Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 260 Not Stupid, Just A Little Stupid

Chapter 260 Not Stupid, Just A Little Stupid
Breaking away from the big lake where she cried, Aqua was carried by Yang Han and rushed directly into the sky. When she came back to her senses again, she landed firmly on the back of the fighter plane.

Seeing the two of them coming back smoothly, Wolbach couldn't help but have a sore nose, but she maintained her image, and didn't cry or anything, but hurried forward, wordlessly helping Aqua tidy her up. Wet clothes and hair sticking to the cheeks.

Aqua was flattered. In her eyes, Wolbach had never been so easy to talk to, so the abnormal behavior of the other party made her somewhat uncomfortable.

Unlike Aqua, Yang Han was protected by spirit crystals after entering the water, and the water on his body evaporated automatically after he returned, and he still looked dry.While Wolbach was helping Aqua tidy up, he leisurely walked to the original small table and resumed eating refreshments.

"Crack!" That was the sound of senbei being crushed. When the sound reached Aqua, who was sobbing in Wolbach's arms, the hungry goddess went crazy!

It was a shapeless vicious dog rushing towards the food, and Yang Han shivered with his mouth wide open.Yang Han jumped up subconsciously, and left all the food in front of him on the table. The next moment, the sound of "clicking" and "wowing" came from Aqua's mouth.

Kacha Kacha, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow How could she be satisfied like this, she eagerly turned her head and asked Yang Han.

"Although they all have blue hair, I really didn't expect you to have Luo Tianyi's passive attributes..." Shaking his head, Yang Han said helplessly, while throwing some food to him other side.

After Aqua was full, she seemed to gain a lot of weight in an instant, her cheeks were like a hamster stuffed with food, it seemed that the food could no longer hold her stomach, and her whole body was about to explode.

"I said, why is your heart so big! Can't you see what the Axis base camp has become?" Yang Han looked at Aqua, who started acting stupid after the resurrection, and covered his face.


"Idiot, just swallow the thing!"

"Gudu, ha! You are so rude, can you stop interrupting when the lady is eating elegantly?" Aqua worked hard for a long time before the food in her mouth was barely stuffed into her belly. It was obvious that if she took another bite or two, It will definitely explode!
"Lady? Elegant dining? How thick-skinned are you to say such a thing!?" Poked the other person's forehead with his hand, looking at the other person whose mouth was still full of food residue, Yang Han couldn't laugh or cry.

"Damn it, you idiot, don't poke me with your finger!"

"Who is the idiot talking about?"

"Of course the idiot is talking about you! What's the matter?" Aqua said angrily with her waist crossed.

"...That Aqua, you got caught up in it." Looking at Yang Han who was snickering, Aqua was puzzled, feeling that she couldn't bear to tease the foolish other party, and Wolbach showed his caring attitude towards the handicapped. expression, explained to Aqua the loopholes in the words.

"...Woo, the real idiot is the one who calls people idiots! You idiot!" Under Wolbach's explanation, Aqua also understood the key points in the sentence, and she reacted with tears in her eyes. A loud voice yelled.

"Well, explain to me first, and then explain whether you are a fool or not? Okay, now I have already remembered whether you are a fool or not." Yang Han lowered his head and admitted his mistake with a serious face.

"Ah? know it's good!" Seeing the other party's confession, Aqua was at a loss at first, but then her anger instantly turned into pride of victory, and she waved her small hands to signal that adults should ignore villains pass.

"That, got caught up again." Wolbach held his forehead, sneaked up to the other party again, and explained in a low voice the most critical criticism of what she just said.

After listening to Wolbach's explanation again, Aqua felt ashamed.

First tell people that the real idiot is the one who calls others idiots, and then say it yourself. Isn't this just asking for fun and calling yourself an idiot? ?If it wasn't for the altitude of more than 120 meters, she might have already found a crack in the ground and got in.

After all, there is a time limit for playing around. When Yang Han teased Aqua enough, he also asked her a little seriously: "What do you think should be done in this mess?"

"I... I don't know..." Aqua replied weakly.

Regarding the result of crying and crying and collapsed her base camp, even Aqua, who was extremely thick-skinned and possessed all kinds of unreasonable troublemaking skills, calmed down.

In fact, she wasn't stupid at all, just a little bit stupid, so Aqua knew very well that the only thing she had to do now was to obediently admit her mistake, and then ask the man in front of her for help as usual.

A world-shattering flood that baptized the main town at the same time indirectly wiped out most of her beliefs. The goddess without believers is actually no different from ordinary people except for her own powerful talent. Not to mention crying out another flood, Aqua even struggled to cry out half a bucket of water.

Yang Han sighed, then put his hands on Aqua's head and rubbed it.

Originally, she had been expecting Aqua to be a good girl honestly, but now she realized that when she really became a good girl, that was actually what happened.Without her energetic and silly temperament, she always makes people feel that something is missing.

"Don't act like this. If you don't know anything and even give up the last cuteness and stupidity, then you really don't even have the qualifications to be a pet."

"Who, who is a pet, you bastard! In short, help me quickly, as a majestic goddess, I have apologized well, help me quickly!" Aqua immediately became angry when she heard the other party's words Wake up, but with a simple mind, she would definitely not understand the other party's words as comfort, but would only think it was a ridicule from Yang Han.

"Haha, why would I want to help you? Yes, I can help you settle the current mess, and I can bring back all the believers who left, but why do you ask me to help you? You have to give Can I order it?" Yang Han spread his hands and said.

"What reward do you want? Could it most perfect and holy body?" Aqua seemed to have thought of something in the middle of her words, and quickly shrank back while clutching her chest, her face full of horror. .

"No! Only this is absolutely impossible!" Yang Han said firmly.

[Ps: Thank you for your many rewards recently, I am really flattered, thank you very much for your support for this book.And sjjdiejnj, thank you for your rewards! 】

 Sure enough, I really like writing Aqua's jokes, even though it's a small cutscene, I can write a chapter casually, oops, I wrote this chapter before I knew it, but in the end I didn't say anything... I Also drunk.By the way, everyone’s comments and votes are not very positive recently?Has it all been abandoned?Hurry up and let me see you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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