Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 296 Go to Karn Village First

Chapter 296 Go to Karn Village First

Just when the claw of the withered skeleton was about to touch Albedo's chest, Yang Han finally couldn't bear to watch.

He raised one hand and waved it towards the bottom of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and a transparent ripple shot out from his fingertips soundlessly, sinking into the ground.

The ripples were rapidly approaching underground, and it didn't take half a second to reach the soil below the bottom layer of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.Immediately after a force of nature was suddenly urged out, the earth rumbled and began to tremble violently. An earthquake close to magnitude [-] or [-] caused the entire underground tomb to shake. Nature is still at a disadvantage.

"What, what's going on?" Momoga, who was originally concentrating on the Albedo faction, was shaken. Although he quickly reacted and flew into the room, he saw the mess around him. Still a little annoyed at the scene.

"Lord Momoga, we may have been attacked from outside, and I will order people to investigate." Although Albedo was a little shy, it was more difficult to protect the last Supreme Being in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick at this time. That kind of thing was much more important, so she was also ready to leave immediately.

"Slow down, slow down." Momoga subconsciously stopped her when she saw that the other party was about to walk.

Maybe no one in this world knows, but Momoga himself knows that he was an ordinary person less than an hour ago.A series of sudden changes made him feel at a loss about everything, and when people are at a loss, they are very afraid of being alone, let alone this kind of people who are facing earthquakes and natural disasters and know that they are hundreds of meters deep. place.

"But Momoga-sama, the situation is urgent." Albedo said anxiously, but she still obeyed the order and stopped leaving.

"This, this...then you go." The words had already been spoken, because it was just a subconscious desire to stay by someone else's side when facing the feeling of death again, so seeing that Albedo did stay, he didn't know what to do What did the other party do.The earthquake continued, and after a few seconds, Momoga seemed to wake up from the panic at the beginning, and Momoga woke up, remembering to let the other party go.

"Please turn out to be my incompetent Lord Momoga, nothing is more important than your safety, but I can't take care of you at the same time when dealing with external issues." Albedo bowed her head ashamedly and apologized After a sound, he left at a fast speed.

At this moment, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is in chaos. The tomb is divided into nine floors from top to bottom, but the guardians of each floor are not uniform in what they are doing at this moment.

The guardians on the upper floor rushed out quickly, wanting to find the enemy as soon as possible and eradicate the opponent. Even if it was a surprise attack, they had to try to temporarily suppress the opponent to give themselves a chance to breathe;

The guardians in the middle layer immediately began to enter the state of preparation for battle. All kinds of undead units quickly prepared, put on equipment and weapons, and arranged a uniform array to meet the enemy and rushed towards the upper passageway;
The guardians on the lower level quickly reconciled with Albedo and rushed to the war room one after another, using the monitoring system on the lowest level to understand the situation on each level and the situation of the enemy on the uppermost level of the Great Underground Tomb of Salick.

In less than 3 minutes, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick quickly entered the battle mode. However, when Albedo and the entire battle maid "Pleiades" came to the war room and began to monitor the battlefield However, they were shocked to find that there were no traces of foreign intruders at all.

A group of people looked at me with big eyes and small eyes, and I looked at you with a blank expression.At this moment, Albedo spoke: "Don't let your guard down, this is very likely to be an attack launched by a magician of the Earth series. According to the combat data I know, this earthquake is very likely to be the opponent's war attack." The purpose of the previous confusion is to make us spend a lot of effort to enter the state of combat readiness, and then launch an attack the next moment after taking off the state of combat readiness, catching us by surprise."

"I see!"

"As expected of Miss Albedo." The battle maids around sighed.

"The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick has entered a state of first-level combat readiness. All combatants obey the order. Please do not leave your combat posts and do not disarm! I repeat, as the chief guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick You guys, please don't leave your combat positions, don't disarm your weapons!" With the approval of the others, Albedo became more certain about herself, so she immediately turned on the sound transmission equipment in the combat room, The compartment fighter ordered.

At the same time, Yang Han, who was a few kilometers away from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, was a little stunned, but soon he also showed a very satisfied smile, that smile was as bright as a child who succeeded in pranking, It also has a little devil attribute.

But when the other party made such a big move, he had to step back, otherwise the undead creatures that kept coming out of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick in search of the enemy would soon be on his side.

Thinking of this, Yang Han didn't want to look any further, but chose a direction and left leisurely.

Close your eyes and you will see the most comprehensive map. Yang Han quickly followed the guidance in his mind to the west, and soon a small village came into his vision.

"This should be Kahn Village!" Talking to himself, he snapped his fingers, and after changing out of his usual clothes, Yang Han put on what looked like a traveling merchant again, and walked around Headed towards the direction of the village.

There are not many residents here. At a glance, it seems that the houses of the residents are less than a hundred, and all of them are the most common mud and tile houses.

"Why are you so poor? Although I have limited the development of science and technology, this world is too backward, right?" Looking at the surrounding environment and the plainly dressed aborigines, Yang Han felt that the development of this world had failed.

"Master doesn't know. In fact, it's just because Ka'en Village is poorer than other places." Fia didn't know when she came, and suddenly poked her head out of Yang Han's back and replied.

"Why are you here?" Yang Han asked in surprise.

"Anyway, the master is going to take care of the aftermath, so Fia doesn't care about what happened, so I come to play with the master naturally when there is nothing to do." Fia said with a smile.

"You! This is an accelerator for us to upgrade quickly. If you destroy this world, you will not know that you will be in the Year of the Monkey if you want to upgrade again." Yang Han pampered the opponent's little head and said.

ps: Today's second episode, there will be an update later, wow, it's not separated, it's all crowded at the same time.

ps2: Did not check for typos, please point out any mistakes, some texts can be modified within a week, and the VIP chapter may not be allowed to change after that time.

(End of this chapter)

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