Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 295 Beauty and Dry Bones

Chapter 295 Beauty and Dry Bones

Yang Han, who watched Eris and Yuuki's every move with his long-sighted ability, smiled. He really didn't expect these two guys to ask Aqua for help, but it seemed reasonable.

Now that Lalatina has been stuck with him almost all day long, Eris can no longer ask his good friend for help, otherwise even if the other party is willing to help, it is very likely that Yang Han will find out one day.

"It's really careless. It's right to think about it. How could they stay in the world for a thousand years without getting bored. But it doesn't matter. Since there are new guests visiting, it's a good thing. They have enough rest these days, just right Treat them as a vacation to play with them." Withdrawing his gaze, he no longer pursued how long the two of them would stay with Aqua, it was all to tease them, and when the second daughter really couldn't hold back, this matter would come naturally It will be self-defeating.

"Then what should I do with the world here? Do you want me to clean up those abnormal foreign data?" Fia obviously cared more about the current matter, and he had no intention of the two culprits who had left this big world. Go ignore it.

"Then let the world run normally first, and leave the rest to me. It's not the first time we have done something like modifying the world, and I also know the general direction of the story, so let's compete with the big boss We still have confidence!" Yang Han said to Fia with one eye narrowed and a thumbs up.

"..." If the person who said this was someone else, Fia would definitely say shameless to the other party, but if the other party was replaced by his master, then he had no choice but to pretend that nothing happened.

"Okay, let's start."

"Yeah." Fia made a move with her small hand, and the condensed world moved again, the wind of the event began to flow, and the heartbeat of the crowd restarted. Everything was as usual. Fia couldn't move for one action.

"Then I'll go and come back." Yang Han waved his hand and was about to get up and leave.

"Although the other party is only abnormal data from outside, please pay attention to the items called [world-class props] they use, the master. Those data will more or less play a certain role on you." On the occasion of parting, Fia still reminded.


At the same time, the big world seems to be as usual, but there is a small area of ​​space that is rapidly distorting and deforming. With the fluctuation of an invisible space ripple, a huge palace that looks like a palace and seems to be an ancient ruin Buildings appear on this flat grassland.

"That's the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, right? It looks like an ancient Greek temple." Standing a few kilometers away, Yang Han, who had activated the Eagle Eye skill, welcomed the other party in this way.

"Huh? So that's the case. I didn't expect that there would be a cavern underground, layer by layer from top to bottom, and that temple is just like the tombstone of the tomb? Hmm!!?" When the clairvoyant eyes were opened, everything changed. To be transparent, Yang Han looked down the top of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and the more he looked, the more interested he was in this place.However, soon he saw such a strange scene.

On the throne on the lowest floor, one was wearing a black robe with gold trim painted on the main theme. The shoulders were made of shoulder armor composed of unknown huge bones and two red gemstones. The domineering side-skeleton of the colored beads is preparing to do some messy things.

He first issued various orders to everyone under the throne one by one. After everyone left, only one person was left wearing a white dress that looked like a wedding dress, with a pair of black wings displayed at the waist of his back. girl.

The withered skeleton seems to have fallen into deep thought. After thinking for a while, it may be because he saw that the other party's thoughts were complicated (without a face, can you tell the other party's thoughts by looking at the bones?), the girl in a white dress She said softly: "Then, Lord Momoga, what should I do?" Her voice was like that of a charming wife, but Yang Han felt that the other party seemed to be hiding some emotions.

"Let me think about it, then, come to me." Withered Bones said in his magnetic and majestic voice without haste, what exactly does it use to make a sound?
"Yes." The girl happily agreed, and immediately moved closer.

As if he was not used to the other party being so obedient, the withered skeleton named Momoga first tilted his head back, then returned to his original state and continued to calmly say: "Albedo, I'm going to touch it!"

"Tsk!" Yang Han seemed very displeased, the combination of this kind of beauty and withered bones made him more or less hot-eyed, so he let out a staggering sound.

"Okay." The girl readily agreed to Fang Fa's request, and obediently stayed in front of him, looking quite obedient with her waist bent.

The huge withered hand pinched the opponent's wrist, and the gesture seemed to be feeling the pulse.However, with such a simple touch, the girl let out an incomparably joyful gasp.The corners of her mouth began to reveal a softness that could not be concealed, her face became more and more red, and her eyes shone as if she was seducing the other party to commit a crime.

The withered skeleton shook his head, as if he was not satisfied with this, and after staring at the other party for two seconds, he ordered again: "Albedo, chest, can you touch the chest too?" Although the voice was still thick and steady, it seemed There was some hesitation in his words.

"Huh?" It seemed unbelievable, Albedo was surprised.

"You don't mind, do you?" This time, the shaking of the skeleton can be seen intuitively, because when he was speaking this time, his mouth, which had never been necessary to move, began to open and close in coordination His own voice opened and closed.

"I didn't feel it when I watched the anime, but I didn't expect that this withered skeleton seemed to be exhausted! The King of Bones, who has always been vigilant and cautious, actually touched the other's chest as soon as he opened his mouth, and even trying once in this situation is not enough. It's really... tsk tsk!" Yang Han squatted on a tree branch and continued tsk tsk talking to himself, and he could hear his voice becoming more and more unhappy.

"Of course you can! Please, you can do whatever you want." Albedo also stood up a little from the cat's waist after giving the agreed reply, so as to better pass her breasts to the In front of the opponent's eyes.

I don't know if the withered skeleton was shocked because the other party agreed, or because he was shocked when he saw the perfectly shaped Oupai in front of him. In short, after he was stunned for a while, he finally trembled slightly He stretched out his sinful hand again, and slowly approached the opponent, Oupai.

ps: I actually forgot this point, if I don’t drop by myself, relatives will come! !Well, because I was so noisy that I couldn't type anymore, it's even later today.There will be a second update in two hours, and Chapter 3 will be updated in four hours, above
ps2: Thank you Crying Climbing students for giving a total of 2100 starting point coins, thank you for your support!Also thank you for the 100 starting point coin reward from the smiling classmate!
(End of this chapter)

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