Twin Brocade

Chapter 417 Hajj

Chapter 417 Hajj
This day is an important day for all the officials and nobles in Luoyang City.The wives who have imperial orders dress up according to their ranks early in the morning, and enter the palace for pilgrimage as soon as the time comes.

Si Lansheng took the juniors and sent Fang Mu and Mrs. Fang respectfully out of the house before going back to the flower hall to arrange the New Year's Eve banquet in the mansion.

This year's Fang family is going smoothly, not only Fang Shuyu's official career is going smoothly, but also good news from Erfang.After this year, Fang Shuren was able to consummate the house, and Pang laughed from ear to ear all day long.

Ponzi finally found that instead of thinking about what has been lost, it is better to think about how to grasp the present.

Qu's daughter-in-law is the right one, she has a gentle temperament and can read a few words.Serving Fang Shuren with all his heart, he was able to talk to him a few words.Coupled with the prescription prescribed by Miracle Physician Su, Fang Shuren's condition was greatly relieved after the gradual recuperation.

Therefore, this year's New Year's Eve, the Fang family can be said to be complete, and everyone's faces are full of joy.

Chinese New Year is always a happy event, and the palace is no exception.This was the third year's New Year's Eve banquet. Empress Cao managed it with ease, and everything went on as usual.

Emperor Qinglong received hundreds of officials in the Xuanzheng Hall, held a grand banquet, and rewarded them for their hard work this year.

In Baolin Garden, their female relatives also have the same treatment, and enjoy the scenery under the guidance of the palace people.These ladies are all familiar with each other, and they are no strangers to each other, so there will naturally be something to talk about when they sit together.

But this year, there is an additional strange face, that is Fang Mudi who was conferred the title of Township Lord by Emperor Qinglong at the beginning of the year.

Many wives disdain her identity.Does an outside room deserve to be compared with them?

Especially Mrs. Zheng, the Duke's wife in Duke Zhong's mansion, looked at her with disgust.Although the capital is big, the social circle of the wives is not big. Everyone knows that Zheng's dislikes this kind of seductive women the most.

Fang Mudi followed Mrs. Fang closely, not daring to meet these gazes.Before coming, Cui Sheng told her face to face, telling her to ignore other people's opinions of her, and just follow Mrs. Fang closely.

She just couldn't understand, where did the disgust in these people's eyes come from?And she did something wrong.

Mrs. Fang patted her arm, and said with a smile: "It's rare to enter the palace, Mudi, you accompany me for a walk." There are many people here, and Fang Mudi can always avoid them when going out, so as not to hinder those noble people Eye.

Fang Mudi responded softly, and helped her walk outside.

As soon as he walked to the door, a woman with a graceful posture and a calm gait came to meet him.Several people surrounded her, she had a faint smile on her face and spoke softly.

Fang Mudi's footsteps faltered. This woman was Cui Sheng's wife Zheng.Since she bumped into her head on, she couldn't pretend she didn't see it.

"I met my sister." She saluted.

Mrs. Zheng paused, then glanced at her, and said, "Get up."

Some of the women beside her hid their mouths and laughed.This kind of scene is really rare, what kind of country gentleman, don't you still have to salute obediently when you see the big house?

Mrs. Fang's grade is not high, and she is not from a famous family. Although she is old, she will not be seen by these women with background.

Seeing that Mrs. Zheng was not in trouble, she motioned for Fang Mudi to help her continue walking outside.

"You are really good-natured." Mrs. Zhong Guogong saw this scene, and after Mrs. Zheng walked over, she said with a somber face: "Such a woman, you also let her live outside. According to me, you should get her back The government sets the province every morning and evening."

She is an elder in the Zheng clan, so she said that bluntly.

Seeing Li, Mrs. Zheng smiled and said: "What do you do under your nose, out of sight and out of mind." She did not agree with this elder's approach.

"It's up to you. If she gives birth to a boy and a half girl, you will suffer."

Zheng Shiyun smiled lightly, and said: "I can save it." For Fang Mudi, Cui Sheng even dismissed all the concubines at home, how could she not know?Fortunately, she guarded her heart and did not do anything like Mrs. Zhong Guogong in front of her.

Loving someone is too tiring, she only needs the name of Cui Sheng's wife.

The madams have all gone to Baolin Garden, while the princes and princesses are still lingering in these two places, Yanqing Palace and Changle Palace.Wei Yixin smiled and presented a beautifully embroidered forehead, and said: "Xin'er has a little heart, and I hope the emperor's grandma will not be disgusted."

Empress Dowager Xiao asked the maid to pick it up, and said with a smile: "It's hard to think about it at such a young age, why would you despise it?"

In Yanqing Palace, because Empress Dowager Xiao was afraid of the cold, the earth dragon burned warmer than other places.Sitting inside, even the curtains are warm, and the tentacles are warm.

Taking advantage of her young age, Wei Yixin sat on the right side of Empress Dowager Xiao.And on the left, there is Princess Baochun who is a little older than her.

Seeing that Wei Yixin won the favor of Empress Dowager Xiao, Princess Baochun was not to be outdone, and said with a pouted: "Grandmother, isn't Lin'er's thoughtful way of inserting the screen? I haven't seen you praise me." .”

"How can it be?" Empress Dowager Xiao smiled kindly, stroked her head and said, "All praise, all praise."

In the hall, Princess Jing'an, Princess Seven, Princess Baochang and others sat in turn.This year's New Year's Eve banquet, regardless of whether they are favored or not, there will always be a place for these royal blood in the palace.

Empress Dowager Xiao does not hold the power in the harem, but Emperor Qinglong's filial piety to her is seen by everyone, and these juniors are more aware of her weight.Therefore, Yanqing Palace, which is usually deserted and quiet, becomes extremely lively at this time.

After talking for a while, Empress Dowager Xiao drove everyone to Changle Palace to greet Empress Cao.

Wei Yixin walked out of the palace gate, staggered on the spot, closed her eyes with her forehead supported.

The maid who was serving her hurriedly asked: "Is there something wrong with the princess? Why don't you take a rest before going?"

"Perhaps it's because I've been doing embroidery work late these days, and I've caught a cold." Wei Yixin opened her eyes and said, "Go to Changle Palace and complain to the emperor's grandmother. I'll go there later."

After finishing the order, she walked towards an apse where she could rest.The people around her are all the confidantes she has tamed over the past year.

"Princess, the matter has been arranged." Her confidant maid carefully inspected the outside of the house, leaving someone to guard at the door, and then came back and whispered.

Wei Yixin nodded slightly.

She didn't catch a cold, but she just wanted to find a place where there was no one, so that it would be convenient for her to take care of it.This time at the New Year's Eve banquet, she wanted to solve Wei Jiahang's big trouble.

Wei Jiahang didn't know that he was in a catastrophe.

At this moment, he was following the prince, listening to the teachings in an orderly manner.He got into trouble in Plum Shadow Hall, but later he came up with an idea to resolve the situation and won the crown prince's approval, so he canceled the punishment, secretly proud of himself.

Right now, it was time for him to compete for performance.

(End of this chapter)

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