Chapter 297

"At any rate, this is also an accelerator for us to upgrade quickly. If we destroy this world, we won't know that we will be in the year of the monkey if we want to upgrade again." Yang Han pampered the other party's little head and said.

The reason why this world is called a rapid upgrade accelerator is also because of Yang Han's major discovery a few days ago.After the residents of these different worlds came here, Yang Han could vaguely detect that he was able to slowly absorb the energy of the gods from this world. It's much easier to stop running.

This is also the reason why Fia keeps working hard to run the place, and has resentment towards Eris and Yuuki!After all, no one would like to see their harvested fields being tossed about by rascal children, right?

"Master, please don't worry! In fact, Fia has already found a solution, and she is not so busy now." Fia stood up proudly and reported to Yang Han.

"What is a good way?" Yang Han was naturally curious, so he asked with an expression that satisfied the other party's needs.

"Hey, I've recruited some people, and now it's basically ready for hosting."

"Manpower? Are they the aborigines of this world?" Now Yang Han became even more curious.

"Yes, and there is also an acquaintance of the master!"

"Who is willing to take on this drudgery?"

"It's the brave Miss Emilia! She also established a country in this world, which is the Bajas Empire in the east." Fia pointed to the distance with her little finger and introduced to Yang Han.

"I didn't expect that little girl to be so carefree." Yang Han also used the long-sighted skill following the other party's pointing, and said with emotion after watching for a while.

"Isn't that right, she never married because of the establishment of the empire, and for the prosperity of her country, she died of exhaustion in the end, not to mention how miserable it was. So, I took over her soul. The two of us made an appointment I made an agreement that she will work for me for a thousand years, and then I will guarantee that her country will not fail for a thousand years." Fei Ya and Yang Han continued to talk.

"They're all like that, they've spent their whole lives giving to others, it's too merciless for you to give her so much work after she dies?" Yang Han raised his forehead.

"No way! Fia is a conscientious boss. She works eight hours a day, and she also manages food and housing, and extra Saturdays and Sundays!" Fia retorted.

"I'm super curious about where she spent her vacation!" Yang Han said with a smile.

"Of course it's a small planet! And she used my salary as a down payment for a lake-view house! It's near the capital of water and hot springs." Fia spoke more and more vigorously, but Yang Han kept rolling her eyes when she heard it. .

What's the mess?Still down payment?Although he is a slumbering dead house attribute, he really didn't know that the small world was so developed.

"Hey, you don't know this master! Do you still remember Kazuma? He is doing well now, and he has become a businessman with a particularly witty mind. The business philosophy of these scientific worlds is his in the small world. If it wasn't for the owner's system that restricted the development of technology, he might have created aircraft and cannons now!" Fia said more and more excitedly.

"I didn't expect that guy to be alive! Sure enough, I took Aqua away from him many years ago to help others." Yang Han sighed.

"That's not entirely true. I heard that Mr. Kazuma is married now, and married a very beautiful loli succubus, but he has become very haggard because of this. He bald at a young age, and he hasn't produced a child yet. .”

"Puff hahaha! That guy is real. Later, you help me ask Emilia to send him a kidney-tonifying medicine. We must meet each other once, so let's treat it as helping him once." Yang Han couldn't hold back, and sent out Laughed from the bottom of his heart, because no one else could see Fia, so his sudden laughter and talking to himself immediately attracted many people to watch.

Yang Han withdrew his laughter and continued to walk forward without paying attention to the eyes of the people around him.

Further forward is an open space, which is also the center of the village.There are often some residents here who set up small stalls to sell some items made by various households, exchange them among the villagers, or sell them to some foreign traveling merchants.Now that Yang Han is playing the role of a traveling merchant, he should naturally take a stroll around to see if there is anything he is interested in.

There are very few stalls, only three in total.The first person to do business was an aunt. Three baskets of cabbages were placed in front of her, and there was nothing else.Obviously, she is a vegetable seller, but because there are too few types in the village, she only buys this kind of vegetable.

The second place is an uncle who sells coarse cloth and coarse salt. These two things he sells are very common, but they are two commodities that are indispensable for normal life in the village.

Standing in the distance, Yang Han saw that the villagers used a kind of copper coin for transactions, but it was unknown who designed that coin, it was simply broken copper in different shapes.It is completely incomparable with the Erris gold coins in the previous world, just like the stones that can be seen everywhere, there is no standard at all.

"I seriously feel that this world needs someone like Qin Shihuang to unify it. This is simply a tribe of primitive people." Yang Han raised his forehead, feeling that his own world had failed.

"Then master, please come and unify!" Fia suggested with her little hands behind her back.

"Hmm... This proposal seems to be a good one!" Yang Han might be lazy, and he subconsciously wanted to reject it, but after thinking about it, he found that it was indeed a good idea.

"Ah! Master, look, the little girl seems to be selling pretty good things!" Just as Yang Han was thinking about the steps he was going to implement, Fia's startled voice sounded from in front of her again.

Looking along the source of the sound, Yang Han immediately saw the direction Fia pointed out.That was the last stall he hadn't looked at, and it was where Fia had just pointed.The owner of the small stall is a cute-looking girl. Although she can't be called a natural beauty, she must be a rare beauty in this village.

The girl was sitting on a small wooden bench, and in front of her was a small mat that was spread out, on which were placed some small items of bottles and jars.Perhaps it was because her stall was much smaller than the other two, and the things were not very practical, so no customers came to her now.However, the girl was not discouraged in the slightest. She dragged her cheeks and looked cutely at the two businessmen beside her, chatting with several guests and haggling over prices.

"Miss, what are you selling?" It seemed that she was learning how others bargained. The girl was so excited that Yang Han came to her and asked, before realizing that a customer had come.

ps: The third change is over, I will go to grandma’s house tomorrow, stay up late and write for a while, tomorrow may be another extreme, I may finish the three chapters in the morning, and then go to the dog belt in the afternoon.Fortunately, my grandma's house is very close, just next to the village, so it's convenient to go back and forth~ (I want to stay at home, stay at home!)
PS from my mother: If you don’t go, no one will cook for you!
(End of this chapter)

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