Chapter 262
Miracles can only be called miracles if they do things that are beyond the capabilities of ordinary people, inconceivable, and incomprehensible.And in this world full of various superpowers, magic, demons, and all kinds of fantasy species, it is even more difficult to achieve miracles.

But in the current situation, if the original Axis believers want to regain their faith sincerely, this is the only choice.These people must truly see the existence of the gods they believe in, in order to help Aqua completely resolve this matter.

If Yang Han's divine source ability is in full state at this moment, then it's nothing. Yang Han, who has all the spiritual crystals on the Kabbalah Tree of Life, can create the world head-on, and reverse the world, but Fia is still borrowing some of it. Shenyuan fused the new Shenyuan nucleus, and the power he could use was only about half.

Therefore, at this time, Aqua must first do something.

After talking, Aqua didn't have any reluctance. After all, she wanted to save the homeland of her own believers. If she didn't do her best, and continued to keep this city isolated by the flood, no one would be able to please her. To the benefit.

Aqua, who has just recovered a small portion of her faith, has very limited abilities, but as the goddess of water, it is still possible to recover part of the water source she summoned.

I saw her use her majestic magic power and all the beliefs she had just received to open a blue circular water gate from the sky, and the lake water interlaced between the islands flew upside down obediently, as if off the ground. The gravitational force is normal, and huge water spheres fly into the circular water gate.

The lake water receded at an extremely slow speed. About 10 minutes later, the number of flying water balloons gradually decreased, and the waterline around Acanletia also dropped by more than two meters, and more land was revealed again. out.

"No, I don't have the strength anymore." It can be seen that Aqua tried her best, but the result still made Yang Han very helpless. Compared with the water she cried out, at most only one-tenth of it was taken back, maybe Not yet.

But let her absorb water again, I'm afraid it will be difficult for others, and the rest is up to you.Shaking his head, Yang Han didn't say anything to her, but gathered his strength and pulled out a fruit like a garlic clove from the treasure of God.

After taking out a fruit, his whole body seemed to be exhausted immediately, because it was produced by condensing almost all the divine resources he could use now.

Instead of calling it a fruit, it should be called a seed.Its prototype is the Illusory God Seed fused by Yang Han. On the basis of the Illusory God Seed, it has been transformed and added a new spirit crystallization ability that represents the four attributes of wisdom, compassion, beauty and foundation. product.

Under the witness of everyone, Yang Han threw this unique and improved phantom god seed into the lake below.

The seeds fell into the water, and immediately a dazzling multicolored light emanated from the lake.Squinting your eyes, you can vaguely see that there is something in the light that is like a living thing that glows violently while growing continuously. It is the branches that grow rapidly. They gather together, as if they are looking for Like rushing straight down.

Originally, a seed not much bigger than a ping pong ball grew vigorously at an appalling speed. Its roots sucked in a large amount of clear lake water that filled the surrounding area of ​​Alcanletia, raised a big wave and began to spread radially outward.The roots of the tree covered the water like a net in an instant, until the tip reached the shore.

This kind of scene is as if the tree of the world is about to wrap up the small central city tightly. Although it is as terrifying as Aqua once created a monstrous flood, it is not terrifying. The people present only feel as if they are witnessing their mother using her hands. Excitement and peace of mind like being held in your arms.

Finally, the big tree stopped moving, and everyone who witnessed this scene suddenly felt some kind of strong fluctuation emanating from the giant body that no longer looks like a tree root but a trunk. The lost traveler, the sheer joy of finally reaching the oasis and putting his mouth on the spring.

This feeling of happiness comes from the addition of the spirit crystals representing the four attributes of wisdom, compassion, beauty and foundation. They grow together with the seeds after they are integrated, and then the big trees formed will continue to give this city through photosynthesis. The four blessings of the city.

"God, a miracle..." I don't know who said this suddenly, and then the crowd began to kneel down, and people folded their hands together and couldn't see the big tree at the top of the tree, and bowed devoutly .

Such a big tree has never been heard before. What else could it be if it is not a miracle?The lake that was left after the tree absorbed most of the water would no longer isolate the city from the outside world. Not only that, but the big tree also wrapped the remaining three sides of the small town, making the city It is no longer free from the threat of dry environment and wind and sand caused by the Gobi area.

In addition, this big tree will also serve as a protective umbrella for Acanletia, protecting it from foreign enemies; it will become the image of the city and attract more people to come and go in the future.

"Hahahaha, my dear children, now you believe that I am your goddess!? Why don't you quickly recite the teachings I have descended and feel the miracle in front of you?" Aqua was also surprised by Yang Han She made a big move, but after being surprised, a certain sense of accomplishment from pretending to be X immediately made her throw her image into the sky, and she began to show off her mentally handicapped attributes to the kneeling residents of the city.

"Yes, our Lady Goddess. Axis teachings, let's get up!" The old lady who took the lead is thinking that her eyes are shining brightly at the moment, shining like gems, and the pious belief is floating from her body like substance. It flew out and flew all the way around Aqua's body.

"You, squatting at home in confusion! Don't blame yourself too much. It's the world's fault for not wanting to work hard. Bad nature is the fault of the environment. Ugly appearance is the fault of genetics. Don't blame yourself, just pass the responsibility to others... "It was the sound of teaching teachings being recited in unison, but Yang Han was speechless for a while, and even had the urge to hit someone.

"Don't worry, God will forgive everything. You, love the giant R; you, love the poor; Axis teachings allow everything, even homosexuals, even those who like flying men and beast-eared girls, even Lolicon, even Nite... As long as the object is not an undead or a devil girl, as long as there is love and does not violate the law, the Axis Cult can give you a complete pardon..." The teaching is still going on, but with Unlike Aqua, who was standing in front of her proudly with her hips crossed, Yang Han and Wolbach were almost pissed off.For a moment, he even thought again, is saving the city by himself the same as destroying the world in a sense?
(End of this chapter)

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