Chapter 349 Big Scene

At 48:[-] tonight, the top floor of the Tokyo Grand Hotel was completely taken over by the Yu family, not for anything else but because of the [-]th birthday of Yuki Asuka's father, the former CEO of RECT, Yuki Akira.

This kind of handwriting is quite big for forming a family, but it is also because there are a lot of tricks hidden in this birthday party.For example, find a "good home" for your daughter.

Asuna's mother, Kyoko Yuki, is a university professor, and there are naturally many intellectuals around her. A large number of scholarly families have also received this invitation, and the younger generation of these families is Asuna A "good match" chosen by her parents.

His father, Yuki Akizo, also has a lot of contacts. Although he has taken the blame and resigned, the camel who died is bigger than the horse. The once brilliant Yuki Akizo naturally also has a lot of connections, and these are still with him after his resignation. The people he has close ties with are paid more attention to by him. Yuki Shozo feels that the children of these people are also suitable for his daughter.

As for Yang Han, it was embarrassing that he did not receive the invitation to this dinner party.When he received a call from Asuna, the corners of his mouth twitched. Fortunately, Asuna's soft voice helped him suppress his anger, otherwise he would very likely erase the country Neon from the world map , and then took Asuna back to his old nest to be Mrs. Yazhai.

When it was time to go to the banquet, Yang Han simply thought about it.Didn't you refuse to invite me? Then I will force my way in. Since I want to help Asuna take down the factory, how can I not confront this group of self-righteous big shots head-on.

Thinking like this, Yang Han set off from his company at 08:30 tonight with a large number of people. Those who didn't know the mighty people thought it was gang fights organized by gangsters. After driving out of the parking lot under the company building non-stop, it can be said that the whole of Tokyo was a sensation.

Twenty Bugatti Veyron convertibles drive the road, all driven by two beauties, all in maid outfits; twenty Lamborghini Hermès tail escorts, all driven by two beauties, all in maid outfits; in the middle of the team is a Rolls-Royce worth 15.5 billion Si Yinmei, converted into Japanese yen, is about 268.4 billion!
As soon as such a convoy leaves the traffic police, they dare not move. At the same time, important officials of the Neon government and the U.S. government were all hypnotized and controlled. National armed helicopters were dispatched to prevent and control. The road leading to the Tokyo Grand Hotel was directly blocked by nearly [-] people from the Self-Defense Forces. On the road, almost all the troops were present.You must know that this is the Tokyo area, and it is conceivable that such a thing can be done. Ordinary people are opposed to it.However, the public opinion on the Internet has been fully controlled, and no one in the media circle has spoken up as if they have evaporated.

When such a scene came to the Tokyo Grand Hotel, Akizo Yuki, who was hosting a birthday dinner on the top floor, naturally knew the general situation.It's just that he didn't know that the convoy was coming towards him. He opened his mouth and looked at it in a daze. All the dignitaries who were present also came to the glass window to watch the mighty scene below. , I was frightened silly for a while.

"Isn't it just for fun? After working so hard for so many days, I still can't hear it in your ears, so let's hang it up and let you take a closer look!" Saying this, the car door next to Yang Han was slowly opened. .

Qi Yalei and An Li bowed respectfully outside the car, and on both sides behind them, a total of [-] beautiful maids stood opposite each other and bowed to salute on both sides of the red carpet.

Stepping out of the car door, Yang Han strode towards the Tokyo Grand Hotel.Wearing a million-dollar suit on his body, combined with his divine aura that surpassed the king, made people afraid to look at it.Striding forward, a group of maids slowly stood up and followed behind him, the scene was indescribably magnificent.

At this moment, the operator, person in charge, manager and all the hotel managers of the Tokyo Hotel are standing at the door of the hotel like quails, nodding tremblingly and daring not to raise their heads. The attitude of welcoming people is almost like a grandson of.

They have never received such a big person coming, no, or in the cognition of these people, they never thought that there would be such a person in the world.Even the national leaders have never heard of sending troops to send helicopters in the central location of Jingdong. They really can't figure out who the person is.

"Lead the way, on the top floor, Yuuki Akizo's birthday party, I want to go to the appointment." Yang Han didn't look at anyone, but walked into the hotel with strides, and then stood in the lobby and said softly.

However, with just such a speech, everyone moved softly.After selection, Tokyo Hotel and its most beautiful female manager bent over to Yang Han's side and bowed her head, "You, this way, please."

"Yeah." With just such a light hum, the two of them were so scared that they pressed down again, and then the two responsible persons who had seen many big scenes bowed their heads and walked slowly forward like the number 7. out of the way.

After a short time, Yang Han quickly reached the top floor through the VIP elevator.There were very few people in the elevator he took, only himself, Qi Yalei and An Li, not the two people in charge who led the way.Therefore, after getting out of the elevator on the top floor, two more persons in charge waited at the elevator entrance, and started to meet Yang Han and walked slowly towards Yuki Akizo's banquet hall.

Although the top floor is private, the number of people is limited, so multiple banquet halls are not open, and only the most luxurious one is used as the venue for this banquet.When Yang Han and his party came to the door, rich people from all walks of life went out to greet them, and they all nodded and bowed their heads without daring to breathe, which really made Yang Han feel a little funny.

Yucheng and his wife were already waiting at the door. When Yang Han walked up to him, he respectfully said, "Welcome to my birthday dinner."

"Welcome? Then why didn't you give me an invitation?" Yang Han asked softly, looking down at the two bowing Yuki couples respectfully.

As soon as these words hit their ears, the two of them sank again in fright.When Yang Han got impatient with waiting, he heard Akizo Yuuki continue: "Wan, I'm so sorry, I wait, I wait for a small person who doesn't know your noble status..."

"Okay, my surname is Yang, Yang Han, from Huaxia, remember?" Yang Han waved his hand and said casually.

"Yes, my husband and I have remembered."

"I'm here for nothing else. Let's celebrate your 48th birthday first, Mr. Jiecheng, but more importantly, it's for your daughter, Asuna. I heard that there are many outstanding sons here today. I don't know Which one is it, stand up and let me know." As he spoke, Yang Han raised his head and turned towards the guests who were bending over, but he didn't get any response.

(End of this chapter)

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