Twin Brocade

Stolen time

Stolen time

No matter who she is, what she looks like, or what her name is, he is always by her side.Never leave, never abandon.

Ji Sishui's appearance was also quite different from before, the scar on his cheek made his handsome face hideous and ugly.

With this scar, he can justifiably put on half a mask. In addition, he intentionally hurt his throat and bent his figure, even if his colleagues who have been with him day and night are in front of him, he cannot be recognized.

"I'm not suffering."

In front of her, Ji Sishui didn't wear that half mask.The love between the two of them has already surpassed all external factors, and it comes from the fetters deep in the soul.

He dismissed his servants and stayed alone with her.It is also a happy thing to cook a table of delicious dishes for her.

"We're going to have a baby soon." Ji Sishui's smile was full of satisfaction, even the scar softened, and he said: "You should eat more. After the new year, don't work too hard, business Put it aside for now."

"It's just been diagnosed not long ago, why are you so anxious?" Mrs. Han said angrily, "I'm not a person made of paper, so I'll be tired anyway. Those women in the countryside are still in the fields when they are about to give birth. Woolen cloth."

"You also said that you are from the countryside, how can you compare with them." Ji Sishui said distressedly: "It's all because of my incompetence, and you are so tired that you show your face everywhere."

If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be difficult for Mrs. Han to conceive an heir given how she was favored back then.With children, no matter male or female, she can enjoy fine clothes and fine food in the palace, how could she suffer like he is now.

"Don't say that." Mrs. Han put a piece of fish fillet into his bowl, her tone was full of happiness: "My husband, you are my home."

Ji Sishui was very moved when she heard it, shook her hand, and said: "My lady is right, our days are still long."

The two of them were eating, and Mrs. Han asked, "I'm listening, it seems to be very deserted outside. It's much quieter than last year. What's going on?"

During the Chinese New Year, even if the business is closed, there will always be the sound of people congratulating each other when they meet, children playing and playing, and the sound of silk and bamboo from time to time.Also, the occasional sound of firecrackers together constitute the sound and taste of the year.

But this year, it was deserted and somewhat unusual.

She was only diagnosed a few days ago and was two months pregnant, so Ji Sishui let her feel at ease to support her baby.He didn't even let her out the door, and even didn't tell her any news, just for fear that she would worry.

"Talk about this," Ji Sishui gave her another dish with chopsticks, and said, "You know, the prince of the county in the prince's mansion died suddenly on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Who would dare to be presumptuous in the royal family's funeral. "


Lady Han opened her mouth in surprise, she even forgot to put down her chopsticks, and asked, "You mean the county prince?"

"Of course it's the prince of the county. There is only one prince of the county in the prince's house." Ji Sishui held the chopsticks steady for her and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"No, let me deal with it." Lady Han put down her chopsticks, thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "You know that years ago, the Prince's mansion asked someone to propose to the Fang family, right? A county prince."

"I know, so what's the matter?"

"When I went to Fang's house with the account book, I asked Miss Si what she thought about this marriage." Lady Han said, "According to what I know about her, she might not want to go to a family like the Prince's Mansion."

"For others, it's a high marriage. The fourth girl's temperament probably doesn't take this marriage seriously." Ji Sishui also agreed.Since Fang Jinshu was a woman in the boudoir, Mrs. Han went in and out of Fang's inner house, so he didn't ask any further questions.

"and after?"

"It's good that you have heard about it once." Lady Han hesitated for a while and said in a low voice.

Ji Sishui nodded, opened the door and looked around to make sure that there was no one around, then returned to the room and sat down.Don't close the door, just leave the door open like this, so that anyone who comes can see it immediately.

With their identities, they are doomed to have no servants who can rest assured to entrust them.Lady Han originally had a trustworthy maid brought out from the palace, but by accident, she was sent back to her hometown by Princess Jing'an.

After all, there was always a risk with her.

Lady Han leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I asked Fourth Miss if she wanted us to help, and she said she has her own way."

After hearing these words, Ji Sishui also took a deep breath.So, was Fang Jinshu already confident at that time?So, Wei Jiahang's sudden sudden death is the result of her plan?
This, this is amazing.

The two looked at each other, and tacitly made a booing gesture, and stopped discussing this topic.

"I don't know what the origin of that senior person behind her is." After a while, Ji Sishui said.

Mrs. Han let out a "hmm". After thinking about it, it was impossible for Fang Jinshu to do this.Even if she borrowed their hands to cultivate a few children as confidantes, but they are still young, and it is okay to run errands to send word to check the news, and it is absolutely impossible to affect the prince's mansion.

Then, there is only one possibility left, that is, the mysterious senior standing behind Fang Jinshu made a move.It seems that Fang Jinshu's influence on this senior is beyond their imagination.

"In the future, we must respect the fourth girl even more." Ji Sishui instructed: "We can't reveal a word about her affairs."

"Yes, I thought so too."

The time the two of them stole was thanks to the help of Jinghe and Fang Jinshu.In the ordinary and happy days, the two are burdened with a secret life, so they cherish everything at present even more.

Sometimes, Mrs. Han hopes that the past was just a dream, and the two are really businessmen doing business in the market.But the reality reminded her all the time that they were able to hide their names like this, but they actually had other purposes.

Fang Jinshu didn't ask them to do anything, and Concubine Zheng's hatred seemed so far away.But for Jinghe, revenge is the only goal left in life.

She was constantly planning, and Ji Sishui also followed her request and used aliases to win over a group of people from all over the world for later use.There are also those court ladies and eunuchs who regularly go out to the palace to buy, Mrs. Han is also in contact.

"The next time you go to see Miss Si, ask her what she means. Can we fight for the title of Emperor Shang?" Ji Sishui thought for a while and said to Mrs. Han.

Concubine Zheng is in the palace, and if they want to achieve their goals, they need to establish contact with the people in the palace.

Quiet and not in a hurry, but for them, the sooner this is done, the more they can break with the past.Only in this way, the new life belonging to the two will officially begin.

Mrs. Han knew what he wanted, so she responded softly, and said, "After I've settled down, I'll go to Fang's house for a walk."

(End of this chapter)

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