Twin Brocade

Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Quan Dong and his son, thick-faced and dark-hearted, are the best way to describe them, sticking to the Quan family like a dog's skin plaster.

For Quan Moxian, this was really helpless.He knew that going on like this was not an option, but his surname was Quan after all, and his father's grave was still in the Quan family.

The people of the tribe are holding on to this lifeblood, so they have to seek benefits from him.Even if he manages to drive Quan Dong and his son back to Tangzhou, there will be other people coming to Beijing.Unless, he invites himself out of the clan, this is the solution once and for all.

However, even if he was willing to do so, in Gao Mang's era where the interests of the family were highly valued, if he invited himself out of the clan, he would be reviled by thousands of people.

Others can only see your deviant behavior, so who will investigate the reasons behind it?
He has already stood on the opposite side of the officials, and no one in the court dares to support him with a clear banner.Even for the Fang family, it's just that the normal human relationship is closer.At this time, how could he erect another huge group of enemies?

As an official of the imperial court, he broke away from the family and established his own family.This kind of matter seems to have nothing to do with other families, but how could those aristocratic families sit idly by.

For hundreds of years, their continuation has been supported by all the children of the family.Within the family, there is a clear distinction between the son and the concubine, and the hierarchy is strict, which naturally breeds injustice and dissatisfaction.

If they want to ignore such things, then someone will follow suit.If one person succeeds, the group will follow, which will shake the foundation of the family.

Even the emperor is afraid of the power of the aristocratic family.What's more, Quan Moxian is a mere sixth-rank official, and he can't compete at all.

Quan Moxian thought clearly about the pros and cons of this.If he is just alone, what is the fear of death!But behind him, there are family members he wants to protect, and many ordinary people for whom he wants justice.

Compared with such unacceptable consequences, he can only endure Quan Dong and his son first.Fortunately, Steward Liu was there, so they couldn't do much tricks.

Forbearance is calm for a while, this is the true portrayal of Quan Moxian.

But in the Prince's Mansion, this night was destined to be uneventful.

After they came back from the palace, the crown princess has been relentless.Tomorrow is the first day of the new year, how could she be willing to send Wei Jiahang away with her own hands on such a day?

"You have to be willing even if you don't want to," the prince looked at her impatiently, and said, "Father's order, do you have the guts to disobey?" He lowered his voice and whispered in the princess's ear: "Father, Lian Hang'er You know everything you did in the mansion."

He has always known that there is a shadow guard in the mansion, and Emperor Qinglong never kept it from him, and even told him who it was.

However, when such a thing happened, the prince deeply realized the fear of living under the eyes of others.He thought deeply, maybe there are not only the few shadow guards on the bright side in the mansion, but also hidden deeper that he doesn't know.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt.It is possible for anyone to see, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

The Crown Princess actually knew that this matter was irreversible.However, how does this make her accept the fact that her family will be separated?Wei Jiahang was well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, and suddenly she was going to suffer such pain, the more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

She held Wei Jiahang's face, tears streaming down her face: "Don't be afraid, Hang'er, Concubine Mother will accompany you."

"Ridiculous!" The prince shouted in a deep voice: "It's Chinese New Year, you, as the head of the mansion, don't take care of the affairs of the mansion, what are you doing in Youzhou?"

Not to mention the Prince's Mansion, even if it is a big family in Beijing, Chinese New Year is the busiest time.Human relations, communication and entertainment, everything is indispensable.

"Father and emperor have allowed me to go, what do you object to?" The princess wiped away her tears, hugged Wei Jiahang's shoulders and walked out, saying: "I'm going to pack my luggage now, and I need to be well prepared when I go to Youzhou." .”

"Mother concubine!" Wei Jiaren gritted his teeth, and finally couldn't help calling out: "You are more than a younger brother and a son!" He really couldn't figure out why his mother's heart would be so biased, even for Wei Jiahang. The entire Prince's Mansion is gone.

Wasn't he born of his mother, he asked himself?

Princess Baochun rushed forward, grabbed the princess' arm, looked at her pleadingly, and said, "Mother, Lin'er, please don't leave."

"Mr. Dai!" The prince's complexion was as black as the bottom of a pot, and his narrow peach eyes were as cold as ice: "If you really want to leave, don't regret it!"

"What regrets do I have? You can't protect your son. I will protect you." The Crown Princess's attitude was unprecedentedly firm. She looked at Princess Baochun and said, "You have a father in Beijing, but Hang'er only has me." .”

After finishing speaking, she took one more look at Wei Jiaren and left with Wei Jiahang.

These days, it has never been easy for female relatives to go out.The princess was about to go to Youzhou, and all the servants in the mansion were alarmed, and they packed their bags all night with bright lights.

With his mother going with him, Wei Jiahang's heart also settled down.After all, he was still young, so he couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

The Crown Princess looked at his sleeping face lovingly, and softly ordered: "You all go down, let Hang'er have a good sleep."

This day, he should be frightened!I don't know who is so black-hearted and set up a scheme to deal with such a well-behaved Hang'er.She will definitely not let it go, she must investigate and find out.The emperor didn't check, she came by herself.

This is Hang'er's last night at the Prince's residence, let him sleep well.Leave the rest to her to worry about.

The Crown Princess stroked Wei Jiahang's hair with her right hand, pressed a kiss on his forehead, put down the curtain, and walked out of the room lightly.

"Don't disturb Hang'er's rest." She instructed the maid by the door.

She didn't sleep, and the prince didn't close his eyes either.

The study was very dark, only an oil lamp was lit in the corner.The prince hid in the light and shadow, and the shadow of the bookshelf completely covered him, making it impossible to see his expression clearly.

In front of him, there was a man in black kneeling, who was his confidant who had usurped him.

In order to raise this team of dead soldiers under the eyes of Emperor Qinglong, he spent a lot of effort.


The man in black replied: "If you go back to the master, you are asleep."

The prince was silent for a long time, then sighed invisibly, and said: "Do it, clean it up."

"Don't worry, my lord."

The man in black disappeared into the study, and the prince sat motionless for a quarter of an hour, like a puppet.In addition to the heartbeat and breathing, and the occasional blink, it almost makes people think that he is a dead person.

He also had no choice but to make such a decision.

Tiger poison does not eat its son, does he want to bury his son's life with his own hands?Different from those concubine children, Wei Jiahang was the one who watched him grow up little by little, and taught him to write and draw a bow with his own hands.

His palm seemed to still have his warmth.And not long ago, Wei Jiahang came up with a brilliant idea to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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