Chapter 357
"Yixian should tell brother Yang Han the important issues directly, and I will be responsible for what happens." Qin Li patted her chest and assured Yang Han.

"But Captain Kotori, don't you think this decision is too hasty? If the mission fails, there may not be a second chance. The target has generally been honest over the years, although occasionally there will be some exceeding A small breach of normal rules, but still within reason, I think we still have time..."

"He is now very close to the original elves. If the two of them contact and something happens unexpectedly, do you know the consequences?" Qin Li was not as good-tempered as she was with Yang Han when she treated her subordinates. Obviously she belongs to the kind of character whose orders cannot be questioned.

"Yes, the target is currently under construction at the construction site in the west district of Tiangong City, coordinates 232, 64. There are a total of 53 civilians around, and the distribution is relatively loose. It is estimated that all people within 15 kilometers around can be evacuated within [-] minutes after the alarm is issued." Yixian Some grievances lowered their heads and reported.

With the end of Yisen, other personnel in the control room also mobilized. After a while, the position of Maou Sadao was located on the big screen according to the reported coordinates. It was a figure dressed in casual clothes and pushing a small cart. .

This person looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with broken hair and a temperament similar to that of a high school student, and he didn't know any heinous people.His appearance has changed a lot from what Yang Han saw before, without the horns of a demon king, and his body is becoming dangerously thinner as if shrunken.

However, Yang Han was not surprised, because even through the screen, he could still conclude that this person is the devil Satan. This is the explanation given by the memory of the three-dimensional, and part of his own intuition is also mixed in it.

"The target's physical condition is good, and no fluctuations in spiritual power have been found." A crew member in the control room reported.

"Very good, open the closing barrier, temporarily control him, and then quickly isolate irrelevant civilians." Kotori issued an order.

"The closing barrier is opened, and the energy integration is completed. It is estimated that the current target can be restrained infinitely, and the target can be restrained for about 35.8 seconds at the peak of the restraint."

"It's too short. Try to improve the safety factor. Casualties are inevitable, but it must not cause a sensation." Kotori said dissatisfied.

"Captain Kotori, are you really going to arrest and encircle in such a hasty way?" Yixian tried to persuade her again, she was too rational and ignorant of real power, she always felt that Kotori's course of action was too hasty up.

"Leave the full power to me for the time being! Yixian, although you are not Gongping's character, I don't recommend you to cultivate it!" Kotori said with her hands on her hips, looking threatening.

As soon as Yixian said this, he still dared to persuade him, so he could only stare at Yang Han fiercely, as if to say: It's all up to you, if it weren't for you, Captain Qinli, how could he become like this.

Yang Han felt a little helpless, who did he ask to provoke?But he is not going to care about the other party because of this matter.Since Qinli trusts herself so much, then this matter must be handled quickly and quickly, and she must not embarrass her sister.Thinking of this, he began to think about the implementation of this matter with assurance.

Although Satan is absolutely unable to beat himself at this level, in order to eliminate the possibility of his growth over the years and various uncertain factors, Yang Han decided to use the limit power that this world can bear.

Time passed slowly with the operations of each crew member, and about a quarter of an hour later, the sound of reports that the preparations were completed sounded from the control room.

"Brother Yang Han, we are ready now, go to the transmission port and wait for the transmission, we have already marked the target location, eh? Brother Yang Han?" Qin Li turned to Yang Han and said, only to find that he was still standing The other party here has disappeared.

"I'm back!" Before Qin Li could react, the space where Yang Han was originally standing was distorted, and Yang Han's figure reappeared.

"Moo, really, Brother Yang Han should at least get up some energy at this time..." Before Qin Li finished speaking, he saw that Yang Han seemed to be carrying something in his hand.When I took a closer look, it turned out to be a boy wearing a hard hat, sweat towel, and white gloves for labor protection.Although the other party has fainted at this moment, isn't this person the target of this encirclement and suppression operation, Maou Sadao! ! !

"This... this is..." Yixian also stammered, pointing at Maou Sadao who passed out, and became somewhat incoherent.

"The target person you want, I'll leave it to you later, what should I do? Do I need to cripple his hands and feet and throw them into formalin to soak them into specimens? Ah yes, I just happened to bring these necessary props " Yang Han asked suspiciously, what he said made all the girls shudder.Combined with his action of taking out the treasure of God, taking out pieces of adzes, axes, saws, and formalin, he is simply a bad guy.

"How on earth did you do it?" Yixian ran forward excitedly, grabbed Yang Han's collar and shook it vigorously.However, Yang Han was not something she could shake at all. With a little force, Yang Han's casual jacket was directly torn a big hole.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, Yang Han's clothes were of good quality, but this Yixian didn't seem to be an ordinary girl.She was a little bit more powerful than ordinary people, so with this move, Yang Han's upper body stretched out, fully exposing the appearance of his chest.

The unified girls in the control room all stared at this scene.Girls also know how attractive a man's body is. Girls also watch movies to find what they need, and these girls present, including Kotori, dare to say that they have never seen such a rare thing when they grow up. The male body has clear lines. Too much is too fat, too little is too thin, white is too masculine, and black is too ugly.

As much as beautiful women are attractive to men, so are handsome men to women.If not long ago, if they hadn't shown their strong strength and perfect figure, many girls would not even look at him, but when they were willing to try and look at Yang Han carefully, the results they got would be completely different.

"What's inside, everyone's eyes seem to be glowing green, is it my illusion?" The man naturally wouldn't make any pretentious appearance of being naked, Yang Han snapped his fingers casually, the clothes on his body emitted a soft light, and blinked The variable recovery is intact.

"...Ah!!!!!!" It was only then that Yixian realized what he had just done, and quickly lowered his head, covered his face and screamed.Those who didn't know thought it was her who just burst her clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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