Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 228 Ika Comes to Aid

Chapter 228 Ika Comes to Aid
The huge flaming sword floated out of nowhere in front of Yang Han's body. Its shape was unattractive, and it was obvious at a glance that it was definitely not something he could equip at his current level.

But when Yang Han stretched out his hand, he took the giant sword into his hand unreasonably.In the next moment, the values ​​of his various attributes rose rapidly. This behavior has undoubtedly confirmed the fact that he cheated.

With a giant sword more than two meters long in his hand, coupled with a set of metal armor covering his whole body, Yang Han suddenly felt that he had recovered a bit of the feeling of using the divine source in reality.The power beyond mortals added to his body again, and his eyes became more imposing.

"Warning! Warning! Abnormal data seriously affects the balance of the world. The solution is to clear it immediately!" The girl's eyes were red, and she immediately became irritable after she had just stopped attacking.The girl spoke cold and ruthless words, and her figure pounced on Yang Han at a faster speed.

"Ah! Let's run away! Drink~ Surge!" Yang Han yelled twice on the spot, and as he stopped drinking, the flames on the giant sword suddenly rose up, immediately entangled him in it, and made his whole body shudder. It seemed as if it was burning in an instant.

At the same time that the girl's giant sword hit her head, he finally made a move.I saw Yang Han blocked the opponent's huge sword with a sword block at an unimaginable speed, and grabbed the girl with his empty left hand, and he grabbed the girl by the neck.

"Drink!" With the strength in his hands, the flames on Yang Han's body condensed as he charged up, and at the same time as he shouted loudly, he spread his left hand, and a gust of raging flames gushed out, directing the opponent's body directly. Pushed and flew out.

The girl was sprayed in the face by the flames, and before she could get angry, her figure was thrown far away, and she wiped a long way on the ground before stopping.

However, for two players who have gone beyond the rules of the game, one move is not enough to tell the winner.The girl straightened up and stood up again. She put on a posture, as if she was about to attack Yang Han again.

There was no blood bar on her forehead, so Yang Han couldn't judge how much blood he had, and how much blood he lost after being hit.Now he really wants to open the search engine and ask a question, "I hacked the GM, how should I end it? Wait online, it's very urgent."

"Master, Miss Icarus has something to tell you!" Suddenly, Fia's long-lost voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of his heart.

"Fiya, you really know how to choose the time, so can't you talk about it at another time?" You don't need to speak to talk to Fei Ya, so Yang Han answered the other party's words in his heart even though he stood still on the surface.

"Miss Icarus asked me to tell you that the moment you opened the third-party authority, various security values ​​in the SAO game began to change, and many of our authority have begun to be attacked by the main authority. Now we will Start to transfer the memory authority for you, if you are fighting someone, please don't leave the current range, otherwise you will lose the authority and become an ordinary player." Fiya didn't say if she could change the time, in order to convey the meaning quickly, she jumped directly After this answer, he explained it to Yang Han.

"Dizzy! I know. It must be the good thing that the GM in front of me did. She is fighting me to the death. Ask Icarus if there is any good way. It's not a problem if it goes on like this! Both of us No one can do anything about her cheating, but she is not afraid of being discovered, but we have been exposed." Yang Han said.

"Miss Icarus has connected your game helmet with a data cable, and now she uses herself as a medium to quickly replenish your authority, but our cracking process is coming to an end, after all, it has been discovered by others." Fei Ya said embarrassingly, seeming a little guilty.

"It doesn't matter, just ask Icarus, how many permissions have been cracked in total, and is there any possibility that the other party will change it back."

"Master, don't worry, cracking permissions is tantamount to conquering a city. I have deleted most of the game content from the original server and transferred it to the server at our home.

Now this game is like a spliced ​​building block, part of it belongs to the enemy, and 40.00% of it is already ours. Unless the other party can crack my electronic access to the brain domain, they will not be able to take it back. . "The figure of Icarus suddenly appeared in Yang Han's ears, which inevitably gave Yang Han a jump.

As Icarus' voice fell, an angel's figure gradually appeared in the game.The fan's hair, green eyes, and a pair of wings slowly spread behind, floating in the air without flapping. Isn't this exactly Icarus!

"Icarus, how did you get in? Didn't the game cut off the outside login permission long ago?" Yang Han opened his mouth wide open, feeling a burst of surprise at random.With Icarus built with ultra-high-end technology, the identity of the opponent's GM seems to have begun to become less of a concern.

"Master, I have already mastered all the permissions from the [-]th floor to the [-]th floor in the game, so it is not difficult to enter the game. Do you want me to help you arrest this person? She is in this area, everything The authority is under our control." Icarus first reported the current situation to his master, and then turned to the girl opposite Yang Han.

The giant sword girl was shocked when she heard that the authority of this area had been suspended, and as a system, she immediately prepared to leave.However, when she was about to use the authority, she found that all the additional GM authority had been frozen, and even her own attribute value had been directly weakened to the lowest level. It can be said that she has become powerless.

"Sure, Icarus! I didn't expect that after not seeing you for a year, you would be able to read your words and know how to take correct actions before I speak." Yang Han saw the girl in front of him dazedly scribbling in front of him. But it didn't have any effect, even her moving speed was reduced to a snail's speed, and it took more than ten seconds to run a step standing still, Yang Han couldn't help laughing.

"Master, Icarus misses you very much." Icarus didn't thank Yang Han for his compliment, and to be exact, she didn't care too much about what she just did casually.She just looked at Yang Han with a cute look. For a year, the master who was almost 90.00% asleep in the outside world finally showed a laughing expression in front of her again.

"What did you say all of a sudden! Did that guy Fia teach you these lines? No way!" Seeing the more human Icarus, Yang Han couldn't help being surprised, even when the other party suddenly said that he wanted to At that moment, my heart beat suddenly accelerated.

 What is the name of the mysterious girl...?What is it called?Hee hee~ Most of the friends who join the group know it, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t know, because the truth will soon be revealed.I basically don't bury too deep a pit when I write, so I can't hold it anymore.In other words, if you really hit the GM while playing a game, how should it end? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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