Chapter 261
"No! Only this is absolutely impossible!" Yang Han said firmly.

Even Aqua would be hurt if she rejected her words so decisively. Her small face was puffed up like a balloon about to explode. She must have gone berserk.

"Then what reward do you want?" Aqua held back, using her own incredible willpower to hold back the seizure.

Yes, she is indeed a useless good-for-nothing goddess, but she is extremely firm in caring for her believers. Now that the base camp where her believers gather has become like this, the degree of sadness far exceeds Yang's. The petty temper caused by the teasing of cold words.

"Since I'm helping the goddess, then the reward I want must not be less. How about this, I'll help you settle this matter, and you have to grant me a wish!" Yang Han stretched out a hand and waved his finger in front of Aqua. Said.

"What wish?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it! Anyway, you have given me a very happy interest just now, so this time I will be generous and help you solve the trouble first." Yang Han pretended Said generously.

"Huh? Why do you always feel that this way of doing things is not like you at all!" Aqua has suffered countless times in the hands of the other party, and she has never received any good benefits. She feels that today's Yang Han is particularly easy to talk to.

"Hey, what do I look like in your eyes! It's rare to be in a good mood today, so can't you bow your head gratefully to me?"

"Tch, bow your head and thank you... Don't you worry that after helping me, I will renege on my debt?" Look, Aqua is not stupid at all, otherwise she wouldn't have thought so far.

"I don't know if you've heard such a common saying? It's called running away from the monk and not running away from the temple." Yang Han said with a playful expression while hugging his shoulders.

"What, what do you mean?" Although it was only the simplest literal meaning, it was obvious that Aqua still didn't understand why Yang Han put this sentence here.

"It means, if you dare to renege on your debt, even if I have nothing to do with you, I can turn this city upside down again and make it restless, such as spreading the most corrupt BL teachings in another world to all the women in your believers, Spread the teachings of a certain big FFF group to all the men in your believers, and hire professionals to use the brightest paint to paint your god statue well, and paint on the lower body of your goddess 〇〇 Up 〇〇〇〇..."

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It was obvious that he was frightened, and the few small thoughts that had emerged in his heart just now were completely annihilated and disappeared.

"It's still a headache as always..." Wolbach, who was watching from the side, sighed softly while resting his forehead.

Because of Yang Han's words, Aqua was frightened and cried for a long time, but his stupid character is also destined that this kind of chaotic emotions will not affect him for a long time, so after Aqua cried for about ten minutes, He returned to his original appearance again, and began to urge Yang Han to find his original belief and restore the city with it.

Being really annoyed by Aqua, Yang Han simply didn't do it slowly, but was going to fix this messed up city in one go.

The three of them got up one after another and came to the edge of the fighter plane under their feet. The whole machine moved slowly with Yang Han's control, and drove directly to the city gate to the south of Acanletia.The residents who have been paying attention to the top have been looking up at the three of them. For this sudden visitor, they looked down from the sky in an unusual way. There is also some admiration and awe mixed in.

"Children of the Axis religion, I am a friend of the god you believe in, Aqua, and the person next to me is also your goddess herself. Presumably in this year surrounded by endless water Are you troubled by it? But what the Divine Soldiers have done is not a punishment or protection for you..." Yang Han silenced everything below, even the second daughter beside him. I don't know what the other party is going to do.

"Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. Your goddess Aqua has no dissatisfaction with those believers who gradually distort their beliefs, because all we can do is to hold you in our arms with water. Those prayers are In the war, children who have gained a piece of peace, you are not wrong, what is wrong are those prayers that hope that the gods will help you kill the invaders.

Therefore, your goddess cut off the war with endless sea water, and also used this method to calm everyone down.The war is coming, it is the war of you mortals, the war is inevitable, there will be life and death, there will be an end, and there will be a beginning..." The messy words made the people around them more and more confused, but that's what fools actually do , Let everyone feel that it seems reasonable, and if it seems unreasonable, it is already considered a success.

"Now you must have calmed down, so we decided to gather the water back, give this land a new lease of life, let his original violent and terrifying water return to calm, wash away the fireworks of war, and give everyone a new life. Start."

When Yang Han's voice fell, everyone lowered their heads. Some were thinking deeply, some were confessing, some were puzzled, and some were self-righteous. In a word, Yang Han's goal had been achieved, but in fact he just The nonsense of this article is actually nothing more than a sentence - we put a piece of water, and now we have to take it back. As for the reason, you understand it in your own heart.

Understand a wool!

In fact, many people have such thoughts in their hearts, but they dare not have such thoughts in the face of the high gods coming to the sky.

Some people had already begun to firmly kneel and worship, and Aqua, who was beside Yang Han, immediately felt that Axis's heavier beliefs began to condense.

He didn't understand why Yang Han summoned Faith with just a few words, but Aqua didn't care about it. He only cared that his believers were still living as usual, living as they should, no matter how insane they were. Silly, as long as it is still the Axis Cult.

Of course, just a few words cannot make everyone regain their faith immediately, and some miracles are needed to prove the identities of a few people, and that is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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