Twin Brocade

Chapter 461 Anger

Chapter 461 Anger

Mrs. Chu can't say much about the Qiao family's own affairs.Perhaps, if she wants to express her position, she will stand on Lu Shiman's side out of family interests.But this does not affect, within the scope of her ability, she will take care of the brothers and sisters of the Qiao family.

Gong Wenjue cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Chu." He ordered his attendants to take over the burden, and then pack it up and proceed to Lizhong.

Once everyone has arrived, the atmosphere gradually warms up.In this small banquet, eating is not the main purpose, everyone is drinking and chatting, chattering all over the place, but also feel happy.

Somehow, the topic turned to the marriage of several people.

Among the people present, half of them are already engaged, and they are all men, so they have less scruples when talking.

"Brother Chu, I'm afraid you are also close to something good, right?" A young man raised his glass and laughed.

Chu Mo was a little embarrassed by his sudden question.Fang Jinshu's face flashed through his mind, and he was a little dazed for a moment.

"Hey! I've guessed it right!" The young man smiled and asked teasingly, "Which family is it? Let me know. Brother Chu wants to get engaged, and I don't know how many girls' hearts will be broken. "

Chu Mo's appearance ranks first among the crowd, and everyone is extremely curious about who his wife will be.

However, the marriage between him and Fang Jinshu has not yet been negotiated, so how could Chu Mo say it at this time.

As the host, Gong Wenjue knew that it was inappropriate to continue the discussion, so he changed the topic and said, "Brother Chu Xian is sorry. What are you in a hurry for? You will know when you are engaged."

The boy stuck out his tongue, and he also knew that this question was inappropriate, so he stopped talking.

It's just a bunch of teenagers getting together, and the topic can't be separated from the teenager's mind.I don't know why, but I just talked about these ladies in Beijing.

In the city of Luoyang, someone with good intentions made up a doggerel for these girls waiting to be married, and arranged them in order.Among them, some are true and some are false. It is estimated that the person who ranked them has never seen these girls in the deep boudoir, only heard of the names.

But for these teenagers, even the ladies of the Duke's Mansion can know a general idea.It is said that three women play a show, and these curious young men are full of mouths, and they don't give up too much.

Gong Wenjue had already stopped them once, and it was hard to say anything now, so he let them go.It's not just a few of them who know about this poem. All the people here are the children of officials and eunuchs.

"If you want me to say, the most beautiful is sister Qing from the Wu family, and she hasn't even mentioned it." Zhu Wenze said regretfully.

"She's not the eldest daughter, so it's normal for outsiders not to hear." Gong Wenjue knew Qiao Shijie's thoughts on Wu Wanqing, so he conveyed it in one sentence.

Tang Ding shook his wine glass and laughed: "Neither is Miss Yao Jialiu, why is she on the list? Let me tell you, all the characters on this list are powerful characters." His "powerful" is obviously not a compliment.

Yao Zhiyue bullied Tang Yuanyao, and Zhu Wenze's younger sister was even more ruthless. Tang Ding said mercilessly, "Sister Qingmei's reputation is known even to outsiders. I think she will not worry about marriage in the future."

"You!" Zhu Wenze's complexion changed, but he also knew what his sister had done, and he felt wronged, so he diverted the topic away and said with a forced smile: "Speaking of which, there is someone more powerful in our workshop, she should go The list is."

"Who?" Everyone asked curiously.

Zhu Wenze looked at Fang Ziquan, raised his wine glass and said, "Who else, of course it's his younger sister. She's not the eldest daughter, but she was honored by the empress. Isn't that amazing?"

Suddenly, a group of young men nodded their heads.

Fang Ziquan glared at him, this Zhu Wenze was really too much!But in such an occasion, and it was Gong Wenjue's invitation to a farewell banquet, he was uncomfortable and turned his face, after all, the other party didn't say anything bad.

But just because he can restrain himself doesn't mean that others can too.

Chu Mo jumped up against the table, took the wine glass at hand and poured it over, pouring Zhu Wenze all over his head and face.Even the young man sitting next to him was splashed on him.

"What are you doing?!" Zhu Wenze was annoyed, and stood up abruptly to shake the drink on his body.The waiter at the back quickly offered him a handkerchief to wipe the dripping wine off his face.

"Are you crazy? Do your business!" Zhu Wenze pointed at Chu Mo.

That's right, he was disrespectful to Fang Jinshu's words, and his real brother sat there without any movement, so he couldn't be more excited.

Zhu Wenze's words also angered Hao Junmo, but before he could move, Chu Mo was faster than him.I didn't expect this young man of golden appearance and jade quality to have such a time.

Hao Junmo glanced at Chu Mo suspiciously, only to see that his beautiful eyes were burning with anger, his lips were tightly pressed, and his chest heaved up and down with anger.

"What does it have to do with me, right?" Chu Mo sneered, and said, "Once the road is uneven, someone will step on it! A dignified man, like that long-tongued woman, gossips behind her."

These words were so righteous that it made all the men feel ashamed.

However, behind this, it cannot withstand careful scrutiny.If he was talking nonsense, why did he not stop him when he was talking about others, but when it was Fang Jinshu's turn, he flew into a rage?
But when he said this, any man who was willing to admit that he was the gossip woman kept silent.

It was the first time Fang Ziquan saw Chu Mo get angry.

Fang Jinshu and Chu Mo's marriage has not yet been settled, and he was not there when Mrs. Chu visited the Dabei Temple, let alone the reason for this.He only thought that it was because he didn't know Chu Mo well enough.After all, the two got acquainted because of Qiao Shijie, and after Qiao Shijie's study tour, they didn't have much contact.

But Hao Junmo was different. He was in a sensitive period, and Chu Mo's abnormality made him smell something different.

As the host, Gong Wenjue quickly persuaded him.Zhu Wenze's servant went to fetch clean water to clean him, but the wine stains on his robes were gone for the time being.

When a man goes out, he is not as troublesome as a woman's house, and he will deliberately prepare a set of clothes in advance.Fortunately, after it dries, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

Zhu Wenze sat down sullenly, took a sip of wine, and put Chu Mo in the list of refusals in his heart.He made a mistake in this matter first, but it is not easy to relapse, so he can only admit the loss.

Gong Wenjue persuaded him, and Chu Mo naturally wanted to give him this face.After calming down his emotions, he talked and laughed again.

He himself didn't know what happened just now.It was just that he was so impulsive when he heard that some Fang Jinshu was disrespectful.He asked himself, what happened?
When this embarrassment happened, all the young men tacitly ignored this section.

After lingering for an afternoon, no matter how long the banquet is, it will eventually dissipate.Everyone sent blessings to Gong Wenjue one by one, and asked him to send a message to Qiao Shijie.

Wu Jinsong said: "When you leave, I'll see you off at the Luoshui pier."

 Only then did Zhou Zhou find out, my dear Di Xiaozhou is already the hall master, la la la sprinkle flowers~~~ Zhou Zhou said that the hall master will be changed for one day, so he will never renege on his debt^_^ Wait until my ten thousand changes are over , find a day to replenish Xiaozhou, congratulations on her promotion to Hall Master O(∩_∩)O~~
  Thanks to "People who are old and desperate", "Bai Xiongfang" and "Yemeng Erjun" for their rewards of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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