Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 292 A Brief History of the Two-Dimensional World

Chapter 292 A Brief History of the Two-dimensional World

After hearing Eris' ambiguous answer, Yang Han expressed that he couldn't understand, so Eris then carefully explained to Yang Han what kind of existence their goddesses are.

According to Eris, she actually knows the existence of Two-dimensional and three-dimensional.Ever since she was created by the so-called main god, there have been special gods who have taught goddesses like them the concept of this Two-dimensional world.

In short, the Two-dimensional world was like a land of no man at first, and its birth can be said to be a miracle or an accident.

And because after the birth of this world, there was no one to manage it, and it became more and more chaotic as time went by. Countless worlds started and then disappeared regularly on the time axis.

This kind of fate kept going round and round, until one day, a goddess named Tess appeared in this world...

Tees is a goddess so powerful that she cannot understand it. After she came to the Two-dimensional world and observed it for hundreds of millions of years, she finally made up her mind to save this world, which is as beautiful as a fairy tale book, but cannot change the beginning and the end. .Let this world completely develop a new side from the curse of reincarnation.

Ever since, the world began to change under his hands.Tens of thousands or even billions of Two-dimensional worlds are in his hands, as if organized into computer folders, they are divided in an orderly manner, with happy stories, sad stories, stories of annihilation, stories of ghosts and animals, Happy stories... Each story becomes a brand new world with its own independent entity and independent environment.

In the eyes of Goddess Tess, there is no distinction between good and bad, as if she had burned all kinds of videos into different movie discs, and put them in different places.

Under his operation, the world has been able to take the first step to improve. It is no longer like a hodgepodge of all kinds of characters, capable and incompetent, good-hearted and bad-hearted. blended together.

Immediately following, the goddess connects the stories that are divided into various worlds together, but makes them not interfere with each other, but connects the lower three thousand worlds to the middle three thousand worlds, and the middle three thousand worlds connects the upper three thousand worlds. world.

"I always feel that Goddess Tees is an obsessive-compulsive disorder..." When you heard this, Yang Han hugged his shoulders helplessly and complained.

"Don't interrupt, the next thing is the real meaning of our birth." Perhaps for Eris, he is the belief of ordinary people in the ordinary world, and the goddess Tess is the belief in the hearts of these goddesses.So even if Yang Han took her in and helped her a lot, Eris still didn't want to hear Yang Han speak ill of his belief.

After that, Eris started to get to the point and talked about the meaning of his existence, but the meaning was not as simple and easy to understand as an example.

Roughly speaking, their group of goddesses is a group of refined editors created by the goddess Tess.Yes, this example is very vivid.

Goddess Tess gave them the power to constantly repair the worlds they controlled, roughly like picking a typo in an ordinary book.While the story continues to advance, it will completely restore the reasons that may prevent the world from continuing to move forward and thus disappear.

However, these goddesses must obey the will of Goddess Tiss, and must not hinder the normal development of the world. At most, they can only participate in it as a bystander.

Therefore, even if Eris itself possesses powerful abilities, you have always lived as a little thief in the world under her control, and it cannot be resurrected within a short time after its own death. Only after my existing existence is completely blurred can I reintegrate into the world as a bystander with a brand new identity.

"I get it roughly... But you haven't said the most important thing, Eris! For example, how did the goddess Tees come to this Two-dimensional world in your mouth? And how many of your group of goddesses are there? ?” Yang Han felt dizzy when he heard it, but fortunately he interrupted Eris’ narration again, and then asked other questions that he wanted to know the most.

"I'm not very clear about this. As for the goddess, basically a world will have a girl, but there is also a world that does not have a girl. For example, some tragic worlds that are destined to be destroyed, such worlds have not been repaired at all. Necessary, it is enough to write some early history for it at most, and describe the whole story from life to death more concretely."

The different angles of existence and the different scope of understanding make Eris say such words without any other sense of pressure. After all, from the perspective of their goddesses, the normal life and death of creatures in a world are more like a book. In addition to helping them pick out typos, life and death are not within their management.

Eris continued: "There is no life and death system in this world, and there is no such thing as reincarnation. Some just start and end like a video track, but the distance is too long. As for Reincarnations like Kazuma-san and Yuuki-san seem to us more like video clip-like transfers. And Yang Han-san and you, who suddenly appeared in my world, are my fundamental I can't understand it. I always feel that you are a bit like our group of goddesses, but after being created, you seem to have a higher scope of authority."

"Wait, what did you just say? You said that I was created as if I were you?" Yang Han was taken aback, as if he had caught some key question.

"Yes, although there is no basis, I can feel a similar aura from Mr. Yang Han, except that your energy is stronger." Erris said.

"Well... In short, thank you, then you can also take the passage here, and the world over there will be left to you from now on. Fia, please help lead Eris down the road, and teach her about our world by the way. The general direction of development, so that she can start to change more easily." Yang Han wanted to calm down at this moment and digest Eris' answer just now, so he arranged it like this.

"Good master." Fei Ya flew out of Yang Han's body in response, and replied like this.

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Goddess Tess! You, you, you, how did you fly out of Mr. Yang Han's body?" The moment Fia appeared, Eris immediately screamed .

And with Eris' scream, the understanding in Yang Han's heart deepened a few layers, and there was only a critical point before he could break through everything he thought in his mind and connect the whole incident together.

(End of this chapter)

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