Twin Brocade

Chapter 428 New Year's Eve

Chapter 428 New Year's Eve

Same night sky, different people.

Quan Moxian frowned and looked at the two people in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Second uncle, my nephew and grandson arranged a car at the door, and I'll take you two back."

Quan Dong twirled his goatee and smiled happily, his eyes gleaming, and said: "Hei Lang, there's no reason to drive my relatives out on New Year's Eve."

"We came to Beijing specially to celebrate your happy event, so we couldn't reunite with your family. At this time, are you going to let us father and son go back alone for New Year's Eve? It's too unreasonable." He said slowly.

What a joke, he managed to take advantage of the excuse of the New Year's Eve reunion to enter the Quan family's door, so he was not willing to step out again.The yard that Quan Moxian rented for him was nice, and even the servants who cooked and fetched water were well prepared in advance.But living there would not achieve his purpose after all.

Quan Shi'an chimed in and said, "Yes, we don't enter the inner house with you here, nephew. Just find a room in the outer courtyard, and we can rest in peace, not to mention running around on New Year's Eve."

There is no curfew on New Year's Eve, but on such a day of family reunion and New Year's Eve, there are not many people on the streets outside.Only the watchmen on duty at night and the yamen servants on patrol are still performing their duties faithfully.

"Let's take a hasty break, I'm afraid I've wronged my second uncle." Quan Moxian had already prepared for the scoundrels of the two, how could they let them stay at home.

"No grievance, no grievance." Quan Dong waved his hands repeatedly, looked at Mrs. Quan and said, "His nephew and daughter-in-law, Hei Lang wants to drive us out, you can come and judge."

Aunt Quan looked troubled.

She knew that Quan Dong wanted to stay with bad intentions, but he was an elder, so if he said such a thing, he was afraid of ruining Quan Moxian's reputation.It's no different than Luqiu here, his own son finally got the honor in the exam and obtained the official status.She didn't want to ruin her son's future because of someone like Second Uncle.

Just as she was about to speak, Quan Lu placed a bowl of noodle soup heavily in front of Quan Dong, and said forcefully, "Second Uncle, you want noodle soup!" Put it on, and the milky white soup spilled all over the table.

"You're a girl from every family. You are about to get married, and you haven't learned to be gentle." Quan Dongduan reprimanded him like an elder, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of the rich meaty fragrance. He took the chopsticks and tripped a few times, and started Xilihulu began to eat.

"Still so pungent." Quan Shi'an muttered.

"Who is pungent?" Quan Lu slapped the table in front of him heavily, and said: "I want to be pungent, and I kicked you out early today. It's really embarrassing to know who divided my field in the past. Come to the door!"

She showed her aggressiveness in Luqiu, forcing Quan Shi'an to hide back for a while.

"Don't mention those old things." Quan Dong raised his face in his hand, and said: "This time I went to Beijing, didn't I bring all these land deeds, there will be no less than a cent."

"That belongs to us!" Quan Lu continued: "We should get the share back." She spread her palms and said, "What about the income over the years? Second uncle, don't tell me that you lose money every year."

Quan Dong looked a little embarrassed, and said: "This... It's really not profitable. One year there was a flood, one year the seedlings didn't grow well, and another year there was drought. In short, it hasn't stopped. "

To let him spit out the money that has already been put in his pocket is really a pity for his reputation as an iron rooster.It was enough for him to be sad enough to spit out the fat he got.

Quan Lu sneered again and again: "So, please ask Second Uncle to finish this bowl of noodles and go back quickly. Our family really can't afford a distinguished guest like you."

It is better for her to come forward to chase people away than Quan Moxian.

At most, people will say that she is hot behind the scenes, anyway, she has a reputation for being hot, and she has already arranged a marriage with the Peng family, so she is not afraid.

Lin Chenfei sat beside Quan Moxian and smiled with her head bowed.When she was in Luqiu, she knew Quan Lu's vivaciousness. After going to Beijing, she thought that Quan Lu had changed her temper, and she undoubtedly dressed like a lady in Beijing.It turned out that the vigor in his bones was still there.

Quan Dong felt ashamed and flustered on his face.

He is also a man of his age, and he was chased away by a junior pointing his nose, where should he put his face?
By eating the noodles, he gave Quan Shi'an a wink.Quan Shi'an understood, and said: "Sister-in-law, you took us in for one night because we have no old friends in Beijing. Other families are reuniting, we will be kicked out, alas!"

"What happened in the past was due to our stupidity and mistakes!" He made a sincere apology, and said, "Now that Hei Lang is a high official, he can't turn his back on us clansmen."

He and his father discussed it before coming, and the two people in the Quan family who are best to deal with are Aunt Quan and Lin Chenfei.

Quan Moxian is cold-hearted and unfeeling, he is a master who can tear his face, they can't afford it.In addition, he now has Steward Liu by his side, even if he forced it, he couldn't compare to him.

Quan Lu is pungent and feminine.If she puts on a face, neither of them, father and son, is her match.

And Mrs. Quan is the best to speak, there is always an opportunity to take advantage of.Lin Chenfei is docile, so maybe she can find opportunities from her.

Sure enough, Mrs. Quan was a little moved when she heard his bleak words.Not for anything else, it is because she knows the faces of the two people in front of her too well.It's the Chinese New Year, if they don't meet their requirements, they really can do anything.

Now the tables are turned.

When he was in Luqiu, he had nothing anyway, so Quan Moxian simply turned his back on the clan and went to Beijing to gamble.Fortunately, this time he won the bet.

But right now in the capital, Quan Dong and the two became the barefooted ones, and Quan Moxian, who was an official in the court, became a jade object.The mouse was beaten and the jade basin was overturned, which Mrs. Quan didn't want to see.

Seeing her look of hesitation, Quan Moxian hurriedly cut her off and said, "Second Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely not let your old man have a bad New Year's Eve."

He smiled and whispered something in Quan Dong's ear, then got up and said, "Let me take you out."

The expression on Quan Dong's face was very tangled. After a long while, he glanced at Butler Liu who was waiting by the side with his hands folded, and finally gave up the idea of ​​staying here.

"Okay, I know that Hei Lang is a filial child!" He smiled kindly, got up, put on his cloak and walked out the door.

"Father! Wait for me." Quan Shi'an didn't know why, so he followed closely.

Seeing Quan Dong leave so neatly, the others were stunned.It was sticking like a dog's skin plaster before, how could it go so cleanly?

Quan Moxian smiled, without explaining, he got up and sent Quan Dong and the others out of the yard.

To make Quan Dong give up his plan would naturally benefit him right now.He didn't do anything, he just found two prostitutes to Quan Dong's residence and asked them to take care of him.

(End of this chapter)

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