Twin Brocade

Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Second Uncle

Among these people, some carried their hands on their shoulders, some only carried a pole, and some drove a carriage... They were all ordinary people who were rushing into the city.

Among the bustle and bustle, in one of the black cloth carriages, there was a young man with a bulbous nose full of impatience.

"I've already said, there's no need to get up so early." He complained, "I'm right, there's a queue for coming, and I don't know when I'll be waiting."

Across from him sat a man with a goatee.

He said: "Safe my son, please be patient. We are going to Beijing this time to do something important, of course we have to hurry up."

"What's the big deal, it's not the same if you go early and go late." The man who was called Shi'an curled his lips and said, "Father, you are his second uncle, how dare you not let you in."

The man with the goatee shook his head and said, "Don't tell me, I'm really not sure. When he was juren, so many people in the clan couldn't do anything to win him. This will be a serious court official. "

These two people are Quan Moxian's Quan family members.

The man with the goatee is called Quan Dong, and he is Quan Moxian's second uncle. He has a high status in the Quan family, second only to the patriarch.Half of the Quan family's medicine business is in his hands.

The bulbous-nosed man is his eldest son, his name is Quan Shi'an.

It was the decision of the Quan family that the two of them went to Beijing this time.Finally, a scholar came out, and he was still the number one scholar.Because of the greedy nature of the Yiquan family, they can only watch helplessly like this, and they are really unwilling to do so.

It's just that Quan Moxian already hated these people to the core.

After hearing the news that he had won the number one prize, the family reluctantly built a number one scholar archway for him on the street where he lived in the old house.Then he specially sent someone to Beijing to report to him, intending to invite him to return to his hometown, just to use his momentum to expand the business of medicinal materials.

However, the money for establishing the champion archway did not even bubble up.

Quan Moxian ignored it at all, and only sent people to take Mrs. Lin, father and daughter to Beijing.At that time, the Quan family members did not stop coming to harass Mrs. Lin, just wanting to follow suit.

However, the butler Liu he sent was really a ruthless person, so everyone stopped thinking.

But those who helped Mrs. Quan in the past, Quan Moxian did not forget, and each was rewarded.In this way, it makes everyone even more greedy.

Seeing the end of the year, everyone could no longer hold back their thoughts.The several families closed their doors to discuss for a while, and then asked Quan Dong to take his son to Beijing first, and in the name of sending off the new year, he lived in Quan's house first, and then slowly planned the funeral.

"What are you afraid of?" Quan Shi'an dissatisfied: "He is the number one scholar, so what do you think, he is your father's junior. Uncle has said that the current emperor governs the country with filial piety, I think he still dares to disobey and be unfilial?"

Quan Dong twirled his goatee, smiled gratifiedly and said, "Exactly. My son can see this level, so he has grown up." This is also their only support and reliance.

That's at the feet of the emperor, no matter how violent Quan Moxian is, he always has to be cautious.

He's in business, but he's not uninformed either.The imperial court ordered officials to do whatever they wanted.There is also Yushitai, which is dedicated to picketing the words and deeds of officials.

Quan Moxian dared not let them in, so he went to Yushitai to file a complaint.

However, this is only what he thought secretly in his heart.If he really went to Yushitai, Quan Moxian would not be able to be an official, and it would not be of any benefit to the Quan family.

That's why they entered the city so early in order to go through the gate of Quan's house before Quan Moxian came back from the yamen.

Quan Moxian and the others couldn't deal with them. He didn't pay attention to the old and weak women and children.As long as they go in, don't let them come out again.He had made up his mind a long time ago, and he would never leave until he achieved his goal, so he stayed at Quan's house.

After waiting for a while, the team began to squirm.

The soldiers guarding the gate checked the way of people one by one and let them pass one by one.If you meet a suspicious person, take him to the other side for questioning.This is their duty, and they do it well every day. The progress is not fast, but it is methodical.

Finally it was Quan Dong's turn, he jumped off the carriage and handed Lu Yin to the soldiers. "From Tangzhou?" The soldier looked at his guide and asked.

Quan Dong bowed his waist and nodded. He has been in business for a long time, and he always has a fear of the government.Even if the person in front of him is just a soldier.

"The surname Quan..." This surname is extremely rare, and the soldier inevitably muttered.

Hearing him mention his surname, Quan Dong instantly felt his back straightened, and said with his hips akimbo: "My surname is Quan, the number one scholar in this discipline is Bucai's nephew."

Speaking of Quan Moxian, he finally felt confident.

Hearing this, the soldiers also respected him, led his way back with both hands, and said with a smile: "The original elder of Mr. Quan was rude." He stepped forward to check the carriage, and waved his hand to let it go.

Quan Moxian's official position is not high, but as long as he is a commoner in Beijing, it is impossible not to know him.

Zhuangyuanlang paraded through the streets on horseback, and most people in the capital went to see it, and those who didn't have time to go had heard of his name.Later, there was also the matter of Princess Baochang, which was even talked about by everyone.

After they left, a gleam flashed in the eye of one of the men in the line.He passed the road guide, and then followed Quan Dong's carriage.

It's still early, Quan Shi'an rubbed his stomach, and said: "Father, find a place to eat first, I'm going to be so hungry now."

"Nothing!" Quan Dong reprimanded: "As long as you enter Quan's house, can you still be hungry?"

He is extremely stingy and is called "Iron Rooster" in Luqiu.Obviously the family property is quite rich, but it is a master who plucks the hair of geese.This time I went to Beijing, not only did I hire the cheapest carriage, but I didn’t bring any servants with me.

"But I'm hungry." Quan Shi'an said dissatisfied: "Who knows what will happen when we arrive at the place, we have to fill our stomachs first."

"I know how to eat all day long, eat!"

Quan Dong scolded him, but he was his son after all, so he couldn't bear it.So he ordered the driver to find an early shop to stop, and said, "Go and buy two steamed buns first."

When Quan Shi'an got out of the car, he saw the bustling and bustling scene, his eyes glanced directly at the shop in front of him, and turned to a mutton noodle soup next door.

Compared with steamed bun porridge, steaming hot mutton noodle soup is obviously more attractive.Slices of scalded mutton are tossing up and down in the cauldron, just smelling it makes people salivate.

The long chopsticks scoop up the noodles and place them in a bowl.Add a spoonful of milky white noodle soup, cover with a few slices of mutton, sprinkle a few drops of red oil, and a handful of chives, and you can swallow your mouth water when you see it.


He pointed to the mutton noodle soup and said, "You come down too, so we can all have a raw meal."

Quandong in Tangzhou is also popular for drinking spicy food. In order to save money on the way to Beijing, the father and son have not touched meat for several days.It's fine if you don't see it, and you panic when you see it.

(End of this chapter)

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