Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 270 Young age is equal to the final red devil queen

Chapter 270 Young age is equal to the final red devil queen

"Enough is enough!" Feeling the soft flesh around his waist being squeezed by a pair of small hands, then Huihui's voice came to Yang Han's ears.

"Hiss! Wife, I was wrong, I was wrong." In fact, it didn't hurt at all, no matter how hard Huihui tried, Yang Han's body had undergone a series of growth. It is impossible to care about such a small punishment.But a man has to know how to take care of his woman's mind, so Yang Han put on his best performance.

Huihui gave Yang Han a blank look, and finally let go of her little hand.How could she not see that Yang Han didn't care about this punishment at all, but now she has matured a lot, and seeing Yang Han follow her like this, the slightest bit of sourness in her heart also dissipated.

Unlike the two of them, Yoyo who stood opposite them seemed much sadder.Recalling my childhood, my eccentric personality was regarded as a weird person by countless people in the village. Apart from Huihui, who I worked hard to get close to, there was only Yang Han as a playmate left, but now, the two of them came together, But I have to follow the wishes of my family to marry the man I don't like, and even the other party doesn't like me...

How come she didn't have a little throbbing with Yang Han?
How handsome is that young man who ran away from home for Huihui and chased him thousands of miles away; the superior demon Horst was tricked by talking and laughing, and took the lead in defeating the headless knight Beldia and the demon Duke Ba Neil... How handsome is the man who once blasted and annihilated the Demon King's army by himself, and brought him back to the Demon Realm, but what can I do to be worthy of him?

Thinking like this, Yoyo involuntarily lowered her head, and she complained in her heart: "Yuyo, Yoyo, you're almost an adult, don't dream anymore..."

Yang Han and Hui Hui, who soon realized something was wrong, looked at Yoyo who was standing opposite, and felt being watched again, Yoyo raised her head and forced a smile and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, Yang Han, you still look like this." Look, don't, don't just stand here, come in and sit in the room."

"Okay." Huihui was about to say something, but was interrupted by Yang Han's first words.

She looked at her man and sighed.He thought to himself: "Let him go, anyway, I can't live without this guy, and even if the three of them live together all the time, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

The three entered Yoyo's house one after another.Her home is more than one level better than Huihui's parents' home. After all, the patriarch of the clan lives in it. It occupies a very large area of ​​the Crimson Demon Clan. It looks like a castle.

"Oh? Is it Yoyo's friend? This is really rare, please come in quickly." As soon as he entered the door, Yang Han saw a beautiful woman coming over to say hello.

This woman is seven or eight points similar to Yoyo, but looks more mature, but Yang Han will not believe that this person is Yoyo's older sister. According to the consistent peeing in Two-dimensional, this woman must be Yoyo's mother!The lesson from the past is Huihui's mother Weiwei.

"Hello, Auntie, sorry to bother you." Yang Han smiled and said politely.

But the atmosphere fell silent for a moment, and Huihui's temples began to sweat, while Yoyo opened his mouth wide, as if anticipating that something terrible was about to happen.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! After the face finished half a sentence, the mature woman in front of her face instantly became grim, and the veins on her forehead kept popping up, which proved that she was very angry because she was poked at the pain point!
Yang Han only felt that there were ten thousand muddy horses galloping past in his heart, this, this is not playing the cards according to the routine!No, it was actually because he was brainwashed by many unreasonable experiences and gradually regarded unreasonable as reasonable.

Thinking back to the ranks of mothers she has seen, Muramare Reine is still as beautiful as a girl because of the original elf; Asuna's mother is because the family has money to take care of it; as for Huihui's mother Weiwei, it is completely Born with peculiar genes and accidents that may be caused by hunger...

It took only a moment to figure out all this, but how to please the furious woman in front of him was the top priority at the moment.

After the brain was running rapidly, Yang Han said when the opponent's fist was less than three centimeters away from him: "This sister, the aunt I just mentioned is actually "ah, huh?It's not a name! "

The fist did not fall, Yang Han's forceful explanation seemed to have a slight effect.Because he was worried about being beaten for his useless words just now, Yang Han's narrowed eyes gradually widened.In front of him was a fist made of five white and tender fingers, and there was a very pleasant smell coming from the fist.

"Hmph, don't think that you can fool me with such false words. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, let alone entering the door, thinking of going out is delusional!" He shook his eyes again and said.

"Of course, of course! When I just entered the door, I was really amazed by my sister's beauty, so I said the word [Ah]. As for the [Eh?] I said later, it was because I saw it. There seems to be something wrong with my sister!" Yang Han said humbly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong, you should stop fooling my old lady!"

"Don't you dare, I'm telling the truth! Although sister, you have picturesque features, but the body you passed on is a bit lacking, and it can't bring out your beauty at all. This kind of vulgar thing really hinders you It's beautiful."

"This is a dress made by the best tailor of the Crimson Demon Clan! How could it be bad!?" Sensing the critical look in the other party's eyes, Yoyo's cousin's anger that had just been suppressed was brought up once.

Because she was too mature, she was often mistaken for a married young woman, and because she had a cousin like Yoyo, she was always mistaken for her mother, so she was very picky about her clothes and grooming .

I remember that not long after she graduated, she caused a bloodbath among the Crimson Demons because of being suspected of her age. It's just that Yang Han and Huihui were still young at that time, and because of the fact that they had just met Wolbach, they are all obsessed with magic, so they don't care about foreign affairs, so Yang Han and the others don't know much about it.

Afterwards, the female devil was forcibly sent out of the village to perform a mission, and there was no news of it until Yang Han and the others came back after graduation, so Yang Han was very strange to her.

But if you mention the opponent's other title - Miaoling is equal to the final Red Devil Queen, maybe Yang Han will have an impression!

(End of this chapter)

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