Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 271 Yoyo, I Want It

Chapter 271 Yoyo, I Want It

Young age is equal to the final Red Devil Queen——Nan Nan.

Although the title is extremely domineering, she has a very cute name.This may be the consistent naming habit of the Crimson Demons, but this name is rarely mentioned. Most people will know her as Sister Nan when they see her.

No matter who it is, even if it's Yoyo's father, Nan Nan's uncle still calls her Sister Nan, this is a rule she made.According to Nan Nan, as long as people all over the world know that she is his sister, no one will think that she is an aunt!
Back to the whole, continue to watch Yang Han flicker.

"This is the clothes made by the best tailor of the Red Devils! How could it be bad!?" Nan Nan asked Yang Han.

"That's because sister, you only set your sights on the Crimson Demons. You must know how big the world is. There are not only beautiful clothes in the Crimson Demon Township, but there are even more beautiful clothes. It's just that my sister didn't meet them." Yang Han talked eloquently.

"Joke! My old lady has visited almost the entire continent. If it weren't for the guys from the Demon King's Army who saw me, I would buy all the clothes they sell inside the Demon Race. What else is there that I don't have?" Have you seen it?" Nan Nan obviously felt that Yang Han was lying, so she hugged her shoulders as if this answer didn't satisfy me.

However, Yang Han made a quick move, and he took out a very beautiful set of clothes from the treasure of God.More than once, he rejoiced that he didn't just put treasures in the warehouse like Jin Yingying, but put everything in it, and there were so many styles to choose from.

What he took out at this moment was a banquet evening dress from the present world.The sexy one-shoulder visually attracts the attention of many women immediately. The simple and comfortable waist cut with a back bandage design, and the short front and long rear styles made of lace fabrics are completely ingenious.

It is impossible for clothes from another world to achieve this level. Although hand-sewing is very attractive in modern society, there is no high-tech world. Such a fine and perfect machine-sewn clothes , obviously more attractive to women, especially women who love beauty.

"There are also shoes! Elder sister, these are my little greetings, I hope you don't refuse." Yang Han continued to take out a pair of high-heeled shoes that go well with his clothes, although this kind of shoes would be unbearable for a woman from another world Discomfort on the feet, but for a woman with a natural eye for beauty, she will still fall in love at a glance.

At this moment, Nan Nan has already accepted the two gifts with trembling little hands, with such a light look that she is afraid of breaking them.

"Quick! Tell me, who made this kind of clothes!" Although Nan Nan held her hands carefully, she turned her head and looked at Yang Han with crazy eyes.

"This is a treasure from another world. Even the goddesses don't wear it. If my sister still wants it, I'll have to wait until I have time to travel to another world. But my sister must be able to guess how troublesome it is to go to another world." Let's go!" The meaning in Yang Han's words is self-evident, this thing is a supreme treasure, and it is very difficult to get it, it depends on your performance.

"Yes, yes, what my little brother said is very true. Hurry up, Yoyo, don't be stunned, let your father feel that you have prepared the best entertainment, don't neglect!" Although it is not her own family, Nan Nan is more like a girl. The owner is average.As she said this, an incomparably beautiful smile appeared on her face, as if she was afraid that Yang Han would be dissatisfied with this visit.

Yang Han smiled, and after taking care of such a blocking tigress, it might be much easier next time.Thinking of this, he also walked into the living room with the other party.

Not long after, a man with a mustache came to the living room like a deacon. After putting down the tea and snacks, he obediently ran to the corner and stood there, as if waiting for orders at any time.

But Yang Han didn't think that the other party was a deacon. After all, Yoyo's family was also a big family. If a deacon was needed, he would definitely give the other party a uniform such as a tuxedo instead of the owner's attire.

"Ah, that's Yoyo's father, but we don't need to worry about him, come here, Mr. Yang Han, please have a taste of our family's rough tea." Seeing Yang Han's eyes, Nan Nan explained, but she didn't think so at all. Unexpectedly, he handed Yang Han a cup of tea instead.

This made Yoyo's father, who was watching everything happening in the corner, widen his eyes. He had never seen this little ancestor entertain guests so gently!

No one would believe it. Ever since Nannan's aunt, that is, Yoyo's mother, died of frailty, he himself had no human rights at home. All the hard work in the clan was his own, and money and power Things like that have always been run by this niece.

"Let uncle come over and sit down, this time I came here to discuss with uncle about something about Yoyo." Naturally, Yang Han didn't know what was going on, so he took a sip after taking the tea from Nan Nan , put it aside and said to her.

"About Yoyo... who the hell, come here, okay, Mr. Yang Han, you can talk now." Nan Nan was quite surprised, she really didn't expect that the other party came here because of Yoyo.So she waved her hand, as if greeting a servant, and called Yoyo's father to her side, but he didn't sit down, but stood by her side.

"Uh... well, I am here this time to take Youyou away. I don't agree with her becoming the head of the Crimson Demon Clan, let alone marrying other men." Yang Han thought to himself looking at the strange relationship between the two. I couldn't get involved myself, so I simply looked at Nan Nan directly and stated the purpose of this trip.

"What did you say?" Nan Nan was not angry, but asked again with a half-smile.

"I said I want Yoyo. I don't agree with her becoming the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan, let alone her marrying other men." Yang Han still said seriously.

"Since you are also of the Crimson Demon Clan, you should be very clear about the rules of our clan, right? This child Yoyo is the former patriarch, that is, this guy's daughter, and she is still the only seedling. She does not need to inherit the position of Crimson Demon Clan patriarch, or She won't marry another man, but her man must become the head of the Crimson Demon Clan." Nan Nan put down the teacup in her hand, leaned over to get close to Yang Han, and said with her eyes fixed on Yang Han's.

"I don't have time to become the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan, and I don't want to be. You can choose another person for this position. As for the impact on the clan, I am willing to use other methods to make up for it. You can discuss it, and tell me directly if there is anything missing. " Yang Han spread his hands and said.

"Although the Crimson Demons have not been passed down for a long time, they have existed for hundreds of years. The rules have lasted for hundreds of years, but they cannot be broken just because of your words." Nan Nan stood up slowly, her voice lowered a few times point.

"Ten pieces! Ten pieces of gorgeous clothing from different worlds, and ten pieces of different styles!" Seeing the other party's appearance, Yang Han knew it in his heart, and immediately said such an irrelevant sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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