulnerability.

If things really turned into that, the server that transfers the data is likely to be exposed and blocked, which will make it impossible to accept various data of other dead players, and it will become useless from then on.

 I wanted to polish it to be more interesting, but it's a pity that my strength... oh... everyone forgive me, anyway, I didn't write Yuna to death!I dug a small hole, and used it later to anger Akihiko Kayaba!

(End of this chapter)

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