Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 280 Migration Problem

Chapter 280 Migration Problem
"Since you can leave this world with the entire city, why don't you go and eliminate the devil once again? With such a powerful force, isn't it easier to do this than what you are doing now?" Hui Hui was curious , so he asked Yang Han.

"Of course it's for the promise I once said! That world can be closely connected with me, that is to say, I will be by your side no matter where I go in the future! In this case, even if you go to other places Traveling around the world, we can also meet every day, and we can still stay in the most familiar Suqing City." Yang Han rubbed Huihui's little head and said.

"Don't rub my head casually, do you know that it is very troublesome for girls to take care of their long hair!" Huihui actually doesn't like long hair very much, but prefers neat and playful short and medium hair , but he knew Yang Han's preferences, so he kept it for so many years, and kept it in the current black, long and straight appearance.

But it's one thing to put it into action, another is to say no mercy. Although Huihui enjoyed the feeling of being rubbed on the top of her head by Yang Han, she never admitted it when she went to school.

Not long after, the two came to the restaurant.The others seemed to have finished eating. The moment Lalatina saw Yang Han enter the door, she immediately ran under the table as if avoiding the worst earthquake. Seeing Yang Han was angry and funny. He has done everything he should have done, and he has done everything he should not have done, but now he is still acting like an underage little girl, what is he going to do?
"Yo, yo, Yang Han, good afternoon." Lalatina greeted under the table stammeringly, but she didn't dare to meet Yang Han's gaze.

She could vaguely feel that Yang Han seemed to be looking at her, and she could feel the playful smile on the corner of Yang Han's mouth inexplicably, but compared to the restlessness in her body that originated from trembling, she and her body It seemed that there was an indescribable unease fermenting.

"La Latina, your way of greeting is really strange!" Yang Han teased.

"No, no, it's just that the weather is hotter, and staying under the table will be a little cooler." Lalatina prevaricated, making excuses indiscriminately.

Seeing this, Yang Han didn't embarrass her any more, but wrote with serious eyes and said to everyone: "Ahem, everyone, I have something important to tell you."

"At present, the demon king's army is spreading everywhere and causing wars. Although I went out a few times and went to several cities to find you all, but those cities cannot always be passively defended. Casualties continue to appear. The world is already devastated. The goddesses have lost contact again, and there are fewer and fewer new adventurers, so I decided to leave this world with most of the people I can help."

When Yang Han's words came out, everyone was silent. No one doubted the authenticity of his words, but they were all at a loss because of this decision.

The girls didn't understand why Yang Han had to explain this to them. After all, the decision-making power for this matter should be in everyone's hands, not a few of them. Let them visit the residents of each city one by one.

"... I can represent the Axis Cult and agree to this matter... But, but, I don't know, is my weight enough?" In the silent atmosphere, it was Aqua who spoke first. , She, who has always been careless, raised her hand at this moment and said like a good baby.

"It can only be blamed on your goddess image is really dispensable, but to be honest, the group of cheerful and crazy believers under you are quite cute. I will send them to another world and share them Give them an area similar to the capital of water and hot springs to live in, but it will restrict their movement and spread the Axis religion, and try to find an island with more resources!" Yang Han replied.

"Well, I won't say thank you!" Aqua folded her arms, looking reluctant, but obviously restrained a lot more than before.

"I don't think it matters to the Red Devils group. Everyone's living habits are basically the same as being isolated from the world. If you change to a different world, you may have a [-]% approval rate! After all, it is so cool for the Rainbow Cat Clan. Things are very interesting." Huihui said, when he said this, Yoyo was still nodding repeatedly, expressing that he fully agreed with Huihui's words.

"Then it will be Lalatina in the end. You are the lord of Suqing City now. I think you have the right to decide this matter, and whether the city controlled by your father should also be relocated. I think you must Ask." Finally it was Lalatina's turn, and Yang Han's expression became more serious, because he knew very well that among these people, Lalatina was the most difficult to deal with.

"...Sorry Yang Han, I really can't make a decision at the moment. If I, marry, marry marry you, I can let you inherit the position of city lord, and I can also give you all the power of this city , and all the codes of conduct of the Dustinis family will no longer restrain me by then, but it really doesn’t work now..." Lalatina said with some embarrassment: "It is nearly [-]% from the west of Belzer's ancient capital. All the territories on the left and right belong to the Dustinis family, and my father was born as the Duke of the Empire, so it is impossible for him to separate from the Empire and establish his own family under such circumstances, so I think your proposal cannot be realized.”

"That's not necessarily the case. The main thing is to go to the ancient capital of Belze, get the king's permission, and move the entire empire to another world to continue the development of the empire. Isn't that all right?" Wall Buck interjected once in a while, but the feasibility of this proposal is very high.

"However, His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire is now very old. In the past few years, because of his health, he has been ignoring the government, and His Royal Highness Princess Alice is taking over the management; coupled with the invasion of foreign enemies, the entire continent is everywhere. It's a war, and the empire has already been very busy, so such a sudden proposal to change the form will definitely not be approved." Lalatina shook her head, not optimistic about this method.

"Oh? Is that the little girl with blond hair? Thinking about it this way, I haven't seen him for many years, and he has probably become a young girl too!" Yang Han rubbed his chin, recalling the dusty memories in his mind for a long time.

"Could it be that you're putting your mind on Her Majesty the Princess? I'm warning you, don't have unreasonable thoughts about Her Majesty, otherwise even if our relationship becomes like this, I will also take you into prison!" Lalatina looked at Yang Han seriously, and there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes that she couldn't detect.

ps: Today's update news is really not intentionally written as "fifth update", I solemnly apologize here~
 Yesterday I mixed red wine, white wine and beer, and drank a lot of fruit juice and carbonated drinks. The big guy pretended to be a clown to win the opportunity to communicate, and I wanted to die a little bit. The summit or something was completely torture... But the reality forced me to do that, and I had to give in... The meeting ended at ten o'clock yesterday, and I even took a taxi It took me more than an hour to find a place to live by riding a shared bicycle. There is really no way to change it. I am not in a good state today. I hope everyone can forgive me.By the way, I attended the summit of Sohu Leju yesterday as a strategic partner, and there will be an annual meeting of my company on February 2, 3, and 4, and there will be no updates at that time.If you think it's too slow, please read other books first to suppress your shock, or come to chat with me privately in the group, and make fun of me.

(End of this chapter)

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