Chapter 272
"Ten pieces! Ten pieces of gorgeous clothing from different worlds, and ten pieces of different styles!" Seeing the other party's appearance, Yang Han knew it in his heart, and immediately said such an irrelevant sentence.

"Do you want to break the rules of the Crimson Demon Clan with just ten pieces of clothing? Isn't your idea too simple!?" Nan Nan chuckled, not thinking at all, that expression was completely Yang Han, are you kidding me? expression.

"Nine pieces." However, Yang Han's expression became more cheerful, but what he said not only did not increase the price, but even reduced the offer.

"What, how can you talk about business like this, people always increase the price, you, you!" Nan Nan's expression brightened in an instant, and she pointed at Yang Han with trembling hands.

"Eight pieces." Yang Han continued, picking up the teacup on the tea table and preparing to drink while talking, not caring about the other party's fury.

"Deal, deal! Therefore, ten pieces of clothing must not be missing!" Nan Nan is not an idler among the Crimson Demons, but holds an important position. Although the patriarch is Youyou's father, but for the village's She is the one who makes up many management plans.For negotiation, she can be said to be very proficient, and she has never failed with her own strength, but she was immediately discouraged when faced with Yang Han's way of playing cards that did not follow the routine.

Swish, swish, summoned ten sets of exquisite women's clothing from the treasure of God like magic, Yang Han put these sets on the sofa beside him, and then said: "Everything you want is here, Yoyo , I took it away."

Seeing a pair, Nan Nan swooped them into her arms immediately. Seeing each piece of exquisite clothes, her saliva almost fell off, but in order not to stick to the clothes, she still tried her best to absorb the saliva. went back.

Seeing Yang Han standing up, Nan Nan who put away her clothes rolled her eyes and turned her back and said, "Stop! I've changed my mind. I don't think this offer is enough now. You must give me ten more pieces!"

Nan Nan thought in her heart, she should be shameless once for the beautiful clothes, so she turned around without changing her face, jumped twice and stopped at the door, but those clothes were all tightened by her space ring Among them, as a super magician, she naturally does not lack such magic items as the space ring. In her opinion, after receiving it, Yang Han couldn't take back those clothes even if he wanted to.

"Oh? Then the deal is void, I took the clothes back." Yang Han chuckled, he had already seen through such a trick.After being summoned by him, those clothes have been marked with the treasure of God, just for the other party to play tricks at this moment.

After all, the original sets of clothes in his hand emerged out of thin air, and then disappeared again at random.

Seeing this scene, Nan Nan's face changed greatly, and she immediately communicated with her space ring in her heart, but found that she didn't have any clothes.Her face turned pale in an instant, and she cried immediately: "You're just kidding, you're just kidding, why don't you have a sense of humor at all, clothes, give me back my clothes!"

"These clothes are marked with my space, and it will be completely removed after three days. Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to try with some sealing technique, but if I take it back, not only will I not give it to you, I won't pick up Yoyo anymore, but grab it!" Yang Han said with a smile, but no one thought he was joking.

Seeing the other party put those pairs in her hands once, Nan Nan was completely discouraged. It seemed that she was really stumped this time.

But after thinking about it, she felt relieved. Each of these clothes is a rare treasure. If they are sold, they will be worth a fortune. In contrast, she still maintains a supportive attitude towards Yoyo's love. Since someone cherishes and likes each other, and It's not a good thing to be able to accept Yoyo's withdrawn and weird preferences.

Yang Han's and Nan Nan's ideas are just the opposite. For him, Yoyo is a priceless treasure, and those clothes, he can summon as many as he wants, the reason for such a shabby price is just to make things rare. Expensive, use the least amount to show the value of the clothes.

After dealing with Nan Nan and all Yoyo's father headed by Nan Nan, Yang Han stood up and apologized, then left the living room and walked upstairs.According to the location Nan Nan told her before leaving, he and Huihui soon came to the room where Yoyo was.

With three light taps, Yang Han said, "Yuyou, can I come in?"

"Please wait a moment, I'll open the door right away." After the words fell, Yoyo also opened them immediately.

What catches the eye is a very ordinary girl's boudoir, the room is very large, it is estimated to be nearly [-] square meters, and the roof is also high, it is indeed the room of the eldest lady.

But compared to the size of the room, the interior decoration is the highlight.It is completely different from the decoration environment downstairs that looks like a vampire's residence. This room is simple and full of warmth.

The main body of the room is white, which looks very clean. There are off-white bookcases, a white single bed covered with light purple sheets, and a small area that divides the dressing table and wardrobe. A small round stool and a small table with tea and refreshments, everything seems so ordinary.

The room is very big. After putting down these things, it is obvious that a large area is vacated, and that area has been made into a cubicle by Yoyo. Through the small red curtain made of cute hanging ornaments, it is faintly visible that there is a piece of In the area dominated by books, there is also a place similar to a test bench.

"Yes, it's just a little strange..." Seeing Yang Han enter the door and start to look at his room, Yoyo asked a little nervously.

"No, it's a lovely room, especially where, that's the workbench, right? Has Yoyo been doing research?" Yang Han asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just, it's just some small experiments on making magic potions." Yoyo said modestly.

"Magic potion! It seems that you have become a lot better in the past few years. Magic potion is a more profound field than magic props. I didn't expect you to dabble in it." Yang Han exclaimed.

Perhaps many people don’t know the difference between these two types. Magic props have a wider audience, so the required materials and knowledge reserves are much lower than those of magic potions. For those who want to make magic props, they only need Write out relevant magic formulas to make magic circles and engrave them on various items, and then they can be gradually assembled.

But for magic potions, the so-called potions are naturally for drinking!It is a big problem to drink it well. This requires a deep understanding of the human body. Secondly, there is also a very fine distinction between the various materials used to make magic potions, such as various plants, animal materials, monster materials, and crystals. The characteristics of other items need to be mastered, and the ratio of each other must be enough for the user to bear before they can become medicines!
(End of this chapter)

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