Chapter 242
A large number of rare strengthening materials were continuously transported to the upper blood alliance headquarters. The sources of these materials were naturally obtained illegally!
It is not accurate to say that it is illegal. To be precise, it should be interpreted as being obtained through unconventional game means. Yang Han defines this method of moving materials as - washing materials.

This "material laundering" is just like money laundering. The source of the material is provided by Icarus. After her continuous creation out of thin air, it is much faster than the land reclamation among players.

Originally, things like materials in the game were extremely scarce, because everyone was constantly rushing towards the upper level, causing many people to fall behind in the process of this strategy.The former walked fast and walked farther and farther. They were the first to defeat the powerful BOSS and the first to obtain powerful equipment. There is a huge gap in the level of players in the game.

With the gap, the speed of the weak in collecting materials and upgrading will be greatly slowed down, and the personnel will become uneven. This is also the reason for the lack of manpower in the original strategy team.

There is indeed a group of people on the front line who have been pushing forward with lower levels. They can fall behind those ordinary players by a few levels or even a dozen levels. less and less.

After Yang Han considered these problems, he organized most of the middle-level players, and allocated the most effective leveling places from high to low based on the background of the largest trade union in the whole server, so that the per capita level gap was continuously narrowed, and in terms of armament Adjustments were made to create a strategy method that had never been realized in the original game-the phalanx!
After the members of the regiment were integrated, the blacksmith group led by Lisbeth almost became a group specializing in the construction of unified armed forces, working day and night to produce high-level weapons and equipment.The blueprints for these equipments all come from the original GM, Stoleya. With the most correct materials and dosage, almost every weapon is a quality product of uniform specifications, and they are all made with the most precise casting. Opening it is almost equivalent to mastering the internal values ​​​​of the game.

In terms of strengthening, Yang Han adopted the method used in his previous life to popularize the status quo. This method is metaphysics!In fact, it cannot be metaphysics, but a means of mastering probability.When he was playing games, he mastered this method very well, that is - mat strengthening method!

This is an enhancement method that has never been popularized by Neon. In short, it is to first enhance low-level junk weapons to high levels, deliberately strengthen them until they fail, and then change to high-level weapons to enhance them again. This will fail. The method of transferring most of the probability to low-level weapons boils down to one sentence: "You can't fail to strengthen [-]%!"

It doesn't hurt to fail to enhance a low-level weapon. Even if you fail to enhance a junk weapon a hundred times, it is not as good as failing to enhance a high-level weapon once.With this method of forging, high-level weapons above level 60 have also begun to become popular in the game.And even if Akihiko Kayaba smashed the computer to check, the enhancement probability would not be found to be tampered with, because the failure rate has always been the same, but there are more low-level weapons that fail, and more high-level weapons that succeed up.

Of course, this method requires a large amount of reinforcement materials as a reserve. As the saying goes, a clever woman can't cook without rice, how can she become stronger without reinforcement materials?It can be said that the only thing that needs to be obtained by unconventional game means on the way is the strengthening material.

The materials used by Yang Han are generally of low grade. There is no way. The materials with more than 60 layers are too difficult to obtain, and it is too costly to manpower and material resources. Absolutely.

The time spent accumulating reinforcement materials almost occupies 90.00% of the entire reinforcement process, and the remaining 90.00% is nothing more than finding a blacksmith to tap.Now that Yang Han thinks in a disguised form, he just increased the busyness of the blacksmith, and compared with the difficulty of collecting materials at [-]%, this increase is simply an exponential increase.

Strengthening materials are different from equipment, levels or rare props, because once strengthened, the materials will be consumed regardless of success or failure, and this consumption is called death without proof in a sense!
The 60th floor is under the control of Icarus, so after she obtains the materials, she will immediately get the 61st floor to strengthen. In this process, the materials are consumed in the shortest time, and it is completely impossible to cause the system to be searched by the normal mechanism. After all, the material consumption It's like gone.Akihiko Kayaba had to be responsible for the subjective surveillance of this search, but even if he wanted to break the sky, how could he think of someone "smuggling reinforcement materials"?

Some people may ask, why doesn't Yang Han strengthen on the 60th floor?This is actually very simple and understandable. Today's 60th floor is a limit. Because of the turmoil of system loopholes, Kayaba Akihiko has focused almost all the means he can use on the 60th floor. If the system prompts: "A certain player A certain person successfully strengthened the best weapon +48 with Linda Division on the 20th floor!" Then he would definitely keep an eye on this person's every move without hesitation, and when he got out of the 60th floor, any information would become data in front of him!

So Yang Han used the same method of smacking east and west, you pay attention to below the 60th floor, but I just strengthen it on the 61st floor, and the bet is a sideline.

Under such a routine of one foot high and one foot high, Kayaba Akihiko was really helpless. Because he misplaced his eyes for a while, countless pieces of equipment with unconventional means were easily recognized by the system, and flowed into it. To the members of the Knights of the Blood Alliance.

With the continuous growth of the blood alliance, a team with enough numbers to easily crush the defending BOSS smoothly breaks through layer after layer. There is no such process as holding a BOSS strategy meeting, convening manpower, etc., and the team keeps moving forward. All right, all blocking enemies will be cut into pieces directly.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful. When the number of raiders has reached hundreds and will soon break through a thousand, the fear has long been taken over by refreshment.

The BOSS is indeed very strong and tall, but its size cannot exceed a hundred adventurers at most, and when a large team of 1000 people walks in front of it with neat steps and well-equipped equipment, this time, the BOSS is small. Changed to BOSS.

A raider group of nearly a thousand people is like a giant gathered together when killing the boss. The attack of the boss can easily be resisted by 100 people if one person cannot withstand it. The superposition of values ​​can almost beat the boss by [-] miles!One person with one knife can only cut one-thousandth of the boss's blood volume, and nearly a thousand people with one knife and one knife will almost kill the boss in seconds!
(End of this chapter)

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