Chapter 229

Yang Han was extremely surprised that Icarus could suddenly say the opening line "Master, Icarus misses you very much", and even for a moment, his heartbeat accelerated suddenly.

"It's such a master. I have been tampering with the game loopholes this year, and I accidentally discovered a lot of system programming materials that can enhance the emotions of artificial angels. I borrowed some and added them to my repository. Therefore, the way I think about problems now As well as improved emotional expression," Icarus explained.

"There is such an opportunity! Yes, it's very scientific." Yang Han complained.

"Master, I think this kind of thing should be put aside for now, and I will explain it to you after cleaning up the enemy in front of me." Although Icarus's thinking and expression skills have improved a lot, but she The character of doing things is still similar to that of Tong, the only difference is that he has more initiative and knows how to propose.

"Well, it makes sense. But I don't think you need to explain the original to me in detail. I am very clear about my ability to understand, so let's save some words. Now I am even more curious about who this strange GM is, and how he can explain it to me." Can't you investigate her for me?" Yang Han said.

"Please wait a moment, I will call up all her information." Icarus nodded, and then, like other players, he swiped his arm to call up a row of system menus.After she fiddled with a few times, a row of forms were listed, and there was a picture frame in the upper left corner of the form. Yang Han turned his head to look, and it was the girl in front of him.

Below the avatar picture are rows of neatly arranged data.

The name is Storea, the role is SAO mental state management support program, trial work No. 2.Authority, the program responsible for managing and caring for the mental state of SAO players.ability, has the ability to imitate human emotions, sadfwgjydw000075415htdro...

"Strange, what the hell is the garbled code behind this?" Yang Han looked at the other party's information, and asked Ika with some doubts.

"A long time ago, msater asked me to look for loopholes in the mental state management support program inside the game. As you might expect, there are a lot of loopholes in this aspect of the game, and the number of loopholes increases every day. Therefore, I quickly obtained Part of the authority in the game. And this girl is also part of the mental state management support program, so it is reasonable for her to have garbled characters on her body." Icarus explained.

"It looks very complicated. All in all, just tell me if this girl is still alive." Yang Han said that it was difficult to understand, so he simply asked the questions he wanted to know.

"No problem, the control of some layers in the game has been captured by us, and even Akihiko Kayaba cannot tamper with it again. And Miss Stoleya is also in our control layer, so we can Modify her data, as long as the program permissions for mental state management support are uninstalled, she will become an ordinary NPC without any purpose of action." Icarus explained.

"That's good, remove all the authority of this guy, and I'll deal with her later! Meow meow, dare to beat me violently, if it's not because it's in the game, I will definitely put her in a bad mood Look!" Yang Han looked fiercely at Stoleya who wanted to escape but couldn't move her body at all.

Although Storea is a program, she also has the ability to think. After seeing Yang Han's eyes, she also had various thoughts.There was panic, panic, and even a little anger.

"Yes, master." It's a pity that Stoleya's mood changes, as a data, she can no longer resist the stronger system authority.She could only watch helplessly as Icarus deleted all his permissions after agreeing to Yang Han.

Storea, who had no ability, was endowed by Icarus with extremely high vitality and extremely low action and combat power. In short, after Icarus adjusted the menu in front of her, she became a beast. A first-class miscellaneous soldier with extremely thick blood.

After tying up this "beautiful miscellaneous soldier", Yang Han carried Stoleya on his shoulders like a mountain king robbing Mrs. Yazhai, and walked out of the forest side by side with Icarus.

During this trip, he solved several incidents. First, he destroyed Hand of the Orange guild Titan, and then took over the Smiling Coffin. Finally, he arrested the beautiful GM and prepared to go back to suppress the stronghold. Bah, bah, bah, it's not a bang, It's time to control it!It's just about controlling it!

In short, this day's itinerary is very meaningful, and Icarus is also summoned into the game. It must be more fun in the future!

Thinking like this, Yang Han was thinking about how to introduce Icarus' identity to everyone when he went back, but here he heard the other party say: "Master, we may cause some trouble after we release all the permissions today, 40.00% in the game We have transferred the data to other servers, so as long as Akihiko Kayaba checks casually, he will find that the game has been hacked. Although some floors have been controlled by us now, we can no longer step out of the [-]th floor, otherwise we will immediately If it is found that the data is abnormal and loses all permissions, it is very likely that the opponent will use the GM identity to suppress it and kill it easily."

"It's okay! The game has just reached the 35th floor, and there are still 25 floors where you can play casually. And I've been playing for a year, and I'm almost tired of it. It's time to start thinking about confronting Akihiko Kayaba! "Yang Han said.

"But we can't leave the 60th floor if we want to fight, otherwise there is no chance of winning. And Kayaba Akihiko's authority is higher than ours. Even if we can't kill us on the 20th to 60th floor, you and I can't tamper with his data. So kill him." Icarus's tone vaguely had the meaning of persuading Yang Han to give up this dangerous move, but he said it more tactfully.

"Aincrad as a whole is in a sharp cone state, that is to say, the smaller the map area is, the faster the attack speed is. According to my estimation, one and a half years is enough for all players to clear the sixty floors. The year has broken through the 75th floor properly. Since the game is often getting shorter and shorter, it is better for us to help other players and catch Akihiko Kayaba by surprise.

Now except for some timid or incapable old people and children, most players are basically leveling in the layers we have mastered. I think it is better to simply open a BUFF for everyone, let everyone upgrade quickly, and then use the authority Mark the coordinates of the defensive boss on the map for all players!By the way, there is also an increased drop rate, all in all, as long as the permissions that can slow down the difficulty of leveling are released! "

"You mean, use the hands of other players to solve him?" Icarus quickly understood his thoughts after listening to Yang Han's narration.

In fact, this strategy is very simple. It is to use Kayaba Akihiko's factor that although he knows that he has lost control, he does not know who did it, and prepares to fish in troubled waters to speed up the onslaught.

 The sword chapter has written 36 chapters, ready to start speeding up!Meow meow, fuck Akihiko Kayaba, no nonsense, just mention that I am a 40-meter-long knife!
(End of this chapter)

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