Twin Brocade

Chapter 418

Chapter 418
Seeing that he behaved well, the crown prince nodded secretly, and said: "You guys go relax and relax, don't always stay in front of Gu." He still wanted to socialize with these courtiers, so he let them go.

After getting his words, Wei Jiaren and Wei Jiahang left.

"Brother, where are you going?" Wei Jiahang stopped him and asked after seeing Wei Jiaren walk away after leaving the palace gate.

"I'll walk around." Wei Jiaren turned his body sideways, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he lacked the friendship of a big brother.

"Why be nervous?" Wei Jiahang laughed, and said, "I'm just asking casually." How could he not know what Wei Jiaren was thinking, but there is no brotherhood in the royal family.

From Wei Jiahang's point of view, the two of them will meet each other sooner or later, and the brotherhood at this time is just an illusion created by hard work.

He looked down on this cowardly and cowardly elder brother from the bottom of his heart.After his father ascended the throne, he will definitely fight for the reserve position.If the eldest brother is capable, that's all. Wei Jiahang feels that he is too aggrieved to be the emperor just because he is older than himself.

Seeing Wei Jiaren leave in a hurry surrounded by his servants, Wei Jiahang laughed.

At this time, a young eunuch came up and said: "Your Majesty, Princess Baochun invited you to a place and said that he has prepared a gift for you."

"Gift, what gift?"

"The princess said, you will know when you go."

Being so mysterious is the usual style of Princess Baochun.Wei Jiahang nodded, and said, "You lead the way." This is the palace official, and there are people around him, and he never thought about what would happen to him, let alone stepping into Wei Yixin's house step by step. good innings.

He followed the little eunuch in the palace wall, turned around two corridors, and the scenery in front of him looked very strange.

Wei Jiahang wondered, "Where is this?"

He didn't come to the palace much, but he asked himself a lot. After all, he is a serious grandson of the emperor, and he would enter the palace every year and festival.But here, he has really never been here.

The little eunuch bowed his head and replied, "Your Majesty, the Princess is waiting for you inside."

Wei Jiahang raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "I want to see what she's doing."

His relationship with Princess Baochun is far closer than that of Wei Jiaren.Wei Yilin is a woman, and can be favored by Emperor Qinglong and the crown prince.He will not pose a threat to him, and he can help to say a few words. He has always been deliberately close to her.

However, in this strange place, Wei Jiahang did not enter rashly.He gathered the cloak on his shoulders, knocked on the door and asked, "Sister, what are you doing mysteriously?"

A woman in the room let out a chuckle and said, "Second brother is here? It's not fun to tell you, just come in."

Her voice sounded a little distant, but it was indeed Princess Baochun's voice.

Wei Jiahang didn't doubt that he was there, he pushed open the palace door and stepped inside.What came to the face was a strong and strange fragrance.This strange fragrance made him feel dizzy and dizzy.

Before he fell into a coma, he saw the figure of a woman in front of him, walking towards him slowly.

The servants who followed him also fainted, and the little eunuch who brought him glanced at the room and made a gesture.Several people came out from both sides, carried out the two people who followed Wei Jiahang, and closed the door of the palace with their hands.

Wei Jiahang felt unfamiliar with this palace, not only because he had never been there before, but also because it was a forbidden place abandoned by Emperor Qinglong.Although the people in the harem didn't know the reason, they didn't dare to get too close to this place. Over time, it became deserted.

He didn't know how powerful this place was, but Wei Yixin, who had lived most of her life in the palace in her previous life, was very clear in her heart.Choosing this place as a trap for him was due to painstaking efforts to knock him out of the dust once and for all, never to turn over again.

The woman waiting for Wei Jiahang inside was naturally not Princess Baochun.She is the person Wei Yixin found based on her past life memories, she is proficient in various ventriloquist skills, and it is easy to imitate the voice of Princess Baochun.

As the little eunuch led the people out, the place became quiet.Outside, it is still bustling with bustle and bustle, everywhere is full of clothes and temples.

As time passed, Empress Cao brought the harem concubines, the royal princess and princess to Yanqing Palace.She specially came to invite Empress Dowager Xiao to Baolin Garden to enjoy the New Year's Eve banquet with all the wives.

Different from the previous dynasties, the current emperor and empress are very sympathetic to the hard work of the subjects.This year's New Year's Eve banquet was proposed by Empress Cao, and it was set at noon. After it was over, the foreign ministers and wives were asked to disperse and return to the house for reunion.

In the palace, only the royal family members were left for a reunion and a dinner.

Emperor Qinglong was not a stickler in the first place, and he was quite satisfied with Empress Cao's proposal, so he asked her to follow it.

It was almost time for lunch, in the front hall, the prince glanced at the door, and asked Wei Jiaren in a low voice: "Where is your brother, why hasn't he come back yet?"

Wei Jiaren tied his hands and replied: "Go back to my father, I have already asked about it just now, and said that he has not come back since he went out."

The prince frowned, only to realize that he knew how to reflect on himself, why did he make a mistake again?The New Year's Eve banquet with all the ministers, how could it be neglected at will.

"It's time for someone to find him and come back."

"My son has already sent someone to look for him, but there is no news yet." Wei Jiaren didn't return for a long time, and Wei Jiaren felt a little gloating in his heart.He did send someone to look for it, but it was just a perfunctory show to the prince.

Hearing that he had been sent to look for him, the prince looked at him in surprise, nodded and said, "You did a good job." It turns out that this son is not completely useless, at least he knows how to share his worries.

"Send more people," the prince said, "we can't delay the luncheon."

Wei Jiaren complied, walked to the door and ordered the guards to search for the person.Now that the crown prince already knew about Wei Jiahang's late return, he couldn't just put on a show to find someone this time.

At this time, the father and son only thought that Wei Jiahang was greedy for the scenery and forgot the time, and did not expect what would happen next.

Time passed bit by bit, and Wei Jiahang still hadn't returned.

Empress Cao in Baolin Garden received a report, which made her frown slightly, and ordered a few words for the maid to do it.Right now, the New Year's Eve banquet is the most important thing, she has to stabilize the situation first, so she can't mess herself up.

The rest of the matter will be dealt with behind closed doors after the wives are ordered to leave.

Sitting at the banquet, Wei Yixin saw Empress Cao's expression in her eyes, and used the wine glass to hide the smile on her lips.According to what she knew about Empress Cao, such an expression meant that something big had happened.

What else could it be?Only that which she wished to happen.

Wei Jiahang, Wei Jiahang, don't blame me for being cruel, who made you the prince's son, yet you want to play against the Fang family?The Fang family, how can I make it an in-law of the Prince's mansion, and work hard for the Prince?
So, if you want to complain, you can only blame you for casting the wrong baby, no wonder I am.

(End of this chapter)

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