Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 291 Welcome to my world

Chapter 291 Welcome to my world
Feeling the gaze from Yang Han, Yuuki was somewhat uncomfortable, so that the words that were originally on her lips were blocked by her and did not come out.

In fact, she wanted to tell Yang Han that her real name was not Yuki, her real name should actually be Konno Kapok Ji.But this name completely disappeared from her thinking along with this stuttering. For some reason, Yuuki suddenly had a realization at this moment, that was to bid farewell to her former self and be reborn into another world to be a new self. consciousness.

"What's the matter, Miss Youji?" Looking at Youji who wanted to speak but kept his head down, Yang Han asked with some doubts.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, you don't need to call me Youji, just call me Youji!" As Yang Han's voice fell, Youji raised his head.The thoughts just now were all united, and she raised her head and spoke again, already showing a signature smile that only belonged to her, and she looked cheerful and confident.

"Oh?" Yang Han paused meaningfully. He has experienced so many strange experiences in his two lifetimes. What's more, to be precise, he is somewhat similar to Yuji's current experience. They all came from another A world is reincarnated and restarted, the only difference is that one comes from the three-dimensional world, and the other comes from another two-dimensional world.

"Then let's go!" Yang Han didn't make any further contact on this topic, turned around and waved his hands, a ripple rose from his face.That scene seemed to be a ripple in space that lifted a lake that had been smashed by small stones, and this was the passage to his world.

After opening the passage, Yang Han stepped in first, Yuuki followed, and Eris, who was holding his chest on the ground, seemed worried that he would be left behind, and at the same time entered Ripple at the same time, he tugged at the corner of Yuuki's clothes.

In this way, the three of them disappeared successively in the dark room that Eris originally controlled, and the world of "Blessings to a Beautiful World" gradually became lifeless and became an area in the universe that no one cares about.


Stepping out from the space ripples again, Yuuki and Eris presented an unimaginably spectacular world.

Although the surroundings are still pitch black, there are two beautiful planets in the distance as far as their field of vision is concerned.One is big and the other is small, and contrary to the real world, the big one seems to be revolving around the small one, but because of the speed, it can't be too sure.

"Mr. Yang Han, is this the world you created? It's really beautiful!" Eris said in surprise with twinkling stars in his eyes.

"That big planet seems to be the earth!" These were Yuuki's words.

"Well! In short, I welcome you to my world first." Yang Han first welcomed the arrival of the second daughter on behalf of the master, and then continued:
"The big planet will be in charge of you, Eris. As for the small planet, there are people close to me, so you don't need to be in charge of it. The speed of the two planets is different. The big planet It is nearly a thousand times faster than the small planet. Although they are all in the same plane and are surrounded by each other, the light and dark system has indeed been specially set, so the two planets basically cannot find each other. " Yang Han introduced to the two girls.

"What about me? What about me? Can I also go on an adventure on that big planet with Miss Erris?" Yuuki looked very excited, and asked Yang Han with little stars in his eyes.

"Yuji, do you like to go to the world over there? The time in that world is changed too fast, and you will become very old after you go there." Yang Han was a little surprised, worried that the other party didn't understand He explained to Yuuki what he meant by what he said just now.

"Oh? Then, will I become an old lady when I see brother Yang Han?" Yuji was naturally a little reluctant when she heard this, no girl wants to become Ou Basang!

"Actually, it's not impossible for you to go there. After all, I created this world. As long as I lose your eternal life, it's fine. The key is that although the world over there is big and beautiful, there are still many things I don't know. Carefully designed places may be dangerous." Yang Han said.

"In short, is it full of challenges? Yuuki likes challenges the most! Sure enough, Brother Yang Han should let me go there. When I have had enough fun, I will find a way to go to that small planet to find Brother Yang Han." " Yuuki hesitated for a while, but finally made his own decision.

"Okay, then you can go through the portal here. If you enter here, you will directly lead to that world. I have sent those people from the original Ante Isula West Continent and most of the residents of Belzer Ancient Kingdom They have all moved over there, I hope you can get along with them happily. Now that world is full of challenges, there are my newly created monsters for everyone to hunt, and there are enough mineral crops to keep everyone alive. I look forward to your adventure back. "Yang Han summoned a portal like a triumphal arch, this time the farewell is naturally much more gorgeous than when he just entered the world, he stood by the door and said to Yuuki with a smile.

"It always feels like a super exciting experience! Then brother Yang Han, you just wait for my good news. I will build a splendid country in the world over there, and help you make this world more beautiful and charming. "Yuji waved her little hand full of energy, and slowly stepped into the portal and disappeared.

After seeing Yuuki off, Yang Han turned his head to look at Eris again.

Eris was deep in thought at the moment, and he seemed to have a strange feeling at this moment, as if he suddenly ran to a friend's house and told the other party that he would stay with you for a while.The truth is actually the same, it's just that I ran from my own world to Yang Han's world.

"Eris, you will pass this way in a while. But before you leave, I have a few questions to ask you." Seeing that the other party did not speak, as if waiting for his own arrangement, Yang Han first proposed without talking nonsense. Some Problems.

"What's the question?" Eris asked suspiciously.

"What kind of organization are your angels? How many other people are there besides you? Will it cause unnecessary trouble if I take you in like this?" Although Yang Han has great power as a two-dimensional preparation god, but It is also very necessary to understand Eris and the things behind her.

"Organization? We are not an organization. We are just messengers who were suddenly created by the Lord God to maintain the normal operation of the entire universe." Eris said.

(End of this chapter)

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