Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 282 Promise and Rejection

Chapter 282 Promise and Rejection
The sudden voice from inside the room stunned the few people who heard it, but soon the middle-aged officer took the order and said: "I respect the princess's will, everyone, please." After all, he also knew this The place no longer needs her, so she retreated tactfully and walked towards her original post.

Yang Han and his daughter pushed the door open and entered the room in front of them.

Inside, is a very spacious large room.The layout of the house is very simple. Apart from the large office desk, the most eye-catching thing is that there is a huge sand table in the center of the house. There are many marks on the sand, which seem to record the current situation around the royal city.

Going around the sand table and looking in, behind the large office desk, a slightly thin figure was looking at them with piercing eyes.

This girl is the grown-up Princess Alice. She seems to be 15 years old this year. Compared with the little girl she used to be, she has changed a lot.Now he is no longer dressed as a princess in a pure white dress, but in a dress that is more luxurious and more revealing of his identity.The young girl seemed to have the demeanor of a king, and her eyes were a little more stable than the young girl's.

But it's a pity that the age is there. Although she can be regarded as an excellent seedling, in Yang Han's eyes, Princess Alice is still far from the real king.

"See Her Majesty the Princess." Yang Han looked straight at the other party. This was obviously a bit of rude behavior. It seemed to wake up the other party. Lalatina immediately put on a standard knight's salute and spoke with a slightly louder voice. Princess Alice saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite. You must have something very important to discuss with me when you come here?" However, after Lalatina saluted, Yang Han still didn't say anything. Princess Alice of Tina's character also hurried down the steps, skipping over Yang Han and avoiding everyone's salute.

"Princess little sister, long time no see." At this moment, Yang Han suddenly greeted Princess Alice as if greeting a friend.

It wasn't that he didn't understand Alice's actions just now, but he just didn't care.In his opinion, it is very troublesome to hide the actions that he most wants to do and to do those unnecessary etiquette questions.

"Hey! Yang Han, how could you make such a frivolous salute to Her Highness the Princess?" Lalatina hurriedly persuaded her, as if she was afraid that the Princess in front of her would be angry.

"It's nothing to do with it. I've said that you don't have to be too restrictive with me. If you have anything to say, please tell me directly." Princess Alice seems to have developed the unique habits of a big man who holds imperial power in the past few years. I really want to show that I don't care much, and I don't care, which is more like the tolerance of the king.

"To be honest, seeing a 15-year-old girl look like this, I began to doubt whether I shouldn't be here today, but since I'm here, in order to avoid more trouble, I'll tell you that I'm looking for you The reason." Scratching his head, Yang Han ignored Lalatina's eyes, and directly decided to speak out his thoughts without any concealment.

"But it doesn't matter. I'm also very curious about what Mr. Yang Han is going to say."

"It's not a big deal, I just feel that this world is almost like this. Rather than governing the world and saving the world, I would rather the whole world go to another place with me..." After Princess Alice smiled and nodded her promise, Yang Han began to describe the whimsical arrangement.

Moving from one world to another, even though she knew that the man in front of her was the one who easily defeated the Demon King's army alone, Princess Alice still couldn't calm down any longer.

She even faintly felt a little ridiculous, even if all this was true, even if she agreed, could the other party do it easily?

Princess Alice, who is a royal family, is not comparable to ordinary little girls. A girl who was cultivated with the best resources in the royal city, she is undeniably powerful in terms of her talents, her own abilities and combat effectiveness.

Such a girl who looks like a king on the outside may not be much different from the woman who is known as the brave in terms of combat strength alone.This may sound unbelievable, but under Alice's youthful appearance, she is still the best royal bloodline.

"I can deeply feel the authenticity of Mr. Yang Han's words, but please forgive me for not being able to understand what you are going to do. You have indeed defeated the devil king in the past, and you have the power and strength to shake any group in the world, but If you want to bring a piece of land to another world, not even a god can do it easily!"

Alice continued: "Our royal family is born with a special inheritance that surpasses ordinary people, so compared to ordinary people, we can understand some of the power of gods more clearly. Although the great goddesses have always protected our human race, But if you can only let the human beings who are barely maintaining the status quo survive normally, if you can manage to get my entire country out of this dark world, wouldn't that mean that your strength has surpassed that of a god!?"

"His Royal Highness, it seems that you have got into a dead end! Now my proposal is not asking you to believe or not, but to get a positive or negative answer from your mouth. To be honest, if it is not for my If my concubine Lalatina, I simply teleported the kingdom away, there is no need to ask for anyone's consent, because I will not harm human beings, and there is nothing for me to frame you." Yang Han waved his hand , explained for Alice.

"I don't need my consent, and I don't need my trust. Then, Mr. Yang Han, why do you still ask me?" Yang Han's words seemed to be a little crazy, and then aroused Alice's curiosity and doubts, and even asked her a question. Mixed with a trace of dissatisfaction caused by being the acting emperor for a year or two.

"I just need you to promise, so that my little Lalatina will be obedient, and then everything will be completed smoothly, won't everything be resolved by then?" Yang Han said.

Although his words were light, they completely attracted Alice's movement.How could he not be moved? The war in this world has never stopped, and the monsters have never been completely cleaned up. In the end, they even evolved into humans relying on them to generate work chains. This has to be said to be powerful. Human adaptability is also a kind of helplessness.

"How long will it take you to complete all this? Forget it, as you said, Mr. Yang Han, it doesn't matter whether I promise you or not. Until the moment of success, saying yes or no is just empty talk. Then you just let go and do it, and hope that the future will really be as you said."

(End of this chapter)

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