Twin Brocade

Chapter 435 The Teenager's Mind

Chapter 435 The Teenager's Mind
Wei Jiahang's sudden and sudden death, the palace and the prince's mansion did not reveal a word, which made the honorable officials in Beijing puzzled.However, this did not affect them going to the Prince's Mansion to express their condolences.

As the eldest son of the family, after Hao Junmo came back with his parents to express condolences, he kept pacing back and forth in the room with his thoughts in mind.

"My good young master, don't leave anymore, can you take a rest?" Gu Yu, the valet who served him, persuaded, "It's been more than an hour since you came back, you can drink some tea."

Hao Junmo didn't realize it, and walked around a few more times before looking up at him and asking, "What did you say?"

Gu Yu was helpless, brought a cup of warm tea, and said, "Young master, take a sip of tea, sit down and rest."

Only then did Hao Junmo realize that he was a little thirsty, took the tea and drank it down, sat for a while, then stood up again and said, "I'm going to see my mother."

With that said, he strode away and walked out.

Gu Yu hurriedly took the cloak that was placed by the door, chased after him, and said: "Young master, please walk slowly, it's still cold, put on your cloak. It's freezing back, the wife should blame us. "

He nagged all the way, chasing after Hao Junmo to wait for Hao Junmo to put on his cloak.

Years later, Hao Junmo is already a handsome young man at the age of sixteen.With a gentle face and a pure mind, he looked like a young man full of sunshine.

Among the many teenagers in Beijing, his face is not the most beautiful, but there are not a few girls who secretly admire him.Just because he has an innate temperament, getting along with him can make people feel happy physically and mentally.

"Mother." After entering the door, he saluted and greeted her.

Fang Muqing raised his head from the account book, pressed the page with a flower stick, and asked, "Mo'er is here, is there something wrong?" If nothing happened, he wouldn't come in from the outer courtyard on purpose, and it's not time to say hello at night.

Hao Junmo glanced at the thick account books on the table, and said apologetically, "My son has disturbed my mother, so I'll come back later."

"It's okay." Seeing that he had something on his mind, Fang Muqing smiled and told all the maids in the room to retreat, and asked, "You're here, I just rested my eyes."

She walked to the table by the window and sat down, saying: "If you have any problems, you might as well tell your mother frankly."

Before coming, Hao Junmo had already made up his mind, but now facing his mother, he hesitated.Fang Muqing didn't urge him, and looked at him with a smile, but she guessed [-]% of it in her heart.

"Mother," Hao Junmo said after a while, "I want to ask my mother for one thing, to marry my younger sister Shu for my son after the Chinese New Year."

Fang Muqing understood, and said with a smile, "I thought you would never talk about it."

"Ah?" Hao Junmo said in surprise, "So mother, do you know?"

"Of course I know. You are so obvious, if I, a mother, can't see it, wouldn't I be negligent?" Fang Muqing said with emotion: "The son is old, and it's time to marry a wife."

Hao Junmo felt a little embarrassed when he said such a thing in front of his mother, he lowered his head and asked, "Will mother object?"

He was the eldest son, and Fang Jinshu was the second daughter, so it wouldn't be strange if Fang Muqing disagreed.

"Why should I object?" Fang Muqing asked back: "Sister Shu was also raised by me, and she seems to have become more stable in recent years. She is also my niece, and it would be good for the two families to get closer."


"But what?" Hao Junmo asked nervously.

"But, I don't know what your father thinks." Fang Muqing was also a little uncertain about this.

Hao Junmo's father, Hao Yunguo, was not considered outstanding in aptitude, and it was because his father, Hao Mingyu, was the Secretary of the Ministry of Industry that he took the position of a military supervisory order.

He was a fairly well-behaved official, with no outstanding achievements, and the annual job report evaluations were only excellent and qualified, and he never received "excellent".

His official career is well known in the Hao family, and at most one more level will be the top.Therefore, the Hao family's hopes were all placed on Hao Junmo, and they paid more attention to him.

And Hao Junmo did not disappoint them either.

He inherited the rigor and studiousness from his grandfather, and the intelligence and transparency from his mother.Last year's Chun Wei suppressed him and did not let him go, just to let him lay a solid foundation, strive for excellence, and get a better ranking in one fell swoop.

For Hao Junmo, who has placed all his hopes in this way, Fang Muqing's decision on his marriage is naturally not in the hands of Fang Muqing alone.That's why he was so uncertain.

"As long as mother agrees here, I'll try to find ways with father." Hao Junmo said firmly, "Brother Wen Jue can give up this great opportunity of spring for sister Hui, and I will fight for it."

He admired Gong Wenjue's firmness.

The twists and turns of his and Fang Jinhui's marriage, the few of them who had a good relationship were all watching.Even though it was so bad, Gong Wenjue was able to turn the situation around by himself, and finally settled on a marriage.

As for himself, he and Fang Jinshuben are cousins.

The only obstacle before was that the Prince's Mansion took the lead in proposing to the Fang family. In order to avoid suspicion, the Hao family naturally would not fight.But now that this obstacle has automatically disappeared, if he doesn't seize the opportunity to quickly fix Sister Shu, he is afraid that one day he will regret it.

Hearing what he said, Fang Muqing said worriedly: "You must not imitate him. You are different from him."

Yes, the Hao family and the Gong family are different from the beginning.Although they are all ministers of the six departments, the Gong family is the minister of the household department and is in charge of the world's money and food.And the Hao family is just the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

In terms of official rank, they are all third-rank officials, and they are both important ministers in the court, but their status is quite different.

"Son knows." Hao Junmo nodded and said, "Mother, don't worry, I will not act rashly."

"It's better than this." Fang Muqing thought about it carefully, and said, "I'll talk to your father about this first, and see what he means. It's better than talking about it yourself."

She is a mother, and it is only natural for her to worry about her son's marriage.And with Hao Yunguo's rigid personality, if the admiration of a young man like Hao Junmo came to him, he would probably have to be scolded.

"In that case, thank you mother." Hao Junmo beamed with joy.He has the courage, but he is still a little guilty when he thinks of facing his strict father.

"There are two of us, mother and son, why don't we thank you." Fang Muqing said with a smile: "Now, you should feel relieved. Go back, study hard, and don't slack off during the Chinese New Year. Carefully check your homework with your grandfather."

Hao Junmo was personally enlightened by his grandfather Hao Mingyu, and now Hao Mingyu will criticize his articles one by one.Since Hao Yunguo's official career is hopeless, his expectations for this eldest grandson are particularly high.

Hao Junmo agreed, took his leave and left.

Fang Muqing got up and stood under the window, thinking about how to tell Hao Yunma about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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