Chapter 268 Go to see Yoyo
Piao Saburo didn't cry for too long, after all, it is impossible for a big man to really lose his face to pieces, but even if he stopped, there is not much left now.Simply, he found a corner and squatted down, not knowing whether he was cursing someone in circles, or escaping the reality that wagashi was gone.

"Auntie Weiwei, I'm here to visit you this time out of courtesy, and I want to talk to you and uncle about Huihui's marriage." I feel like I've stayed here almost, Huihui's family doesn't have much food left for lunch, If he didn't leave, he would definitely not have dinner, so Yang Han also got to know the business directly.

"I want to be the son-in-law of the number one inventor of magic tools of the Red Demon Clan, but I have to be strong enough to do it. Heh heh, Yang Han, are you mentally prepared?" Piao Sanlang twitched his ears, listening After understanding Yang Han's words, he suddenly exuded a domineering aura from himself, and then he slowly stood up from the corner of the wall while talking.

"This is part of the gift money. I hope Auntie Weiwei will accept it. I will try my best to take care of you in the future, but I hope you will understand that I, a young man, cannot always take care of you. I can only use some vulgar money to express my apology. "Yang Han didn't pay attention to Piao Saburo at all, but took out a sum of golden Erris coins with a more pleasant face, and the counting was about hundreds of thousands of denominations.

"This, so much! I didn't expect Huihui's small body to be hundreds of times more expensive than the monster material of the level. Oh, I would have given birth to a few more... No! Xiaomi, I have a daughter at home , although a little thinner than Huihui, but thinner skin and inner flesh, it will definitely not clog your teeth when you eat it, Yang Han, do you think about it?" Weiwei has been completely conquered by the glittering coins on the table, and the words she said It was like selling Huihui as a pig.

"Idiot mother, what nonsense are you talking about!" Huihui said angrily.

"That's right! How can Xiaomi compare with that Huihui guy? Xiaomi doesn't change for any money!" Piao Saburo suddenly stood up and turned around, yelling with clenched fists and flaming eyes like a daughter-in-law.

"Shut up, useless man!" Hui Hui's mother and daughter said in unison.

"Woo..." Piao Saburo turned from a fierce tiger into a meek little rabbit in an instant, and once again returned to the corner of the wall that belonged only to him and squatted down.His lips were pursed tightly, and his eyes were blushing again, thinking, do men who can't earn money really have no human rights?
"Hahaha, Auntie Weiwei and Huihui, don't be angry. These are just for showing respect to the elders. As for Xiaomi is still so young, I don't have any plans yet." Yang Han explained.

"Do you mean to say that when Xiaomi grows up, there will be such a plan?" Huihui said sourly, staring at Yang Han with her hips akimbo.It has to be said that she is really different from her three years ago, the jealous expression that a tomboy can't show, now Huihui can express it vividly.

"Please think about it. I will definitely work hard to raise Xiaomi. I hope you can come over to discuss the price anytime!" Wei Wei had the exact opposite attitude.

"Mom! This bastard Yang Han has already caused enough love debts, don't mix it up! Okay, Yang Han, the time is almost up, let's go." Huihui really convinced her mother , I don't know if it's because of too much hard life that caused her insanity or what, but now she really feels that her parents are too embarrassing for her.

As she grew up, Hui Hui became more and more normal. After losing her secondary illness, she gradually became incompatible with the other members of the Crimson Demon Clan. This was one of the reasons why she moved to live outside.

But she also knows that although her mother always looks like a black-bellied sell-out daughter, and she never treats her husband with a good face, but after spending so many years in this poor family through wind and rain, it can be regarded as It was not easy to bring up my two sisters.

Although my mother can't be said to be a normal person, she is definitely a good woman who obeys women's morals. Perhaps, the conversation just now is just a special way for her to send herself out of the house to marry another man!

Being dragged by Huihui to leave her home, this is tentatively confirmed by the elders, and the rest is on Yang Han's side.

She also has parents in this world, but in today's war years, the consumption of weapons has become more intense, so Yang Han's parents, who are weapons merchants, must be busier now.

Compared with Huihui's parents, those two people are a pair of extremes. His parents are born workaholics. I remember that when Yang Han was only five years old, they left him to live alone in the village and go to work outside. They returned home after a year. Not once.

Since Yang Han was five years old and they left home, he has only seen his parents twice.And when they left home for the second time to go out to work, they directly gave Yang Han the right to choose at will for the next ten years, including a series of major events such as employment, marriage, and childbirth. They only gave Yang Han two words. Suggestion, that is - whatever!
This is really a sad story. Thinking about how my mother coaxed me so lovingly when I was a child, in the end it was just a new thing for three and a half days.But it's also good to use this, his degree of freedom is very high, he can do whatever he wants.

"Where shall we go after that?" After leaving Huihui's house, Yang Han was dragged by Huihui to the street. He followed Huihui aimlessly, but he didn't know where the other party was going to drag him. go.

"...Go see you, Yoyo." Huihui was silent for two seconds, then replied.

As soon as he heard that he was going to see Yoyo, Yang Han suddenly became interested.After three years, he was really curious about the girl who was regarded as a strange girl by the villagers, who was not good at communication and shy, what she would become like.

Thinking of this, Yang Han casually asked Huihui because he had nothing to talk about while walking: "I'm really curious about what she has become! Can you tell me first?"

When Huihui heard that Yang Han actually asked such a question, her body froze immediately, and she stood still.Since the two were holding hands originally, Yang Han was immediately grabbed by the other party and couldn't move forward.He glanced at Huihui suspiciously, and clearly noticed the strange changes in her body, he hesitated for a while and asked, "Yuyou, what happened?"

Although he knew that Yoyo and Huihui had been rivals since they were young, he knew better that they were very good girlfriends.Seeing that Huihui became like this because he mentioned Yoyo, Yang Han inevitably had some bad thoughts, and even worried about that cute girl, because she is not only Huihui's good friend, but also Friends and partners I have known since childhood.

"Yuyou, she's about to become the patriarch." Hui Hui was silent again before replying with a sigh.

ps: Thank you for the 500 starting point coin reward from deruit white student, the 100 starting point coin reward from fellow book friend _Archer, and the [-] starting point coin reward from sjjdiejnj student. Thank you very much for your support. Thanks to you, I can Please don’t suffer from the pain of quitting smoking~ Meme!
(End of this chapter)

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