Behavioral Psychology: Instantly Read the Secrets Behind Others' Small Actions

Chapter 8 Attitude is more important than ability. Interpret the micro-expressions of subordinates t

Chapter 8 Attitude is more important than ability. Interpret the micro-expressions of subordinates to figure out their work attitude
For a leader, it is his job to manage his subordinates well.However, how to manage the subordinates well, how to develop the potential of the subordinates, so that the subordinates can wholeheartedly create benefits for the company?First of all, by interpreting the micro-expressions of subordinates, try to figure out their work attitude.attitude decides everything.For an administrator, only by finding the right person can he do the right thing.

1.A person who walks calmly does business practically

Q Jun: I need to promote a department deputy from my subordinates. Two of them are very suitable. One of them walks calmly and the other walks in a hurry. Who should I promote?
Professional in the workplace: Deputy must be pragmatic!Generally speaking, a person who walks calmly is pragmatic, while a person who walks in a hurry pays attention to work efficiency. He is a typical activist and is more suitable to be a leader.I think you should improve the person who walks steadily!
【Scene reconstruction】

Jiang Lebing and Guo Shiping were colleagues who entered the company's sales department on the same day. They have established a deep friendship since then. They eat together at noon and take the car home together after get off work. They are like brothers.Colleagues also often say that the two of them are really inseparable buddies.

Jiang Lebing is one year older than Guo Shiping, he walks steadily, no matter how important and urgent he encounters, he is not in a hurry.It's the same at work, he always treats work tepidly, with a slow and slow look, even if others say, he doesn't care about anything, let alone speed up his work.The sales department has to formulate a sales plan every month, and Jiang Lebing's sales plan is always the same value, and basically can be completed as much.

Guo Shiping, who is completely opposite to Jiang Lebing, walks in a hurry and has a quick pace. As long as he decides to do something, he will do it immediately, and he will never drag his feet.Relatively speaking, Guo Shiping is more energetic and enjoys sports. Even if he wears a suit and tie, he is much more energetic than Jiang Lebing.When formulating the sales plan every month, he always writes a little more. Even if he can't finish it, he still thinks it is a kind of motivation.

Jiang Lebing and Guo Shiping are both dedicated to their work, but Guo Shiping's work performance is much higher than Jiang Lebing's.In a blink of an eye, the new sales year came, the sales manager was taken away by a headhunting company, the deputy manager was promoted to manager, and a deputy manager needed to be selected from the employees below.Everyone scrambled to submit applications, but Jiang Lebing wrote a letter of recommendation casually as if nothing had happened.

The promoted manager carefully reviewed these applications, and he picked out two of them, one was Jiang Lebing's recommendation letter, and the other was Guo Shiping's application letter.The manager made a careful comparison, and he knew that Guo Shiping's ability was higher than that of Jiang Lebing, but as a deputy, he needed to be pragmatic.Therefore, he focused on examining which of the two was more pragmatic.

Through careful observation, the manager found that Jiang Lebing walked steadily and Guo Shiping walked in a hurry.Therefore, Jiang Lebing always walked behind Guo Shiping, as if Guo Shiping was waiting for Jiang Lebing.From this, the manager concluded that Jiang Lebing was more pragmatic.Therefore, Jiang Lebing was promoted as the deputy manager.

Jiang Lebing was puzzled when he received the appointment notice, so he asked the manager why Guo Shiping was not promoted.The manager said with a smile: "Practical work attitude is an essential condition for a deputy manager. From your walking posture, I found that you walk calmly and are more pragmatic, while he walks in a hurry and works more efficiently."

Only then did Jiang Lebing suddenly realize.

Who is promoted by the boss is definitely not for no reason, but has his own considerations.As a boss, if you want to promote a deputy manager, who would you choose between those who walk calmly and those who walk hurriedly?
[expert answering doubts]

A person walks in various poses and with different expressions, each of which is different, and gives people different feelings.In addition to showing one's upbringing and demeanor, walking posture can also reveal a person's psychological activities.A person's character has a lot to do with his actions. From the way a person walks, one can infer his mental state at that time.

Generally speaking, people with a steady walk are more pragmatic.They walked at a slow pace, always looking unhurried.They are typical realists who stress prudence in everything, "think twice before acting" in everything they do, and will never be too ambitious and disregarding reality.Jiang Lebing in the story is such a person. The reason why his boss promotes him is because he has observed Jiang Lebing's steady walking posture and figured out his pragmatic work attitude, which is exactly what the deputy manager needs.Therefore, between the pragmatic Jiang Lebing and the capable Guo Shiping, he chose to promote Jiang Lebing.

As a boss, it is very important to understand the personality and work attitude of your subordinates.Only by understanding the work attitude of the subordinates can they be seated properly and arrange corresponding positions for them so as to realize their potential.

[Extended reading]

People walk in various poses and with different expressions, each of them is different, and the feelings they give people are also different.As a leader, you should observe the walking posture of your subordinates more. From their walking posture, you can find unexpected secrets!

People who walk calmly do things practically
People who walk steadily are never in a hurry, even if they encounter the most important and urgent matters.This kind of person has always sought stability in doing things, and no matter what he does, he must "think twice before acting".They are more faithful and pragmatic. Generally speaking, they are very efficient and do what they say.

Leaning forward while walking and doing things strictly

Some people always walk with their upper body leaning forward instead of holding their heads high.This kind of person is more introverted and gentle, more modest, generally not publicized, pays great attention to strict requirements on himself, and is very self-cultivated.

Walking with head down and no target
Some people always drag their feet when they walk, put their hands in their pockets, and often lower their heads, just burying their heads in pulling the cart, not looking up at the road, not knowing where they are going in the end.Such people often encounter difficult problems and are in a dilemma.Many people who are on the verge of desperation often behave like this.

A person with a fast pace has a flexible mind
Walking vigorously, with ease, flexibility and flexibility, this kind of person reminds people of youth, health and vitality.

A person with such a gait is generally a gentleman.Of course, we should look at the essence through phenomena and not be confused by illusions.

People who walk in a hurry have strong mobility
People who walk in a hurry and walk quickly are typical activists. They are energetic, smart and capable, and have strong adaptability. They have the courage to face various challenges in life and work.

Small steps, fast-paced walkers are conservative

Most of these people are conservative and rigid. Their steps are usually fast, often taking small steps, and their arm movements are also very mechanical.

2.People who like to put nicknames on their business cards are irresponsible
Q Jun: I heard that a person's personality and work attitude can be identified from a person's business card. So, what is the attitude of the person with the nickname printed on the business card?
Professional in the workplace: Generally speaking, people with nicknames printed on their business cards have no sense of responsibility, so don’t entrust them with important tasks!

【Scene reconstruction】

Lu Xiaofeng is a marketing salesperson. He has excellent working ability and knows how to communicate and communicate with customers, and he wins a big order from time to time.But he has a bad habit of always printing his nickname on his business card.While appreciating him, the manager always reminded him to get rid of this bad habit from time to time.However, although he often said to change, he never changed.

Once, the company had a very important order to sign.After much deliberation, the marketing manager always felt that Lu Xiaofeng was the best candidate because of his strong negotiating skills, and he believed that he would be able to successfully complete the task.

On this day, the marketing manager and Lu Xiaofeng came to the general manager's office together.The marketing manager first introduced Lu Xiaofeng to the general manager, and there was no lack of flattery in his words.When Lu Xiaofeng was proud, the general manager said: "Show me your business card."

Not knowing why, Lu Xiaofeng immediately handed over his business card.The general manager took a look at the business card and found that his name was not printed on the business card, but a nickname was printed on it.When he saw this, he frowned involuntarily.After a while, he told Lu Xiaofeng to go out first.

After Lu Xiaofeng went out, the general manager said to the manager: "I don't think he can take on this important task."

The marketing manager asked in surprise: "How can you see it?"

"Didn't you notice that his nickname is printed on his business card?" The general manager pointed to Lu Xiaofeng's business card and said.

"I know, I reminded him once, but he said it's his personal habit. So, I didn't care too much." The marketing manager said after thinking about it.

"The person with the nickname printed on his business card has no sense of responsibility. How can you entrust such an important task to such an irresponsible person?" the general manager said angrily.

Upon hearing this, the marketing manager immediately explained: "His negotiating ability is really strong, and he signed a big order a few days ago. No one in the entire marketing department has stronger business ability than him."

The general manager sighed and said nothing more.Sure enough, as expected by the general manager, when Lu Xiaofeng went to see the client that day, the client left angrily because he was late.

Is it right for the marketing manager to hand over an important task to a subordinate who has no sense of responsibility but has strong negotiating skills?
[expert answering doubts]

Almost everyone has a business card full of their titles.There are various types of business cards, some of which are very complicated and have many titles; some are like the handwriting of an artist with novel ideas; It is to tell others that such a person exists.

To some extent, a business card is a window for others to know themselves, and some business cards even include a person's life's achievements and income.Therefore, looking at a person through a business card is a very effective method.

The marketing manager in the story didn't understand the meaning behind the business card at all, thinking that Lu Xiaofeng was just a personal habit, and didn't take it to heart.However, what he didn't expect was that it was his carelessness that caused huge losses to the company.Although the general manager can see that Lu Xiaofeng is an irresponsible person through the fact that Lu Xiaofeng likes to print nicknames on his business cards, he has not considered that a person's sense of responsibility is above all else.If he had found someone with a strong sense of responsibility but less negotiation skills than Lu Xiaofeng to meet this client, the chances of winning might have been greater.

Therefore, as a boss, when you give your subordinates tasks, you might as well first see the other party's work attitude clearly.The business card includes the achievements and income of a person's life, so you might as well find a breakthrough here.

[Extended reading]

To some extent, a business card is a window for others to know themselves, and some business cards even include a person's life's achievements and income.Therefore, it is a very effective method to spot a person through a business card.

People who like to have their name printed in big letters on their business cards are expressive

Such people often show strong desires, and they always emphasize and highlight themselves from time to time to attract the attention of others.This kind of person is generally very utilitarian, but in terms of dealing with others, he is quite peaceful and kind, with a gentlemanly demeanor.They are best at using certain means to achieve their own goals. Their appearance and heart are often quite inconsistent. On the surface they are quite easy-going, but in fact, it is not easy for others to really get close.They are good at hiding themselves, they know how to act cautiously in dealing with others, and they are more able to grasp the proportions so that everything is just right.

People who don't have any titles printed on their business cards have stronger personalities

Most of these people have strong personalities, and they hate all hypocritical, false, and unrealistic things.They don't pay much attention to their identity and status, and they seldom consider what others think of them. They only like to do things according to their own wishes, rather than being dominated and dispatched by others.At the same time, they rarely point fingers at others and give orders.They generally have imagination and creativity beyond ordinary people, so they often make innovations and breakthroughs.

The texture, shape and color of the business card are quite different People like to be alone
Such people have a strong desire for performance and like to show off.They like to live an unrestrained and free life, and they can do whatever they want.Most of these people are flexible in mind and have good eloquence, but they are used to being alone and doing their own way, so it is difficult for them to have a strong interest in anything other than their own things.They are often very clear about right and wrong, good and evil, and their performance will be clear at a glance, so they will often cause some trouble.In interpersonal communication, they lack sufficient coordination, and their interpersonal relationship is not very good.

Compassionate for people who like business cards made of light, textured materials

Such people have a strong sense of aesthetics and are less prone to disputes with others.When conditions permit, they will try their best to forgive each other.They are more compassionate and will often help and care for others.But people of this type are not too strong and weak-willed, and often bring themselves some failures and troubles.

People who add their home address and phone number to their business cards have a strong sense of responsibility

Most of these people have a strong sense of responsibility, otherwise they would not print their home addresses and phone numbers on their business cards.In this way, if he is not in the office, the other party will definitely find his home and settle the matter.On the contrary, there are many people who refuse to tell others their home address and phone number in order to avoid trouble at work.

People who like to add glossy film on their business cards to make their business cards have a smooth effect are vain

This kind of people seem to be warm, sincere and forthright on the outside, and they are very kind and kind when interacting with others, but this may be just a perfunctory means used in their communication. In fact, they are mostly vanity. people.

People with nicknames printed on their business cards are less responsible

Most of these people have a strong rebellious mentality, and they often cannot work in harmony with other people.They are generally more cautious and prudent in dealing with others, but they are a little nervous and often have some unreasonable suspicions. They suspect others and themselves at the same time, which makes them prone to inferiority complex. When encountering setbacks and difficulties, they lack Enough confidence, always want to compromise.From a certain point of view, they don't have much sense of responsibility, and they will always find ways to evade their own responsibilities.

3.People who tidy up their desks and drawers are in good order

Q Jun: It is said that a person's work attitude can be seen from the attitude of a person tidying his desk, so should I pay attention to how new employees tidy their desks?

Professional in the workplace: This is the right thing to do. In the office, the desk is the easiest place to reveal a person's work attitude.If you observe carefully, you can get unexpected gains!
【Scene reconstruction】

Zhou Xiaolan and Zhao Jia joined the company as administrative clerks. They are both handsome and lovely, and they are both undergraduate graduates.However, Zhou Xiaolan's personality is more introverted, while Zhao Jia's personality is more lively and cheerful.

Within a few days of the two of them coming to the company, the assistant to the administrative manager resigned.Therefore, the administrative manager considers promoting an assistant from among the administrative clerks.Regardless of education background or appearance, there is no doubt that Zhou Xiaolan and Zhao Jia are the best candidates.Therefore, in the past few days, the administrative manager consciously contacted Zhou Xiaolan and Zhao Jia in order to understand their abilities and work attitudes.

After a few days of contact, the administrative manager found that Zhou Xiaolan's personality was more introverted, while Zhao Jia's personality was more lively and cheerful.Of course, Zhao Jia's personality is more suitable for the position of administrative assistant.

Just when the administrative manager was planning to promote Zhao Jia as an administrative assistant, he unexpectedly found that Zhao Jia's desk and drawers were in a mess.He couldn't help being startled, and he remembered a book that said that people who make a mess of their desks and drawers like to act on impulse.They do things informally, often so-so, muddling along.Naturally, such people do not tidy up their boss's desk, let alone do a good job as an administrative assistant.

The administrative manager pondered for a while, and came to Zhou Xiaolan's desk again.He found that Zhou Xiaolan's desk and drawers were neatly packed, and all kinds of items were placed where they should be placed, giving people a particularly comfortable feeling.This type of person is very organized, relatively speaking, very suitable for the job of an assistant.

After some investigation, the administrative manager finally decided to promote Zhou Xiaolan as the assistant of the administrative manager.

As a boss, when you select or promote a person, have you carefully examined his desk and drawers?
[expert answering doubts]

In the office, the desk is the easiest place to reveal a person's work attitude.As a boss, if you want to know what kind of work attitude a new employee has, you might as well observe how he cleans his desk.

The administrative manager in the story made some comparisons and finally chose to promote Zhou Xiaolan, who is more introverted.This is the result he obtained after carefully observing the desks of Zhou Xiaolan and Zhao Jia.From the state of their desks, the administrative manager could see their work attitudes. Zhou Xiaolan organized the desks and drawers neatly, which fully showed that she was a well-organized person, and her work must be extremely efficient.Although Zhao Jia has a cheerful and lively personality, she has made a mess of the desk and drawers. She does not think about everything and does things on impulse, so it is easy to mess things up.After weighing, the administrative manager finally decided to promote Zhou Xiaolan as an assistant.

If the administrative manager hadn't noticed the desks of Zhou Xiaolan and Zhao Jia at the beginning, maybe he had chosen the wrong people.It not only affects the company's image, but also reduces work efficiency.

From the above story, we can draw a conclusion: if you don't know your subordinate well, if you want to understand his work attitude, the best way is to observe his desk.From the desk, you can discover many secrets!
[Extended reading]

In the office, the desk is the easiest place to reveal a person's work attitude.As a boss, if you want to know what kind of work attitude a new employee has, you might as well observe how he tidies up his desk.

A person with a tidy desk and drawers keeps things organized

Whether it is on the desktop of the desk or in the drawers, they are all neat and tidy, and all kinds of items are placed where they should be placed, which makes people look quite comfortable.This shows that the owners of the desks are extremely efficient in their work, and their lives are also very regular. They will always draw up a plan in advance for what to do, so that they will not be embarrassed by surprise.They know how to cherish time and can use different time to do more meaningful things carefully.But they are used to doing things according to the plan, so they often feel overwhelmed by some unexpected things.In this regard, their adaptability appears to be slightly worse.

drawers and table tops are messy people do things on impulse

This kind of people is very kind and enthusiastic towards others, and their personality is very easy-going. They usually do things only according to their own preferences and impulses. After 3 minutes of heat, they may give up naturally.They lack the wisdom of foresight, do not consider things too carefully, and do not have any long-term plans.Although their attitude towards life is positive and optimistic, they are too casual and careless, and they are often sloppy and muddled along, but their adaptability is stronger than ordinary people.

The desktop is clean, but the drawer is a mess. People like to play tricks
Although such people have enough wisdom, they often cannot do things in a down-to-earth manner, and like to play tricks and make superficial articles.Most of them have a loose and lazy personality, and they are not very reliable in their lives.On the surface, they seem to have relatively good interpersonal relationships, but in fact, few people can really talk to each other, and they are also a very lonely group of people.

All kinds of materials are intricately placed on the desk, doing things for others is anticlimactic

All kinds of documents and materials are always placed here and some there. There are no rules, and there is no distinction between priorities.Most of these people are anticlimactic in doing things, and they can't figure out a clue.Their attention is often distracted by other things, so they cannot concentrate on their work, and naturally it is difficult to make excellent results.They also want to change their current situation, but their self-discipline ability is very poor, they always compromise with themselves, and regret it later, but then they will find various reasons to comfort themselves.

4.People who habitually jot down key points on the phone are rigorous about their work

Mr. Q: Today, I saw one of my subordinates frantically looking for a note when he needed to write down a message after making a phone call. It was really not efficient at all.

Professionals in the workplace: People who only look for notes when they need to write down information on the phone, do things in a sloppy manner, and only think about it when they do it. Without planning, it will be difficult to achieve great things.

【Scene reconstruction】

Wu Ming is the chairman of a telemarketing company.On this day, he took a look at the company's report and found that the company's earnings were very poor.So, talk to the business manager.However, business managers always use the market depression as an excuse to evade responsibility.But Wu Ming knew very well that rather than saying that the market was depressed, it was better to say that the company's employees were not active in their work.

As the saying goes: "To catch the thief, first catch the king." In order to find out the flaws in the manager's work, Wu Ming secretly observed him and the entire business department.Therefore, he began to carefully observe every salesman and business manager.Soon, he found that the salesman's habit of making calls was completely different.

Xiao Li is the supervisor of the business department, and he always has a note in hand before making a call.As long as the client said something that needed to be written down, he immediately picked up the notes and wrote them down.Wu Ming once read a book on behavioral psychology, which said that such people are very rigorous about their work, they will pay attention to some small details, and they will never be perfunctory.Therefore, Wu Ming smiled and patted Xiao Li's shoulder from the side.

However, when he continued to observe, he unexpectedly found that the business manager was looking for the note while holding the microphone.Wu Ming's brows frowned involuntarily. He knew that a person who only looked for a note when he needed to write down a message on a phone call did things sloppily.So, demote managers to supervisors and promote supervisors to managers.

On the day the business executive was promoted, the company held a general meeting.Wu Ming delivered a speech at the conference, hoping that everyone can learn from the current business manager in the future and develop a rigorous work style.

In the workplace, if you find that your subordinates are on the phone while looking for notes, what will you think? [expert answering doubts]

Why did the boss in the story demote the business manager to a supervisor and promote the supervisor to a manager?Because through careful observation, he found that the manager is a person who looks for a note when he needs to write down information on the phone, while the supervisor is a person who will prepare the note before making a call and prepare for writing down the information.Obviously, the working attitude of the supervisor is much stricter than that of the manager.Naturally, it should be promoted.

Relatively speaking, the supervisor is better at doing the job well, because from this subtle action, the boss finds that he thinks about the problem in a subtle and thoughtful way, will notice many small details, and will never be perfunctory.People like this will not only strictly demand themselves, but also strictly demand employees.The boss believes that a team under his leadership will definitely improve work efficiency.

The manager only started looking for notes when he needed to write down information on the phone. From this behavior, it can be seen that he does things in a sloppy manner, does not think of where he is, has no plan at all, and is perfunctory in his work.How can a person like this lead a team to be more productive?Therefore, the leader has his reasons for making such a decision.

[Extended reading]

A person's habit of making a phone call will reveal his psychology. If you observe carefully, you will find its inner meaning!

People who habitually write down key points on the phone are rigorous in their work

People who habitually jot down key points on the phone will have a note paper in hand before answering the phone.They are very thoughtful in thinking about problems, rigorous in their work, will pay attention to small details, will never be perfunctory, and are very good at doing their jobs well.Their advantage is that they are thoughtful and emotional, but they will be a little unable to adapt to unexpected situations.

The person who looks for a note when he needs to write down a message on the phone does things scribbled

The person who starts looking for the note after a call and needs to jot down the message is the one who thinks where he is.They lack planning in doing things and know how to adapt to the situation, but they often have mood changes and do things sloppy, giving people a feeling that the city is not deep.

Unfocused man organizing documents on desk while talking on phone

Generally speaking, people who talk on the phone while doing other things are not paying attention.Such people usually answer the phone while arranging the books and stationery on the table. They are not concentrating on speaking and divert their attention with other things.

People who talk on the phone and write meaningless words are boring

Generally speaking, writing meaningless words while talking is a sign of boredom.This is the best evidence that it doesn't matter what it says.Therefore, this behavior indicates that such a person is in a state of idleness and boredom.

5.The person who writes vertically has a strong sense of responsibility

Q Jun: Among the many interviewers, how can I find candidates with a strong sense of responsibility?

Professionals in the workplace: This is not easy. Carefully observe their handwriting, and you can see a person's character and attitude from his handwriting.

【Scene reconstruction】

"General manager, the three of them passed five tests and cut six generals, and entered the re-examination. Please make the final decision." The interviewer introduced to the general manager.

"Have you interviewed the marketing manager?" the general manager asked.

"Yes, through the conversation, the marketing manager found that the three of them have their own advantages and cannot decide. So..." the interviewer replied respectfully.

"Okay, I got it! Show me their written test paper." The general manager ordered.

While handing over the test papers, the interviewer said, "They all scored 90 points." The general manager took the test papers and read them carefully without saying anything.

After a while, the general manager asked, "Who is Qiao Jianjun?"

"I am." A plain-looking man stood up.

"You have been hired." The general manager said lightly.

The three applicants and the interviewer were stunned. They never expected that the interview with the general manager would end so soon.The interviewer wanted to say something, but swallowed it again.

Qiao Jianjun, who was admitted, lived up to the expectations of the general manager. After one month in the company, he signed a big contract.When the interviewer was happy, he asked inexplicably, "General Manager, how did you select the candidates?"

The general manager said with a smile: "I can see their character and attitude from their writing. Qiao Jianjun writes with a pituitary font. This type of person has a strong sense of responsibility, pays attention to practice, and makes decisions based on his own analysis and judgment. Such people Exactly what the market needs. However, the other two like to write big letters and one likes to write small letters. The people who like big letters are reckless, while the people who like small letters are very observant and attentive, but they are too cautious , is easily affected by the external environment, and is more suitable for work such as accounting."

When the general manager said this, the interviewer involuntarily gave him a thumbs up.

As a company manager, when recruiting employees, whether there are times when he is indecisive. If he cannot decide who to recruit from his conversation, he can also make a decision from his daily behavior, such as what kind of font he likes to write.

[expert answering doubts]

A person once said such a sentence: "If you have a messy handwriting, it means you have a messy heart." From this we can see that we can see a person's character and attitude from his handwriting.

When the general manager in the story had difficulty making a choice, he thought of looking at a person's handwriting to see what kind of handwriting he likes to write, so as to figure out the other person's character and attitude.One person's handwriting is clear at a glance, Qiao Jianjun's handwriting is vertical, and the other two people write large characters and the other small characters.From their fonts, the general manager figured out their personalities and attitudes, and quickly made a decision.

As a company manager, it is a good way to see the other party's character and attitude through handwriting.Therefore, when recruiting employees or promoting employees, you may wish to pay attention to the words written by him. From these words, you can find the answers you want.

[Extended reading]

There are rumors in ancient and modern China and abroad that a person's character and attitude can be seen from his handwriting. As a boss, you may wish to pay attention to the words written by him during employee interviews. From these words, you can find unexpected things. Oh the secret!

People who like to write fine print are good at observation
Generally speaking, people who are used to writing small characters (font size between 4-2mm) have strong observation and concentration skills.They are serious and careful in their work, but they are overly cautious, highly alert, easily influenced by the external environment, and very concerned about what others think of them.If the handwriting is small, and the more you write, the higher you go.This shows that the writer is very focused, rational, calm, good at analysis and judgment, patient, careful, and likes to do some meticulous work.

People who like to write big characters are reckless

Generally speaking, people who are used to writing large characters (font size between 6-8mm) like to attract the attention of others so as to express themselves.Do things quickly but a little recklessly, like to be self-motivated as action-oriented, do things with purpose and plan, and don't pay attention to details.

Vertical fonts have a strong sense of responsibility

Generally speaking, people who write vertically focus on practice, are independent, have a rational and clear mind, and make decisions based on their own analysis and judgment. Once a decision is made, it is not easy to change it.Strong self-control, cautious, restrained, serious, loyal to duty, strong sense of responsibility and principle, not strong emotional response.

Writing flat herringbone has tenacious perseverance

People who write in flat fonts have strong confidence and dogged perseverance.They are generally not easy to be affected by the external environment, and even stubborn, and like to dig into dead ends.Serious and responsible, organized and planned, but sometimes rigid and inflexible.

If the flat character leans to the right, it indicates that the writer has ideals, ambitions, aggressiveness, courage to pioneer, enthusiasm, love of life, willingness to help others, easy to get along with others, and daring to take risks.

If the flat font leans to the left, it indicates that the writer has a rebellious character, is highly motivated, can bear hardships and stand hard work, perseveres in doing things, and is tenacious.People who write this type of font are lofty and aloof, disdainful of worldly affairs, often feel resentful towards the real society, have ideals in mind but feel that ambitions are not rewarded, and are full of contradictions and struggles in their hearts.

6. People who are "ready to fight" are extremely enthusiastic about their work

Mr. Q: Today, I arranged a task for my subordinate, and I hope he will complete it.However, when he received the task, he was gearing up, as if he was reluctant.Why is that?
Professional in the workplace: You assign tasks to him, and it is a good thing that he is gearing up!This shows that he is very keen on this matter and is eager to try it!

【Scene reconstruction】

Wang Mengjie is a logistics clerk in a company.She has a cheerful and lively personality, and is deeply liked by her colleagues.During May Day last year, the company organized employees to travel, and the travel destinations were basically determined by everyone's vote.Since Wang Mengjie majored in tour guides when she was in college, many of her classmates worked in travel agencies.In this way, he can get some lower prices and still have security.Therefore, she volunteered to ask the logistics supervisor to arrange this matter by herself.Thanks to Wang Mengjie's careful arrangement, everyone had a good time last time.

This year's May Day is coming again, Wang Mengjie started to go up and down activities early, collecting all kinds of gossip, and asked many leaders about their plans for this trip.

Several leaders of the company discussed with the new logistics supervisor and decided to go to Mount Emei.After returning to the office, the logistics supervisor anxiously searched for travel agency information on the Internet.Just when he was in a hurry, Wang Mengjie, who had always been keen on this, came to his office.She kept rubbing her palms quickly, looked at the supervisor with a smile, and said excitedly and loudly: "Director, please leave this task to me! Many of my classmates are in the travel agency. I will go there after work today." connect!"

The supervisor turned around and saw Wang Mengjie rubbing his palms constantly and quickly, with a knowing smile on his face.He smiled and said, "Okay! But, you have to make arrangements for me."

"Don't worry! Supervisor, leave this matter to me, and you will be satisfied." Wang Mengjie said excitedly.

"Well, okay, then I can rest assured! You go down first!" The supervisor said with a smile.

Wang Mengjie was so happy that she almost jumped out of the supervisor's office.

When you assign a task to your subordinates, your subordinates seem to have a "scratching" behavior?If the other party doesn't say anything, can you understand his body language of "earning to fight"?
[expert answering doubts]

Generally speaking, the quick "gripping" action usually indicates that the other party is eager to try.This action is performed subconsciously when a person particularly wishes to do it.In the story, Wang Mengjie is extremely keen on arranging travel, so her quick "gripping" behavior is naturally revealed.Wang Mengjie's quick "gripping" shows that she is ready to go all out.The logistics supervisor also understood and handed over the matter to her without hesitation.

However, some bosses didn't understand what it meant, and when they saw their subordinates "rubbing their fists" quickly, they thought that the subordinates were not willing to complete it.Or they mistakenly believe that their subordinates are deliberately concealing something from themselves.Therefore, as a boss, it is very necessary to understand the meaning of the action of "gripping hands".

When understanding the meaning of the action of "gripping your hands", you must pay attention to one more thing: Like all body language, the action of "gripping your hands" expresses different meanings in different situations.For example, in the cold winter, you and your subordinate are waiting for the car to go home together. At this time, he is gearing up because he feels cold and wants to use this action to warm his hands.There is also a possibility that sometimes, some subordinates will make this action even if they make a mistake, and at this time it expresses a complicated mood.There is both anticipation and anxiety.He is looking forward to a good result, but also very worried about the possibility of a bad result.

It is also rubbing hands together, which means different meanings under different background conditions.Therefore, the boss should not jump to conclusions as soon as he sees the behavior of his subordinates, but should analyze different situations in detail, and then draw conclusions after analysis and comparison.Otherwise, there may be situations where people are employed improperly, or subordinates are misunderstood.

[Extended reading]

person slowly rubbing palms together is thinking

The speed at which the palms are rubbed is different, and the meanings expressed are also different.Generally speaking, people who rub their palms slowly usually give people a feeling of thinking, which makes people feel that he is planning something.Well, what he said next may hide some conspiracy and cannot be [-]% sincere.If you meet such a person, you should be vigilant.

People who rub their palms together quickly are enthusiastic

A quick rubbing of palms indicates that the person is very enthusiastic at this time, extremely enthusiastic about this matter, and has a state of mind that is eager to try.Generally speaking, when a person particularly wishes to do something, he tends to do it subconsciously.

When it's cold, gear up to warm your hands
Rubbing one's hands on a cold day is not a sign of determination, optimism about something, or fervent hope that the bus will arrive soon.The reason why he did this was because he felt his hands were cold and wanted to use this movement to warm up his hands.So, if you meet such a person, don't worry about it.

The subordinate made a mistake and geared up to show his complicated heart
Sometimes, when a subordinate makes a mistake, he will also make a "fisting" action.He did this kind of action to express the complicated mood in his heart.There is both anticipation and anxiety.He was looking forward to a good result, but he was also worried about an extremely bad result.

chapter summary:

1.Subordinates who walk steadily
People who walk steadily walk with a gentle pace and always seem to be unhurried.They are typical realists, they are prudent in everything, they "think twice before acting" in everything they do, and they will never be too ambitious and disregarding reality.This kind of person is more suitable to be a deputy.

2.Subordinates who like to have nicknames printed on their business cards
People with nicknames on their business cards have little sense of responsibility, and responsibility is everything.Even if such a subordinate is very capable, he cannot be entrusted with some particularly important tasks.

3.Subordinates tidying up desks and drawers
Subordinates who tidy up desks and drawers are a well-organized person. They finish their work in an orderly manner and are extremely efficient.

4.Subordinates who habitually jot down key points on the phone

Subordinates who habitually write down key points on the phone are rigorous in their work. They think about problems in a subtle and thoughtful manner, and they will notice many small details, and they will never be perfunctory.This kind of person is strict with himself, and he will be strict with others.When promoting subordinates, this kind of person is the best choice.

5.Lettering font vertical subordinate
Subordinates with vertical handwriting are very responsible. This kind of subordinates may not have strong working ability, but their strong sense of responsibility will prompt them to continuously improve their ability.When interviewing job applicants, such people should be admitted more.

6. Subordinates who are "gearing up"
Subordinates who are "rubbing their fists" have extremely high enthusiasm for work. When they are gearing up, they show that they are extremely enthusiastic about something, and they have a mentality that is eager to try.It is the wisest choice to entrust this task to such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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