Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 290 Absolute Sword Yuki

Chapter 290 Absolute Sword Yuki
"Is it really possible?" After Yang Han's voice fell, Qiqi's two different voices answered him, and the masters of these two voices were naturally Eris and the purple-haired girl.

After they spoke at the same time, they immediately stared at each other, and then vague hostility appeared in their eyes, as if they were afraid that there was only one quota that Yang Han proposed, and they were even more worried that the quota was not theirs.

If someone told Yang Han that the deceased did not want to go to heaven a day ago, he would definitely think that the other party was amused, but at this moment Yang Han completely realized that he was wrong. Sure enough, there are some things in the position that can only be judged after understanding the real result. The fantasies that came and fabricated by myself are completely inconsistent with the real setting in reality.

"It's okay, even if you two are together, my place is quite big, and the other side can easily accommodate 800 people. But I don't understand, what are you doing with Eris?" Yang Han said with a smile. The words interrupted the mutual hostile gaze of the two, and asked Eris.

"Naturally, I used to hide my name and live a leisurely life like Senior Aqua! I have already seen it clearly. Sure enough, Senior Aqua is the one who has the most foresight. He deliberately made mistakes and escaped to the lower realm, so that he can get rid of the Let go of all responsibilities, and do whatever you want!" Eris' image continued to crumble.

"No, no, I don't think Aqua has that kind of IQ." Yang Han complained.At the same time, in the world in his heart, Aqua was lying like a salted fish in the Suqing Pavilion, when suddenly a strange feeling came from her nasal cavity, which made Aqua involuntarily shudder. Sneezes without the image of a girl.

"Anyway, please take me with you! I don't want to go to prison, I don't want to go to heaven!" Eris scrambled and threw herself at Yang Han, hugging Yang Han's thigh and crying.

Well, this time, the last vestige of a goddess is gone from Eris, and sure enough, the goddesses are all the same at heart.

(“Ah, ah, ah, ah…” Aqua sneezed frantically.)
"I think it's not like this. In fact, when I designed my world, I made a total of two planets, one super-large, but in the end I made a bit of a mess. If you want, you can take it away and modify it. It just so happens that I don’t plan to take care of those people in Ante Isulaxi, and I don’t want to arrange for many residents of Belzegu one by one, so I’ll leave them all to you.

With these people, you can take care of that planet, and even if other gods come to ask the girl later, you can still say that you are improving the living environment of the world, so that you can escape disaster. "Yang Han suggested.

"Wow! Mr. Yang Han, you are so talented, don't worry, I will definitely take care of that world in an orderly manner." Eris was overjoyed. Although she was so decadent just now, she was not Aqua after all. After getting the rescue method, even if it was very cumbersome, he immediately laughed out of tears.

"Don't be happy so early! It's okay to leave the planet to you to take care of, but you have to do it with your heart. Now many of the planet's layouts are unreasonable, and you need to arrange every plant and tree, and then the world's The development direction, evolution system, combat system, living environment, etc. all need you to design carefully, I will check after a while, and treat it as a game, if it is not good, I will fire you!" Yang Han saw the other party was so excited, but reminded the other party just to be on the safe side.

In fact, there is no need, the original world of Eris was shattered by him. As long as the world in his heart doesn't go to waste, others will not be able to do this step.

"Please rest assured to teach me!" Eris patted his plump chest and said, but this seemingly convincing movement ushered in a fatal flaw in the next moment, perhaps because he did not consider too much force What would happen, Eris used a little more force, and some kind of cheating thing installed on the front and back of her chest made a strange and crisp sound, and slipped from her chest to her lower abdomen at random.

"Uh...the buckle is broken? In short, there is no need to carry the inner stuff all the time, it hinders my blood circulation, and anyway, I have seen you when you were a thief..." Yang Han twisted sympathetically Over the head, some embarrassing words of consolation.

However, his words didn't seem to have any effect. After a scream, Eris knelt down and hugged himself as hard as he could, and never got up again.

"That...can I follow along?" When Eris fell into a state of ignoring everything outside because of his own embarrassment, the purple-haired girl who had been silent by the side finally had a chance to speak.Like an obedient student, she raised her hands above her head and asked Yang Han.For a moment, Yang Han inexplicably thought of the word "Meow Pass".

"Of course, Miss Yuuki."

"Oh!? You know me?" The purple-haired girl named Yuuki was a little surprised when someone called her name, but she quickly returned to normal.Perhaps in her opinion, existences like Yang Han know that everything is being cleaned up!Of course, it is not ruled out that her character is so free and easy.

"I was a little surprised because of your novice outfit in the game, but after seeing your speech and behavior, I made up my mind." Yang Han nodded.

Yuki, or you can call her Absolute Sword Yuki, this girl is a character from the world called "Sword Art Online" that Yang Han stayed in some time ago.

Yuki was the name she used when she was playing games. As for the girl’s real name, Yang Han, she no longer remembers it. I only know that she was unfortunately infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, AIDS) because of an emergency blood transfusion at birth. After accepting the doctor's suggestion to use the full stealth machine to try out machine treatment.

This treatment actually refers to using the stealth test machine to live in the VR world before the body completely dies, enjoying the last time. After all, HIV virus cannot be cured, and it can only be used in another way to make yourself move. That's all.

However, even though it was such an insignificant wish, it was shattered after Yang Han took away the phantom god seed.

Without the support of the phantom seed, the VR network cannot be established anymore, so the desire to sneak into the VR world to enjoy the last time can only be declared a failure. In the days when girls can't even move their fingers every day, Yuuki finally ushered in died.Fortunately she came to Eris after her death, otherwise it would have been a complete tragedy.

Thinking of Yang Han here, he felt that he should properly compensate the other party, so he looked at Yuji with softer eyes.

ps: Please recommend and collect, to prepare for the outbreak, there are still three days left!In addition, thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the old Chinese medicine doctor who specializes in bragging students!
(End of this chapter)

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