Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 230 The Tampered Game

Chapter 230 The Tampered Game
2023 7 Month 18 Day.

A month has passed since Icarus came to SAO.

During this period of time, due to her arrival, Yang Han's game journey has undergone earth-shaking changes.Because Icarus and Yang Han used their authority to do many things that made Akihiko Kayaba mad.

First of all, under the modification of one's own authority, the combat power of the monsters on the 90.00th floor to the [-]th floor of SAO has been reduced by [-]%, and they have completely become miscellaneous soldiers, while the monster's experience income has increased by ten times!
The settings of the first-floor BOSS that originally required players to explore have all been modified to openly locate the BOSS location, and you can see the icon when you open the map.The game has completely become a full-image display version, which makes the player's upgrade speed increase like a rocket.

Secondly, the various success rate settings in the game have been greatly modified and improved, especially in the category of equipment enhancement. Now it has become a common configuration to strengthen the equipment to the full level.

The explosion rate of monsters has been re-adjusted by the two masters and servants. As a result, even if they go out and kill a monster casually, they can drop props, materials or equipment of superior quality. Modified into ultra-casual mode.

In just one month, the number of Aincrad's floors was conquered from 35 to 55 in an instant, and no one was injured or injured. This outrageous incident completely angered the game's developer, Akihiko Kayaba.

However, anger was anger, and Kayaba Akihiko couldn't change anything.Although he has sufficient authority, he has no way to get back what others have taken away.

Facing Icarus, whose computing power could easily exceed any CPU in this era, he had no choice but to retreat. He could only watch the random settings of the [-]th to [-]th floors, out of his control.

Not only that, this kind of ultra-fast strategy has caught Kayaba Akihiko by surprise!
After his pre-plan was disrupted, it can be said that he made a wrong step. Originally, he planned to enter the game when the game was about to reach the 40th floor to act as a player to pretend to be X, and then formed a random guild with a group of younger brothers. Fighting monsters, leveling up, and abusing people, but Yang Han and the others messed it up. He almost didn't have time to stand firm, and he seemed to miss a few appearances.

The current Kayaba Akihiko has a big trade union icon called "Red Army" on his head, but unfortunately there are only a handful of three or five subordinates in the regiment.

Obviously he created the game by himself, but the protagonist turned into a stranger in the end, it's no wonder he wasn't angry!
The most annoying thing is that he still doesn't know who this guy who hacked nearly 40.00% of his game permissions is.Kayaba Akihiko, who couldn't find the culprit, finally assumed the identity of the other party as the government, because in his opinion, only capable people from the government can do such a technical thing.

In order to save the situation, Kayaba Akihiko was very busy this month, because he happened to enter the game at this time.

All the players in the game knew very well that the players in SAO couldn't get out now, and as a GM with a few guild brothers, he naturally couldn't exit the game openly to fix bugs for a long time.As a last resort, he now has no choice but to tear down the east wall to make up for the west, sort out and improve the loopholes that can be repaired quickly, block the places that cannot be found out, and block access to all IPs and IDs that are not logged into the game.

These things can only be done when he comes back to sleep after going out for a day to fight monsters. The efficiency is not high, and it finally took a month to barely take all the precautions.

"Leader, there is news from the frontline strategy team that the BOSS on the 56th floor has been successfully killed." Akihiko Kayaba, who was frantically leveling with the rest of his teammates on the 53rd floor, suddenly received such a text message from a team member. After that, he could only sigh helplessly.

Now he has a little confession.Because even though he has been working hard to spare time to modify the [-]% damaged game this month, it is impossible to recover the fact that happened. At this moment, Kayaba Akihiko feels that the only thing he can do is to It's time to settle accounts after autumn.

He was looking forward to, looking forward to finding the clues of the group of interconnected game-modifying guys after the [-]th floor was breached, and then punishing them.Now he has to be steady, work hard to play the game, try to quickly catch up with the big team of the attacking team in front, and then get in.


Compared with Kayaba Akihiko who was in a depressed mood, Yang Han's life in the past month can be described as quite nourishing.Because of the one-year level practice, how many games are boring, so he simply asked Icarus to modify his level and attributes, and even got a whole body of top-quality equipment.

He didn't go out much this month, he just regarded the world of SAO as a leisure resort, drinking tea every day to tease girls, let Icarus take care of himself, he almost returned to the old man in the world of "Date A Live" He is an otaku.

From Yang Han's point of view, the house is indeed part of the land, and as long as there is one-third of an acre of land, it is enough to do a lot of things.

Kirito, who formed an extreme with him, has been leveling crazily recently in order to clarify his leveling status. It's a pity that he has worked hard for 800 years, so why not charge some money today!After Yang Han casually ordered Icarus to change this and that, his level was quickly caught up by him and the players.

Such a result caused Yang Han to watch the play on the sidelines, while Tongren woke up earlier and later every day, and came back later and later...

"Yo! Kirito is here. I'm eating crabs tonight. It's a real S-level cuisine ingredient, golden armored king crab! Do you want to try it?" At this moment, Yang Han was sitting on a rocking chair, squinting his eyes. Eyes, lazily asked Kirito who pushed the door and entered.

"No, I'll go to the leveling area as soon as I get back with some food. Recently, Klein and Asuna's level has a faint tendency to catch up with me. I can't let my hard work go to waste." After entering the door, Kirito drank two A glass of water, after putting down the glass, he shook his head and refused to Yang Han.

"You are really hardworking. By the way, didn't Asuna come back with you?" Yang Han asked Kirito after jokingly saying this.

"Where do I have time to help you look after her! Don't talk about it, I have to replenish repair tools and potions. It may take three days to go out this time. By the way, Yang Han, do you want to come with me? I am getting less and less active about upgrading, and I probably have surpassed it!" Tong Ren said.

"Haha, thank you for your advice. In short, you should upgrade quickly, and strive to surpass my level as soon as possible and become the number one in the game! I am optimistic about you!" Yang Han couldn't hold back his laughter in the end.

Others may not know it, but he knows it all too well. With Icarus around, his level will rise crazily with a wave of his hand. Kirito-kun, who only knows how to play games without paying money, when will you understand? This truth ah!
(End of this chapter)

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