Chapter 243 The Last Floor

The raiding group formed by the Knights of the Blood Alliance and the Aincrad Liberation Army became famous, and many small and medium-sized trade unions began to disintegrate and merge into this big family.

Because the Raiders group is too balanced, and this balance is still in the upper middle category.

Everyone who joins the blood alliance will get unified high-quality equipment after handing over all their property here, more confiscation and less supplies.However, this is too much and I haven't encountered a few for the time being. If I make up less, I will make up an unimaginable sky-high price!But this sky-high price is nothing more than a special forging method for the price in the eyes of others. The Blood Alliance has never lacked sophisticated equipment.

Players who used to struggle in the lower or middle ranks joined this raiding group because of this opportunity,

Many guilds have almost become bare commanders within a month or two, and at this time they realized that even if they have mastered a regiment and possessed a lot of wealth, they are not equipped as well as those original members who joined the blood alliance...

In the end, these people had no choice but to join the blood alliance and move forward with the big team, instead of running to the monster area alone to die.

Aincrad's 99nd floor.

When the first-floor boss struggled to no avail, he finally fell to the ground and died. While the crystal fragments in the sky increased the experience points of the players present, they also announced that the game was coming to an end.

"Brother Yang Han, let's not open the gate of the last floor for the time being. Everyone in the regiment is exhausted now. If the last floor Akihiko Kayaba tricks us, there may be accidents." Ah." Although they worked together and finally reached the last layer of the game, the cautious Xin Ka still felt that it was better to be on the safe side, so he said to Yang Han.

"No need, I can go to the last floor alone." Yang Han shook his head and said with a smile.

"Come on, what are you kidding! This, how can this work!" There must have been more than a thousand raiders present. When they heard Yang Han's words, almost all of them were stunned. Only Xinka, who was closest to him, was the closest. After waking up first, he retorted.

The reason why he spoke first was mainly because Xinka saw Yang Han's eyes, there was no joking in it, but an unquestionable answer after making up his mind.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Yang Han asked back.

"At this time, what kind of moth are you suddenly making, that is the last boss! Even if you are strong alone, don't make such a decision randomly." Asuna seemed to be afraid that Yang Han would turn around and run away, and immediately blocked her. On the way up to the hundredth floor, I even put my hands on the hilt of my sword.

"Hey, Yang Han, what are you doing!" Tongren persuaded in confusion.

"It seems that you are not willing to let me go without giving you some explanation? Then why don't you all come together, anyway, the boss on the last floor is not very strong, so let everyone be the audience." Yang Han Looking around, not many people agree with the opinions put forward.

"Do you know what the boss on the last floor is?" This was Stoleya's inquiry, because she was a little bit unbelievable when the question that she, the former GM, was not clear came from the other party.

"During this period of time, our strategy team has almost taken over the vast majority of SAO players, integrating all the forces capable of fighting, but haven't you noticed that there is a group of people missing?" Yang Han still didn't answer the question directly.

The surroundings began to be confused. After whispering to each other, a voice asked first: "Are you talking about the Red Army? That's right! Almost all the members of the Great Guild in SAO have come, but they are not here."

"Okay! You don't need to look for them, they are members of the Red Army. They are not here, and they have disappeared for two or three days, because they, no, it is him, waiting for everyone on the [-]th floor." Yang Han The voice was quite loud, almost everyone present could hear it.

"what's the situation?"

"That's right, why does the president always say some weird things today?"

"I...I understand!" No one present understood what Yang Han's words meant, but after a moment of silence, Kirito made a movement of hammering his right palm with his left hand and said, "Since the opening of the server Since then, I have always had a question, where is Kayaba Akihiko watching us now? So it is so so! I almost forgot the simplest truth, that is to mix with ordinary players and watch others play from the sidelines Role-playing game!"

"Kirito-kun is very smart! That's right, Heathcliff, the commander of the Red Army, is Akihiko Kayaba. He must have been pretending to be waiting for us at the top of the throne!" Yang Han laughed. sure way.

The scene was silent for a while, and most people felt an eagerness to climb to the top immediately, because they hated that man so much!

It was that self-righteous guy who imprisoned them in the game SAO for two years, letting them kill monsters day and night.I don't know how many people become more and more numb in such days, and even the first feeling when they wake up every day is apprehensive and uneasy.

"Then...Yang Han, how did you know?" It was Asuna who asked this question.

"Well, it's hard to explain. You can think that I have the ability to predict." Yang Han said.

"Speaking of such nonsense again!" Asuna was really angry this time.

"Well, don't be angry, don't be angry. Otherwise, come together, let's go to the door of the boss on the [-]th floor to see what's going on inside. If what I said is wrong, we didn't enter the door anyway. That's okay, right? "

Yang Han's words immediately evoked thoughts in many people's minds.It has to be said that his hypothesis just now has aroused the curiosity of many people. This kind of curiosity is extraordinary, because the grievances accumulated in the game in the past two years have already made everyone present want to kill Akihiko Kayaba. The idea of ​​shattering corpses into pieces.

As they looked at each other, after a while, several representatives nodded first, and then more people raised their weapons and stood in line again.

Seeing this, Asuna couldn't stop her anymore, so she retreated to Yang Han's side and kicked him to vent her anger.Yang Han didn't mind either, he continued to lead the raiders to open the gate of the [-]th floor with a smile, and walked up to the top floor.

After the door connecting the uppermost floor from the 99th floor was opened, what came into view was not a dark corridor, but a passageway that was not too far away. In the distance, a light could be seen dimly, and there was a gust of wind coming from there. The head is poured in.

The aisle is not too spacious, it is a bit narrow, and the team can only reorganize into a row of five to move forward.As the entrance of the passage approached, Yang Han, Kirito, Asuna, Xinka and others who took the lead walked out first.

It was a refreshing wind, and it was a completely different scene from the labyrinth passageway behind him.

The green lawn covered an area, and there were no other decorations except for a building in front of it.There are no other towns around this last floor, no labyrinth area, and even no fences. You can see the end at a glance, only the towering buildings in front of you.

This building seems to be an arena, not big, and the gate is facing the exit of the maze.The gate is scarlet, majestic and majestic, and the surrounding blood-red walls are thick but somewhat old, as if telling visitors that no one has visited here for a long time.

 Yes yes yes yes too!It was the last floor, jumping N floors in one breath, because the readers had rioted.I originally wanted to write a 150-chapter ending, but yesterday a large group of people stopped subscribing, and 5555 subscriptions were lost in two days. I decided that the less than [-] hit the street... Yes, I just jumped , Finish the sword chapter in two days, the author has collapsed, that is, collapsed [-], but I have already finished writing, and I have already finished writing this article!
(End of this chapter)

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