Twin Brocade

Chapter 460 The Evil Ghost in My Heart

Chapter 460 The Evil Ghost in My Heart

"Drink the porridge." Gong Wenjue brought the porridge in front of him, threatening: "If you don't drink it, I'll tell your father that it's because you are so decadent."

Instead of expecting him to be obedient, it is better to threaten him with Fang Jinshu.

"You!" Hao Junmo was annoyed, but he had no choice but to take the bowl and slowly drank the porridge.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't control himself.From the moment the two of them came in, he knew that they were just lazy and didn't want to move.Since he can't rely on himself, he can only ask his friends to stop him.

After cleaning the noodles and eating porridge, the servant waited on him and changed his clothes.Hao Junmo still looked haggard, but he felt much refreshed.

"I'm going to leave Beijing after the fifteenth day. I've booked a banquet to say goodbye to everyone." Gong Wenjue said, "If you still treat me like a brother, come and see me off."

"You...are leaving again?" Hao Junmo was lost in his own world, and he was completely confused about what happened in Beijing recently.Didn't know that Gong Wenjue had come back, let alone that he was leaving soon.

Gong Wenjue folded his sleeves, looked down at him, and said: "A good man has ambitions everywhere. How can he live in a corner of a great river and mountain? If you don't go out and have a look, you will never know. Some people struggle to survive without eating, and some People sacrifice their lives just for a steamed bun."

"And you, here, are looking for death for a woman, hurting the spring and the autumn." Gong Wenjue said in a disdainful tone, "Dare to ask, are you worthy of your majestic seven-foot man?"

Hearing the disdain in his tone, Hao Junmo became excited and said, "You are not allowed to say that about her!" If Gong Wenjue scolded himself, he would accept it anyway, and he also knew what he did was wrong.

However, how could he tolerate others talking about Fang Jinshu in such a tone?
"Really? Can't bear it?" Gong Wenjue smiled lightly and said, "If you continue like this, there will be more people than me who will say even worse things. What do you think you have brought to her?"

"And what did she do wrong to be implicated by you?" Gong Wenjue waved his hand, pointed to the worried young servants at the door, and said, "You should thank them, otherwise this matter would have ended sooner or later." I can't hold it anymore!"

These words, like a basin of cold water, poured Hao Junmo thoroughly from the beginning to the end.

Yes!How could he be so confused.Perhaps, the consequences of doing so are clear in my heart.Looking forward to being known by others, Fang Jinshu's reputation was damaged, forcing her to marry only herself.

Hao Junmo was startled, sweating coldly.

It turned out that in my heart, there lived an evil ghost.The loss of control these days has released this evil spirit.This was a fight between himself and himself, but he was at a disadvantage and almost made a mistake.

If Gong Wenjue hadn't woken up in time, he didn't know where he would go wrong!

Thinking of this, he turned over and got up from the Luohan bed, put his hands on his knees and solemnly gave Gong Wenjue a big gift, and said, "Thank you, brother Wenjue. Please wait a moment, I will come after I tidy up a little."

Seeing that he finally woke up, Fang Ziquan also breathed a sigh of relief.Let go of the hand holding his shoulder, nodded and said, "Okay, we'll wait for you outside."

When the two of them left the room, the servant serving Hao Junmo cast grateful eyes on them, and filed in one after another.

The calligraphy and paintings in the study were burned by Gong Wenjue, but they were still in a mess, and the smell of just burnt paper filled the air.They went in and started sweeping the floor, took away the empty wine jars, and waited on Hao Junmo to shave and rinse.

Fang Ziquan stood at the door and bowed to Gong Wenjue, "Thank you brother Wenjue."

Gong Wenjue quickly picked him up and said: "Thank you, there is no need to thank us." The two of them are not only friends, but also a family in the future.

"I still have to thank you, otherwise, I don't know what to do." Fang Ziquan said.In dealing with this matter, Gong Wenjue was much more mature than him, fortunately he brought Gong Wenjue along.

"It's not your fault, you haven't experienced it yet at a young age." Gong Wenjue looked at him and smiled, and asked, "Where's your little fiancée, don't you miss her?"

Speaking of this, Fang Ziquan became more puzzled, and said: "I don't understand, why are you like this..." He still couldn't understand how many people were trapped by love.

Gong Wenjue glanced at him and said, "After two years, you will understand." But, maybe you didn't meet the right person.But this sentence, he can't say.

After waiting for a while, Hao Junmo came out of the room, his whole body was much clearer.He cupped his hands and said, "Please wait a long time, both of you."

The three of them went to bid Fang Muqing farewell together, and then went out together, heading towards the wine shop that Gong Wenjue had ordered.

Compared with the hustle and bustle outside, this place is undoubtedly much more elegant.Although it can't keep up with the independent and quiet courtyards of Tingxiangxie, the houses with blue tiles and white walls stand on the edge of Luoshui, which has a Jiangnan flavor.

"Good job, Gong Wenjue!" Tang Ding stood at the door, holding a white porcelain jug in his hand, and said, "You treat guests, but you arrive so late. Say it yourself, should you punish yourself with three cups?"

"Obviously you're early." Fang Ziquan retorted with a smile, "It's not time to post yet."

Tang Ding rolled his eyes and said: "That's not okay, how can the treater arrive later than the guest."

Before Gong Wenjue could speak, Hao Junmo took a step forward and said, "It's not brother Wenjue's fault, it's all my fault. I'll punish him for drinking." After finishing speaking, he entered the room and brought out a wine glass, filled it up , Even drank three cups.

Tang Ding looked at him strangely, what's going on?Hao Junmo never fights or grabs, and it is rare to see him drinking.Looking at the current posture, he drank it all in one gulp.

He glanced at Fang Ziquan, Fang Ziquan waved his hand quietly at him, and said: "Alcohol is fined too, let's go in first and wait for others."

Tang Ding agreed, and several people entered the room and sat down together.

The scenery here is really good, half of the windows along the Luoshui River, you can see the Luoshui flowing quietly outside.There is the remaining snow that has not been purified, dotted on the river bank and on the eaves.

Gong Wenjue called Xiao Er, served tea, pastries, and dried fruits of the four seasons, and they talked while eating.Among them, most of the time is talking about what Gong Wenjue has seen and heard along the way since his study tour for more than half a year.

Not long after, everyone arrived one after another.

Wu Jinsong took a look at Hao Junmo and saw that something was wrong with him.The friendship between the two has always been very good. Needless to say at this time, he can know that something must have happened to the other party just by his demeanor.

The servant who followed Chu Mo was holding a big burden in his hands.

He smiled and said to Gong Wenjue: "Brother Wenjue, my mother asked me to bring it, and asked you to bring it to cousin Shijie."

Mrs. Chu and Lu Yiqin have been in Beijing for a longer time, and their friendship is deeper than that of Lu Shiman who newly married into Qiao's family.Even for the sake of the deceased Lu Yiqin, Mrs. Chu still has to take care of the Qiao family siblings.

(End of this chapter)

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