Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 356 I Don't Want to Hear His Trash Record

Chapter 356 I Don't Want to Hear His Trash Record
Why is Qinli so eager to prevent Yang Han from going to the control room?Naturally, there was a reason for that, because she didn't want Yang Han to hear some crew members' unabashed reports.

Over the years, Kotori has shown off all kinds of queen styles in front of her subordinates. In the eyes of the crew, she is an out-and-out female captain!But she didn't want Yang Han to know about this.

Coupled with the fact that I impulsively flew down from Ifrit just now, I will definitely receive various reminders head-on after entering the captain's room, especially the deputy captain Yixian. When Yang Han said it, how could the thin-skinned Qinli be able to stand it!

Maybe it's because her body doesn't grow anymore, but even though she's over 30 years old now, Kotori's occasional thoughts are still unmistakably girlish.

"If you are worried about your image being exposed in front of me, you can rest assured, because I have seen it when I was underground. Didn't I wave to you at that time?" Yang Han said in surprise.

"Wh... Brother Yang Han, did you see it just now?" Qin Li's face was bloodshot quickly, and she even subconsciously called out Brother Yang Han because she couldn't control her emotions.

"Finally call me brother, you are still the same!" Yang Han put his hands on top of the opponent's head and said while rubbing.

"Damn it, I don't have any image now!" Kotori lowered her head and muttered, maybe because she hadn't been touched on the head for 20 years, she struggled a little.

Because Yang Han once helped Qinli break her usual fate in the original book, now Qinli still wears a white hairband, and her character is still awakened to be arrogant even after she grows up, but she is not as stubborn as in the original book up.Under Yang Han's casual reassurance, she soon revealed her true nature, revealing her silly, white and sweet sister's true nature.

"By the way, what about the others? And what is the matter you asked me to help you with? I have plenty of time to come here this time. If it's not something urgent, let me rest for two days before doing it." It took a while for the other party's little head, and Yang Han finally stopped, and then asked straight to the point.

"Tsk, it's such a good atmosphere, Brother Yang Han doesn't even know how to cherish it... Forget it, let's go on, this is the control room, don't stand here and talk inside!" Qin Li pretended to be coquettish and said, then gestured Yang Han went to the control room to talk.

Entering the control room, the interior decoration is not only sci-fi, but also much larger than the original Getia control room.After a brief introduction, Yang Han also quickly got to know some of the employees working here.

"Yixian, tell brother Yang Han about that difficult matter, and let him handle this matter."

When Yixian heard Qinli's order, he showed disbelief at first. When did his captain become this tsundere sister?After a while, she brushed her hair from the sideburns to cover up her embarrassment, and then said, "Yes, I understand."

"Mr. Yang Han, this troublesome matter was caused by a boy named Maou Sadao. We suspect that he is very likely to be a male elf! In the several accidents that occurred, there were very dangerous spiritual power fluctuations on his body, and it can basically be concluded that he is a male elf whose ability is at the SS level!"

"Eh..." Yang Han seemed to suddenly recall a trouble that he had left aside for a long time—the devil Satan!The new demon king who was tossing around in offering blessings to a beautiful world, escaped through teleportation magic before the world collapsed. At that time, Yang Han just fiddled with Satan's teleportation location out of bad taste.

"What, Brother Yang Han has heard of Maou Sadao? You must have been hiding in this world all this time, but you just didn't come out to see us?" Kotori saw Yang Han's expression, and her brain began to expand. open.

"No, no, this one really doesn't exist. I just think this name is very weird, um, that's it." Yang Han quickly explained.

"Oh." After Qin Li looked at Yang Han suspiciously, she finally chose to believe it. She highlighted a word and continued to lick the lollipop.

"Ahem, let me continue to explain! This Maou Sadao's life history has been investigated and suspected of being falsified. His various data were suddenly implanted into the archives more than ten years ago. And according to what we have This person's physical examination report shows that his body has not experienced any signs of aging in more than ten years." Yixian coughed lightly and continued to explain.

"Hoho! Well, what then?" Yang Han pretended to listen carefully for a while, and waited for the other party to stop before asking.

"Let me take the liberty to ask you, are you really listening carefully?" Yixian asked.

"No, because I'm not interested in these materials at all! You'd better skip those data reports and just tell me what he did, how powerful he is, where he is, and live or die." Yang Han He confessed naturally, and made a gesture of spreading his hands.

"Really? Well, then I'll get straight to the point!" Yixian was slightly annoyed, but he couldn't bear to explode in front of Kotori, so he squeezed the report card in his hand, and then picked out the most direct one. The information continued to talk to Yang Han: "Twelve years ago, there was a large-scale explosion at the McGraw Store on the Sixth Street, North District, Tiangong City. The explosion spread over fifteen kilometers, and more than thirty buildings completely collapsed. , more than a hundred buildings were destroyed, and the culprit was Maou Sadao!
However, he did not repair all the surrounding environment afterwards, and also used memory tampering methods to modify the memories of unrelated people, and no serious incidents occurred.But from this, it can also be deduced that he has quite terrifying powers, including basic combat ability, flying ability, destructive ability, ability to manipulate other people's memory, and the most frightening, ability to resurrect others! "

Perhaps it was because some of the information was not even known to some of the crew members present, so after hearing Yixian's report, many people gasped in shock.Being able to revive the ability of others, wouldn't that be the ability to control life and death?Although their Captain Kotori also has very powerful abilities and longevity, and is not even afraid of any harm, but it seems impossible to be able to control the life and death of others, right?
Yang Han picked out his ears, and replied with a very disdainful expression: "Um, I don't want to hear about this guy's trash record, it's not enough. Just tell me where he is, and I'll tell him right now." He caught it!"

"What!!" Yixian was almost choked to death by Yang Han's words. A fight with such a powerful opponent would cause landslides and ground cracks for several kilometers. Unexpectedly, he couldn't even catch his eyes!Is this bragging or bragging?Anti-Justice Immortal himself didn't believe that someone could treat this matter so indifferently, even if the other party was brought by Captain Kotori, or her brother.

ps: Thank you for the 500 starting point coin reward from the students who cried and climbed the mountain!
ps2: Kill you out, I want to eat you!

(End of this chapter)

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