Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 352 Conquering the World

Chapter 352 Conquering the World
Yang Han accepted Asuna, and told him everything about his coming to Two-dimensional, but the result couldn't be like a story, as written here it ends perfectly.He still has a long way to go, and the daughters in the family are waiting for him to go home.

It is indeed possible to live with a few daughters in a family. After all, I already have a world now, and there is a concept of polygamy in that world, which is not a conflict.But in this way, Megumi and the girls accept a man who suddenly appeared to share their own, and let Asuna, who has been living in a monogamous world, live in another world, which will make them feel more or less uncomfortable, so He made a decision to conquer the world of Sword Art Online and bring it under his control.

Do whatever comes to mind.In order to get Asuna and his world completely, he opened a door that could annex the world of Sword Art Online.

In the morning of the next day, when many people in this world hadn't noticed it, the sky gradually glowed with colorful glazed colors.All parts of the world are on alert as countless fantasy creatures fall from the sky.Many countries are speculating that it is the invasion of aliens, and have organized a strong enough military force to look at it. However, when they actually face the comer, it seems so useless.

"I tell everyone in this world that you will be included in my world and become a part of my world. You can resist, but you may die because of it. But don't worry too much, I have the ability to reincarnate the dead, You can give everyone a chance to be reborn. But I hope everyone will think clearly. If you can be resurrected after death, but the memory trophy will be reset. If you still have nostalgia and don’t want to lose the good memories with your loved ones, then surrender to me! I can guarantee that all my people will have a lifespan of 200 years, which is a gift to the wise."

When Asuna crawled out of the bed, she found that her man lying beside her had disappeared.Instead, it was a huge figure standing above the sky.He is noble like a god, and he spoke Zhao'an softly, but it made people unable to resist.

The whole world was in an uproar under such a vision. Some people knelt down to swear surrender, some chose to curse at the sky, some troops organized fighter planes to fly high into the sky, and countless missiles rose from the ground and rushed towards the huge phantom in the sky...

"I order that there will be no war in the world today!" The figure in the sky issued such a declaration, and all the missiles and planes attacking him also lost their effect at this moment.The fighter plane seemed to have lost the pilot's control, turned its head and flew back to the ground uncontrollably, and all the missiles were swallowed by the black hole, thus completely disappearing.

Yang Han's subordinates scattered all over the country began to fall to the ground one by one to hold talks with the leaders of various countries who were not willing. There were no longer a few rebels, but all of them were controlled. All those who were too radical were swallowed by the black hole and disappeared without a trace. .

"I repeat once again, our gods will control this world, you don't need to resist, it will only be bad and useless. We will not exploit and oppress you, we will position you as self-made planetary management, and will not interfere with your normal life Development. The rebels will be sanctioned, and the leaders will be reincarnated. Others who are bewitched will be interfered with by memory, so that they will change into their own selves. I hope you will think about it and make choices.” A maid Dressed people came to a certain national conference hall and read it directly, and those who had not understood what happened and raised their weapons excitedly to shout and resist were all wiped out, leaving no trace of their existence.

Things like this were happening in many countries around the world at the same time, until three hours later, the world of Sword Art Online was completely conquered.

The color of the glass-colored sky receded slowly, and a new race was born in this world, the Punisher!They claim to be the spokespersons of God, stationed in the small country of Neon, and exist to solve all disasters in the world that are conducive to the development of the world. They have become an organization that many people want to resist, but are unable to resist.

When all kinds of advanced scientific weapons are ineffective, when most of the heads of state are wiped out, when no one can control the overall situation, more than half of the people in the world choose to surrender to this fate.It's not that no one thought of organizing a parade to resist, but all those who had such thoughts were captured immediately and disappeared into the world. Everything about him was rewritten, as if he had never been born.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, many people found that the sky above their heads had changed.Through the blue sky, two translucent planets can be faintly seen hanging in the sky, suspended against the sun, and they are the big planet and the small planet that Yang Han is in charge of.So far, the world of Sword Art Online has also been incorporated into his world.

The dead are reborn on the planet of Overlord as reborn ones. They will be ignorant babies and then become ordinary people in another world.The surviving Sword Art Online people will also continue to receive the Overlord's dead people, realizing the situation where the two worlds are reincarnated back and forth.

The world of Sword Art Online has lost many weapons of war since this day. Missiles, nuclear weapons, etc. have all become iron bumps and have no effect. However, with the new management system of Sanctions, the crime rate has not increased, but it has become more peaceful. .

Yang Han also fulfilled the promise he made before, bringing about 200 years of lifespan to everyone in this world, and asked Fei Ya to lead the sanctioners to vigorously improve the world environment. The original deserts, Gobi and other areas were re-established, It has become a more suitable environment for people to live in, and some people have moved here, and a new country has been built from here through the nation-building system introduced by the sanctioners.

Relying on these new countries, new tourism and living have been improved, but those who sell real estate suffer, because this industry is declining in a straight line all over the world.

However, under the creation of Yang Han and the sanctioners, all kinds of vegetation in the world have been improved, and the fertility of livestock has also been greatly enhanced. The inequality of the world is changing at an extremely rapid speed!Even if the original upper-class people were dissatisfied, it would not help, because now the law is being enforced normally, and at the same time, it is also said that it is humane. Criminals who are also criminals will be directly sentenced to death because of cases caused by jealousy, madness, and greed. The only way to do this is to avenge the parents and other cases, and the sanctioner will intervene to help the poor people, and the sanctioner will pay for the party who has suffered an unwarranted disaster.

The Sanctioner has absolute creativity, and life and death can be saved, and because of this, beliefs gradually arise and become new beliefs in the new world.

ps: Thank you, the 100 starting point reward from the amazing solo student, and thank you the 100 starting point coin reward from Chen Bei!
ps2: The novel is entering the final stage, and it will be finished soon, and it will immediately enter the dating pitfalls, and finally the issue of Goddess Tess.All have been put on the agenda, but the update is still uncertain. The new book is working hard to save manuscripts. The current number of manuscripts in the village is 4.3W. The speed is not ideal, but we are working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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