Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 350 Is there really a satisfactory solution?

Chapter 350 Is there really a satisfactory solution?

Under Yang Han's sweeping test, no one dared to raise their heads or say a word.After a long time, I saw a pretty figure timidly bypassing the crowd and coming out. It was Asuna who came.

I saw that today he was wearing a pure white evening dress, his exquisite makeup matched with her twenty-year-old appearance, he looked so perfect that he didn't need any words to describe it.Today, her hair has been carefully trimmed, and it is draped over her right shoulder. Looking at her left shoulder, which is as white as ivory and creamy complexion, a sense of foil arises spontaneously, which is indescribably touching.

"Yang Han, you're here." Although Asuna is attractive enough, why isn't Yang Han standing opposite her at this moment?
One person stands and a hundred people bend over, and see that all the maids behind him are the best choice, and any one picked at random is enough to fight against Asuna.But these girls are all bending behind one of them at this moment, and so are all the people present. Such a man has already surpassed the category of a domineering president, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god.

Asuna is a very confident girl, but she couldn't help feeling a little nervous when she saw this.And the voice just now happened to carry this kind of emotion, and then passed into Yang Han's ears.

"Yes, I'm here. Your Royal Highness, you are so beautiful tonight. It seems that you have taken control of my eyes." At this moment, Yang Han bowed slightly and turned to tomorrow Nai gracefully performed a noble salute.Looking at the hand coming slowly, Asuna, who had been taught various etiquettes, was flustered for a while, and then stretched out her little hand.

A light kiss envied the countless women present.After that, Yang Han stood up gracefully and said, "I don't know, can I go in?"

"Ah, please come in, please come in." Seeing this scene, the married couple were stunned for a while, and then after hearing Yang Han's question, they immediately stood up and led the way.

The banquet hall was luxuriously decorated and the venue was very large, but after Yang Han and his men entered, it was quite full.Half of the maids stood against the wall in an orderly manner, enclosing the banquet hall, while the other half stood outside the door, forming a beautiful scenery.Yang Han and Qi Yalei walked into it, randomly picked up a bottle of champagne, found a place to stand and drank by themselves.

As for An Li, she accepted the congratulatory gift from her subordinates at this time, and sent it to Akizo Yuuki instead of Yang Han.What Yang Han gave was not an ordinary gift, but a gift list, the various precious things on it almost blinded the eyes of the married couple.There are countless famous watches, famous cars and precious stones.After guessing his hobbies, there are also many famous knives, ancient calligraphy and paintings, and antiques. As for these small gadgets, they were all collected from other owners through hypnosis by Yang Han's subordinates.However, although these things are very expensive to ordinary people, to Yang Han they are just casually created products.

After the dinner began, all the lively links were temporarily cancelled, and none of them dared to start the link of their daughter finding a home and getting married.The scene seemed a bit cold, but with Yang Han present, no one dared to show a cold look. They all pretended to be in a low voice and harmoniously in twos and threes. From time to time, all the dignitaries would look at Yang Han's face.

Even so, no one dared to come up to talk to them. Even if they thought they were noble upper-class people in the past, compared with today, they are almost like bumpkins.

"Who are you?" Asuna walked lightly to Yang Han's side, and then asked nervously.

"A god who likes to throw a child's temper!" Yang Han replied with a smile.

"I'm not joking with you, answer me honestly! Are you a very prestigious young master in Huaxia?" Asuna couldn't help but gave Yang Han a white look, and then asked a little closer.

"Don't worry, I'm not a young master. I used hypnotism to create this scene. I'm just a fraudster." Yang Han still shook his head.

"Where is such a powerful fraudster, if you really dare to do such a terrible thing, you will definitely be arrested and put in prison!" Asuna's small fist gently squeezed the soft flesh of Yang Han's waist, Some coquettishly said.

"No, because I hypnotized the people who arrested me! I am so lawless." Yang Han pretended to be in pain, but the words he said followed the meaning just now.

"You always say that, and I really take it seriously. Because I really can't think of what kind of means a person needs to do all of this." Asuna withdrew her hand, looking gently into Yang Han's eyes and said.

"Then you just believe me, some power, but it really exists!" Yang Han leaned down and came to the other party's ear and replied.

The ambiguous atmosphere spread throughout the audience, but everyone closed their eyes at this moment and ignored it, including Asuna's parents.

"Okay, don't be like this, there are still many people watching around." Sensing the sight from the surroundings from time to time, Asuna took two steps on her hind legs to keep a distance from Yang Han.

"Haha, this can be regarded as a satisfactory way to help you solve all the distressing problems? Originally, I wanted to solve them peacefully, but in the end, after working for a long time, I still used the simplest and rude method." Yang Han thought to himself He touched his nose to hide his embarrassment, and he was also slightly embarrassed by his behavior just now.

Obviously there are enough women in my family, plus I always like to wander around and never miss my home. Although the girls Huihui, Yoyo, and Darkness didn't say anything, the behavior of messing around just now In fact, some should not.The women behind him are all the best, and even so, even if he is close enough to the level of a real god, he still can't be calm about beautiful women.

"Satisfactory solution..." Asuna lowered her head a little after hearing what Yang Han said, and she suddenly showed an unhappy expression, causing Yang Han to panic for a while.

But how it is arranged in the story, in the final analysis, if one thing is moved to reality, it will inevitably move towards the development it should have.Since the story of Sword Art Online, her communication with Asuna has indeed reached a very dangerous point, not only that, but also the little girl Silica, and the girl including Xing.

It is absolutely unchangeable that what is unintentionally spread by one's own strength is enough to attract women. This is not a routine, but more practical.There is no woman who does not like a man who is mysterious, powerful, and attractive to herself. When a figure is imprinted in the mind, it will never be related to any other reason. Unless you try to destroy it, it will only make it thrive.

ps: Thank you, book friend 20180223172559474 for tipping 100 starting coins, and thank you Twin Blades for tipping 100 starting coins!Ah, I, a guy who fished for three days and posted on the net for two days, can still have two favors, so touched.Recently, I started coding a new book, so this book is slowing down, because I really can only save the manuscript obediently after I finish it, so I started work on both sides at the same time, trying to keep up with the new book directly after the old book is finished, so that In order to no longer hide in this station and then disappear.Please forgive my slightly despicable behavior.

The new book has only collected 2 words so far. I don’t know when I will save enough. I will strive for the next book not to be updated every day. I am working hard to write and save.

(End of this chapter)

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