Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 281 Going to the Palace

Chapter 281 Going to the Palace
"Could it be that you are putting your thoughts on Her Majesty the Princess, and I warn you, don't have any wrong thoughts about Her Majesty, otherwise even if our relationship becomes like this, I will also take you into prison!" Lalatina looked at Yang Han seriously and said.

"What has become of our relationship? I'm really curious about this! Besides, your loyalty to the empire is too much, and you don't even open the back door for your husband. What a knight you are!" Spirit!" Yang Han teased Lalatina.

"As the heir of a great noble family of the empire, it is necessary to have a heart loyal to the empire!" Lalatina replied, but ignored Yang Han's first question in disguise.

"Since you can't make a decision, let's find a way to solve it. It just so happens that my ability has improved recently, so let's cast a little magic on everyone!" After being subdued, Yang Han didn't say anything more, but spread his hands as if trying to do magic and said like a few girls.

As Yang Han's hands spread out, black and white lights were intertwined on his hands. This is the two new abilities he just acquired, the privilege of twisting and the infinite martial arts.

Two colors of light, one black and one white, were like flowing water, converging from the palms of her hands to Yang Han's chest, the energy of black and white began to merge, and finally turned into a transparent color, and only transparent space ripples could be vaguely seen. It's like the twisted feeling caused by the high temperature when the fire burns.

When the two colors of light in his palms faded, transparent ripples gradually expanded in front of him, and then the scene in front of him was torn apart by an inexplicable force, revealing an environment that was incompatible with the surroundings.

"This is..." Wolbach's reaction was the strongest compared to the girls. His magical attainment is probably beyond Wiz's reach. He can clearly realize that this is a space magic, and it is still very powerful. Fixed-point teleportation magic.

"Okay! Let's go, everyone. The opposite is the capital of Belzegu. Let's meet Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, and tell him my thoughts to see if she agrees." Powerful teleportation magic , although it was born because of Yang Han's two other abilities, using the full magic power created by the privilege of twisting, and the theory imagined by using endless martial arts, he easily realized these.

After Yang Han's words were spoken, everyone came back to their senses one after another, but no one asked Yang Han any more, after all, he had too many secrets.

Walking from the side of the portal, everyone did not feel the fluctuation of the space at all, and they had already arrived, within the king's capital Belzegu.In front of them is the palace of the king city. Such a convenient way of moving is a miracle in this world, because almost most of the human beings know that the kings of Belzegu have very powerful anti-magic circles. The most important thing is to ensure Wang Cheng's safety, and there is also a teleportation magic that can directly teleport to the main entrance of the palace of the palace. Its strength has far surpassed the entire defense system of the palace.

Although the high-profile arrival of several people quickly attracted the attention of the garrison, almost as soon as they came out of the portal, they were greeted by countless so-called siege.

The sergeant major who took the lead expressed great pressure at the moment. The way this sudden visitor appeared was too weird. I am afraid that even the devil king may not be able to come in and out like this!

"Huh!? It turned out to be you!" The sergeant major looked at the other party carefully, but quickly saw Yang Han's longing and recognized him.There is also a reason for this, because he is the officer who received Yang Han when he first came to Belzer many years ago.

The middle-aged officer three years ago, now his status seems to be a little bit left, and he has achieved the position of the leader of the defense of the imperial city, but he is not very happy, because this position is due to the fact that it has a few After the death of a senior, he will be vacated to take over.

"We know each other?" Yang Han asked in surprise. In the eyes of others, it may be three years, but for him, who has traveled through other worlds, time is no longer counted in this way. The middle-aged military officer has no memory, but he feels vaguely familiar.

"Great, I didn't expect you to come again! Are you also here to help the royal family wipe out the Demon King's army this time?" The middle-aged officer didn't seem to care about Yang Han's forgetfulness at all, because in his eyes , I am indeed a small person to the other party.

Many years ago, he had the honor to see Yang Han leveling a city with a wave of his hand, and driving the Demon King's army back to the Demon Realm within a few days, so he knew exactly how powerful the person in front of him was.Now that it was the time when wars were raging, the opponent appeared again, which undoubtedly made him put all his hopes on Yang Han in an instant.

"Although I don't remember who you are, I still have a little impression. Since I'm an acquaintance, it's better. Take me to meet your Princess Alice. I have something important to discuss with her." As the saying goes, acquaintances are easy to handle, but Yang Han didn't bother about the identity of the other party, but asked straightforwardly.

"Okay, okay, but I can't neglect that, please come in with me... along with the ladies, may I ask if they are yours...?" Although the middle-aged officer quickly agreed to Yang Han's request, After seeing the women behind him, he immediately showed some embarrassment.

"These are all my female relatives, don't worry, and they haven't come to this city with me before!"

After being reminded by You Yang Han, the middle-aged officer slapped his forehead and quickly remembered.So with a big wave of his hand, he let it go directly, took the girls and Yang Han, and walked quickly towards the inside of the palace.

He knew very well that someone like Yang Han's sudden visit must have something very important to do, and he didn't dare to delay, for fear that his negligence would lead to irreversible situations for all human beings.

Yang Han followed the other party unhurriedly, although there was indeed something to discuss, but it was not a big deal, and he was not too late.

While admiring the scene inside the palace, he walked along with the other party. He was used to seeing all kinds of skyscrapers and information buildings in the scientific world. He was more interested in the surrounding environment and appreciated the ancient architecture. Appreciative eyes.

It took about a quarter of an hour to walk east and west, and they finally came to the door of the princess's office, which is the core area of ​​the royal city and the most guarded place.The middle-aged officer stopped and turned around, gave a slight salute to Yang Han, and then said: "My lord, please wait here a moment, I will report right away."

"No need, let the outsiders come in." However, at this moment, as if they heard the conversation outside, a clear female voice like a lark came directly from the door.

ps: I apologize so sincerely, but you guys want to fuck me!Simply inhuman!At least you have to learn to force me to submit by offering rewards like a big bastard!Cough cough, back to the topic!Thank you for the 2000 starting coin reward from the big guy, and the 500 starting coin reward from the green sloth student, and all the students who voted for the valuable recommendation and monthly tickets for this book. The author hereby expresses his best wishes to you! Sincere thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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