Twin Brocade

Chapter 409 Fear

Chapter 409 Fear
According to this policy, the profit will be awarded to everyone according to the degree of contribution, and a part of the remaining money will be reserved for the turnover of the shop, and the rest will be distributed to the various owners in proportion.

"It looks good to me." Fang Jinshu agreed, and the method of distribution had already taken care of everything.

Lady Han smiled sweetly, and she could vaguely see her peerless appearance in the past.She said: "My shopkeeper said that he has prepared an extra dowry for the fourth girl, and it will be stored in the store for now."

"Is it true that the prince's mansion came to propose marriage?" They were businessmen, and they were the most well-informed.The matter of Wei Jiahang in the prince's mansion asking the Fang family to marry the fourth girl, although it can't be called an uproar, was known in the social circle of the wives in Beijing.

She sent the account book this time just to ask for clarification.

Fang Jinshu said "Yes", and said, "Really, but don't take it to heart."

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Mrs. Han was a little surprised.This is the Prince's Mansion, whether she wants it or not, how can she understate it so lightly? "Where do you start with this. If you need our help, girl, just say it."

Fang Jinshu smiled faintly, and said, "If I'm right, this matter will be over after the new year. If necessary, I will definitely not be polite."

She is so confident, it seems more and more mysterious.After thinking about it for a while, Mrs. Han automatically attributed the matter to the fact that she had the help of that senior, so she was able to deal with it so calmly.

In her heart, she became more and more respectful to that person.What is her background, and she can easily resolve this matter without paying attention to the Prince's Mansion.

After thinking for a while, Mrs. Han said: "Miss Si, I would like to ask you a few words here. The girl's marriage, it's better to settle it earlier." If you make it yourself, you won't be made a fuss about.

"Thank you Mrs. Han." Fang Jinshu seriously responded to her kindness, and said, "Mom should be working on it."

After sending Miss Han away, Fang Jinshu put the account book on the desk and looked carefully.

Since she was supposed to take it seriously, she couldn't be perfunctory.In her previous life, she also read the account books, but she really didn't know much about such business matters.It is also good to take this opportunity to learn more.

Fang Fei served tea for her, but hesitated to speak at the side.

"What's wrong?" She turned a page, looked sideways at Fang Fei's hesitant expression, and asked with a smile.

"Girl, you are really not in a hurry."

Fang Fei personally experienced the matter of Mei Ying Tang, and she still feels terrified when she thinks about it.

She didn't understand many twists and turns, but it didn't affect her bad impression of Wei Jiahang.It was obviously Wu Hanlin who rescued them, but Wei Jiahang came out to claim credit in the end, it was extremely hypocritical.

Such a man has the cheek to propose to his own girl?No matter how noble his status is, in Fang Fei's heart, he is not even worthy to carry a girl's shoes.

Now, seeing that the girl didn't care about it at all, she was secretly anxious.

This is indifferent, what should I do if I really marry such a person?
Fang Jinshu burst into laughter, nodded at her and said with a smile: "Just be at ease, the things you worry about will never happen."

"Girl, it's good that you know what's in your heart." Fang Fei muttered.

Fang Jinshu smiled slightly, she naturally knew what was going on.It's really not her who is worried about this matter.

She was not mistaken, Wei Yixin's mood at this moment was more than ten times anxious than hers.

With a sullen face, she looked at the dress that the maid had prepared for her.Pointing critically at an inconspicuous crease, he said, "What is this? Just show it to me like this?"

"Give me some brains! This is what I will wear at the New Year's Eve banquet."

The maid who was holding the dress was stunned by her scolding, she repeatedly admitted her mistake, and went down to iron the dress.

"Wait!" She scolded, "What kind of incense is this made for me?"

A maid hurriedly replied, "If you go back to the princess, it is the plum blossom fragrance you have been using."

"Change it for me." She waved her hand impatiently. At this moment, she was in a very bad mood, and even disliked the fragrance of plum blossoms, which she had always liked, and said, "Change it to peony."

"From now on, give me peonies, do you understand?" All the maids agreed and retreated.

What plum blossoms!
That's all she had to do to comfort herself in her previous life.Lonely and noble, she doesn't want anything in this life!

She wants to be the king of flowers, the peony, who is graceful, luxurious, beautiful, and proud of all flowers.She wants to enjoy the splendor of this world, wants everyone to submit to her, and wants to be the unique empress!
It's just that the current matter has greatly exceeded her expectations, making her feel extremely troublesome.

Wei Jiahang in the prince's mansion was very smart for a while, but he blocked her way.Her staff found out that it was Wei Jiahang who came up with the idea of ​​marrying Fang Jinshu to resolve the prejudices of the officials towards the Prince's Mansion.

How could this be?

How could he marry Fang Jinshu?

Wei Jiahang is irrelevant, Fang Jinshu is even more so.However, once the Fang family became in-laws with the Prince's Mansion, how could she let Fang Shuyu join King Qi's command?

What's even more exasperating is that the Fang family was a little complacent when the prince's residence came to propose marriage?
She can't wait to go to Fang Shuyu immediately and explain to him clearly: the prince looks like a hot stove right now, but in the end he turns out to be a disobedient one.Follow him, you will only be copied and exiled.

But this is just thinking about it, she doesn't want to be regarded as a lunatic yet.

In fact, the reason why she was so anxious was not only because she was worried that Fang Shuyu would not be able to be used by King Qi.This matter, if you get to the bottom of it, has a lot to do with her.

If she didn't want to get the red crown snake and designed Princess Baochun to embarrass the Fang family sisters, Wei Jiahang's desire to marry Fang Jinshu would not have happened.

Wei Yixin knew in her heart that she had already affected the existing trajectory.If she just sits idly by and allows this to happen, it may not be certain that the crown prince will really ascend the throne and become emperor under the circumstances of the ups and downs.

In this way, all her ambitions are out of the question.

This is what she fears the most.

Everything seems to be slowly changing.And she couldn't grasp the trajectory of this change.


She gently picked up a sapphire jade pendant on the dressing table, raised her hand high, and then let it go slowly.

The jade pendant lost its support, knocked on the ground, made a pleasant breaking sound, and broke into several pieces.A small piece of debris bounced on the ground a few times before finally returning to calm.

Looking at the broken jade on the ground, Wei Yixin laughed silently, her body twitching from laughter.

Wei Jiahang, just get in her way, just wait to be smashed to pieces!
The maid serving her knew that she was in a bad mood, so she held her breath and trembled.Her expression was cold, worse than the cold wind outside.

This winter, the cold is earlier than in previous years.

However, no matter how cold the climate is, it can't stop people's enthusiasm for the coming New Year.

The sky had just turned a little white, and the morning light was faintly shining on Luoyang Xiongcheng, and there was a long queue outside the gate of Changxia.

(End of this chapter)

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