Chapter 353 Rejected
"The reality is really scary!" Asuna helplessly supported his forehead and said while looking at Yang Han in front of him.

"Right, right? Now you have the right to maintain the mood of breaking the pot, because you have already boarded the thief's ship." Yang Han took Asuna's hand and replied a little domineeringly.

The two of them were already standing in front of the gate of Suqing Pavilion, but no one came out to greet them. Obviously, after I brought Asuna back to Suqing City, the rest of the girls knew what happened immediately.As for what not to welcome means, there are many possibilities. The other sisters who are the carrier of the main palace are going to show their power; or they are pretending not to know that they are telling Yang Han to refuse to accept in this way; or there is no one at home at all. ...

Of course, the last possibility is almost negligible, but the most likely result must be that his side lacks confidence, so Yang Han is also ready to wait for the baptism of the storm!The big deal is to be blown to the sky by Hui Hui, anyway, now that I have rough skin and thick flesh, I can do whatever they want.

"I'm back!" Yang Han yelled just after pushing open the door of the small courtyard. Looking at the neatly tidied courtyard, it was obvious that the women who thought they were married had become a little bit better at housekeeping.

During this period of time, Yang Han was tossing around and went to Sword Art Online to play, and it took him a few days. If he said he didn't want his wives, it would be a lie. The urgency even made him forget the current situation. Question, quickly led Asuna Bian to the front of the house.

Click, click, click... However, when he turned the door, he found that the door was locked from the inside.

"What's wrong?" Asuna asked curiously.

"Inside, the result may be worse than I thought. It seems that we are probably locked out." Yang Han turned his head in embarrassment and explained.

"Hey? Pfft, hahaha, do they usually treat you like this?" Asuna looked at Yang Han's blushing old face and was stunned for a moment. After realizing what the other party said, her tense body immediately relaxed He fell down, and then his eyes bent into a beautiful crescent smile.

"That's not true, they are just a little mischievous, and they are all good girls at heart." Yang Han explained.

"What about me?" Asuna continued to ask, she was much more generous than Megumi and the others, she just blushed a little when she said this.

"You, you have a temperament of [-]%! Your popularity index is full! Compared with them, you are more suitable to be a wife. After marrying you, you don't have to worry about life." Yang Han squeezed his chin and looked at the other party, and then seriously commented , that expression is really shameless.

"Slick tongue, I can see through your essence now. Hurry up and open your door!" Asuna shyly turned her body aside, and stopped looking at Yang Han.

Yang Han smiled and continued to fiddle with the door without poking at it.And at this moment, a letter of nature was pushed out from the crack of the door below.Seeing this, Yang Han immediately felt his back go cold, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead unsatisfactorily.

Some hesitation, but he finally picked up the letter paper.I don't know if it's Huihui or someone found a red pen on it, and it says in a bold font: She is more suitable to be a wife than us, right?The popularity index is full, right?We're just troublemakers, right?

Three questions in a row, beside the text, there is ketchup that I don’t know where to find it as blood to decorate the atmosphere of the whole paper, but it’s a pity that it’s self-defeating no matter how you look at it.

Asuna also adjusted her mood at this time, turned around again and leaned over to watch. Seeing the other party's cute ketchup decoration, she couldn't help laughing.The few sisters I haven't met are really weirder than the other.

"Have you thought of a way?" Asuna asked Yang Han with her hands behind her back.

"Every time I go home, I use [sleeping clothes] to solve the problem, but this time I can't get in..." Yang Han shook his head and said.

"Hey? Can you [convince] them as long as you go in? It's hard to imagine that you have such a powerful eloquence..." Asuna was a little unbelievable, but she didn't expect Yang Han's words to be different.

"After you live with me for a few years, you will know what I mean today! Now let me solve the current situation!" Yang Han said while folding the letter paper and putting it in his pocket.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, it will take a little time, I think it's enough to wait until the evening." Yang Han said mysteriously.

"Oh, don't be fooled, just tell me!"

"Actually, I have a younger sister named Xiao An who is similar to their nanny. In the past, Xiao An came to cook for them. After a long time, these guys have become incapable of handling food! And Xiao An Not long ago, I was summoned by me because of some things in your world, and I haven't come back yet.

Because of the time difference, they must have not eaten breakfast today, and it is noon now, if they don't open the door, they will definitely be hungry.At night, let's open a BBQ in the yard, I don't believe that these greedy ghosts won't come out on their own initiative! "Yang Han explained with a smile.

As soon as Yang Han finished speaking, he heard a sudden sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the originally quiet house!Immediately, Huihui's dissatisfied voice came out: "Why is the kitchen so empty! Where are the ingredients? Where are the ingredients? Hey Yoyo, did you steal it?"

"Yeah, no, why would I do that kind of thing?" Yoyo hurriedly explained.

"Huihui and Youyou, stop arguing! I know Xiao An has a habit, that is, she only buys ingredients for one day at a time, saying that it is to keep the ingredients fresh. Xiao An got up early today and was summoned by that guy. I didn't go to the market either, so naturally I don't have any ingredients except seasoning." This was Lalatina's voice.

"Hahaha! Everything is under my control, my lovely wives, don't you hurry up and open the door?" Yang Han shouted arrogantly at the door, causing Asuna to look at him angrily.

"Is it so troublesome for you to be so powerful to enter the door tomorrow? Besides, it must not be easy for those sisters to be with you. How could you be stumped because of this?" Asuna was a little puzzled.

"Of course it's because this is the rule of our family! After entering that door and returning to this courtyard, this is home, back to our home. I will not bring my ability back, I will not break into the door or take advantage of it, Because this is not in line with our family's rules! Our family's rules are, go out casually, and remember to go home obediently when it gets dark, because there are family members waiting for you..." Yang Han said in a loud voice.

The scene seemed warm for a moment, and Asuna looked at the strange new home in front of her, and she also seemed to feel cordial.But at this moment...

"Bah, do you think we'll let you in if you say something nice? This trick is no longer effective!" Huihui's voice was like a pair of giant hands pinching Yang Han's throat, turning the scene back prototype.

ps: Thank you, Ou Huangwang’s tipping of 100 starting coins, and the amazing solo student’s tipping twice, a total of 200 starting coins!

(End of this chapter)

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