Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 269 Appreciate the grown-up Yoyo

Chapter 269 Appreciate the grown-up Yoyo
"Yuyou, she's about to become the patriarch." Hui Hui was silent again before replying with a sigh.

"Being the patriarch? Is that so..." Yang Han was taken aback, but quickly accepted the answer.

Yoyo's father was originally the head of the Crimson Demon Clan. According to the clan's rules, when the child of the head's family arrives, he must take over the position of the current head.Although Yoyo is the same age as Huihui, she is several months older than Huihui, so her birthday is approaching now.

According to common sense, Yoyo does not reject inheriting the family business and becoming the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan. It can even be said that this is her dream since she was a child.But the point is not here, but that if you want to take over the position of patriarch, you must start a family, which means that Yoyo is going to get married.

The moods of both of them gradually became depressed, Yang Han hesitated for a moment, Yang Han asked with some taste: "Yuyou, are you going to get married? Who is so lucky?"

"That guy has always been regarded as an outlier in the Crimson Demon Clan. Although he is quite cute, there are still not many boys pursuing him. However, after her father's efforts, it seems that she is going to marry Teacher Pudding's son." Huihui replied.

The pudding mentioned here is not the pudding for eating, this "pudding" is a person's name!He used to be the head teacher of Hui Hui's class, but because the school divided boys and girls into classes during school, Yang Han is not in the same class as Hui Hui, so he is not very familiar with this teacher.

"Pudin is the teacher in your class, right? What's his son's name?" Yang Han continued to ask.

"Why, do you want to trouble Mr. Pudding's son? You already have me, so you're still going to stare at Yoyo?" Although Huihui's words had a strong sour taste, she didn't look into Yang Han's eyes When talking, she just walked with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

"If my memory is correct, I remember that you once said that as long as I don't mess around outside, I can accept Youyou to open the harem when I come back!?" Yang Han touched his nose, but did not deny it.Don't look at him answering so casually, but he is actually quite nervous inside.Although he has lived in the Two-dimensional world for many years, and polygamy is allowed in this world, he still cannot completely let go of his guilty conscience when he has a wife and wants to have another one.

"Stupid~Damn~ it's just a test for you, but after getting married, I will let Yoyo be the youngest! In some aspects, I will never catch up with her, so I must not let this point!" Huihui raised her head, and there was no sadness in her eyes The emotions were revealed, and it could be seen that she had indeed accepted Yang Han's decision, but she was just saying that the second half of the sentence was appropriate. She looked down at her flat chest, and her tone seemed more helpless than jealous acceptance.

"Women who are not confident will fight for the rankings. Isn't it just the position of a wife, you can do whatever you like. Compared with this, I won't promise you anything, because the days are still long, I can Take enough time to tell you how much I love you." Yang Han gave the other party's little hand in his palm and gently kneaded it, as if he was playing with some rare treasure.

"Then how much do you love Yoyo?" Hui Hui blushed and changed the subject.

"This is a bit hard to describe! I remember when I first saw her when I was a child, it was mainly because she was cute and I wanted to tease her, but as I got in touch with her for a long time, I felt that I wanted to take care of her even more. Taking care of her is timid but has a strong personality. She is persevering. Maybe because she likes a girl, she will gradually pay attention to everything about her. I found that Yoyo is actually very attractive. She is strong, gentle, kind, and so beautiful..." Yang Han couldn't stop talking. , Unknowingly, he and Hui Hui came to the door of the head of the Crimson Demon Clan.

"Okay, okay, after listening all the way, no matter how generous I am, I can't stand it anymore! I haven't seen you for three years. Let's take a good look at the current Yoyo later. I guarantee you will be surprised. By the way, this is for you. Don't be ashamed for a while." Standing in front of Yoyo's house, Huihui explained to Yang Han, and after speaking, she took out a pack of tissues and handed it to Yang Han.

"Why are you giving me tissues?"

"In case you have a nosebleed and nothing to wipe later! I'll talk to you first, the lethality of Yoyo's appearance is now many times stronger than back then, so you have to be mentally prepared." Huihui said seriously.

When Yang Han heard what the other party said, he immediately looked forward to it.After Huihui rang the doorbell of Yoyo's house, the two waited at the door.It is reasonable to say that the waiting time will not be long, but Yang Han feels that reading the day is like years.

"Hi! Please wait a moment... May I ask who is it?" A few seconds later after the voice from far to near came from the room, the voice from door to door asked again.

"Open the door, idiot, it's me, Huihui." Huihui said angrily.

With a click, the door lock turned, and the random door was pulled inward, and the figure who opened the door was quickly revealed.It was a face as pure as an angel, but there was a little bit of distress between the brows, which made people feel distressed when they saw it.The girl has smooth black hair, perhaps because of the reason of staying at home, it is so loose and not tied up. If Yang Han is surprised the most, besides her mature foreign trade, it must be the long-sleeved hair on her face. A pair of eyes that match her temperament, people say that the eyes are very temperamental, but these words can't be applied to Yoyo at all, she with eyes makes people feel even more attractive.

"Acridine! You are, it's Yang Han!" When Yang Han looked at Youyou carefully, his gaze was quickly caught by the other party. After staring at Yang Han for a while, she said in surprise.

"..." Yang Han didn't reply to the other party's words, but continued to look at Yoyo.Looking down from the opponent's face, there is a set of loose black robes, which is very ordinary, but it is a pity that the Crimson Demons like the cool color of black too much. It complements Yoyo's original pure temperament even more.

I haven't seen you for a few years, and Yoyo's height has grown again, about 1.6 meters 1.5. This height is considered to be quite up to standard among the girls of the Red Devils, because now Hui Hui is barely [-] meters [-]. The two of them One than she is almost ten centimeters behind the other party.

In addition, a certain proud position of Yoyo may have reached an astonishing F level. It is no wonder that Huihui is so heartbroken. Such a gap is already a level that is completely irreparable.In addition, there is the slender waist, the perfect slender legs, Yang Han couldn't help but continue to look at it from top to bottom...

Yang Han's gaze was so hot that Yoyo was already frozen in place and unable to move.She felt that being stared at by such gazes was like being crawled by countless bugs, but it was obviously a weird feeling that was unbearable, but she resisted not interrupting Yang Han's observation.

ps: There have been a lot of things going on in the imperial capital recently. A major fire broke out near where I live. It is said that because people were burned to death, they may have to be forced to relocate recently. Power outage... There will be some small problems in the update these few days, let's encourage each other, anyway, I only update once a day, if you think it is slow, please take care of it and watch it again.

(End of this chapter)

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