Twin Brocade

Chapter 495

Chapter 495

Emperor Qinglong was furious when he received the news.

The matter of forging official seals and selling documents seems insignificant, but it can rid the whole Gaomang of being riddled with holes.Immediately ordered a strict investigation, and dispatched shadow guards to track down clues all over the world.

The prefect of Yaozhou made a memorial for this matter in the twelfth lunar month, and it took more than a month to investigate the case.

In the end, all the evidence showed that the source was precisely in the Tobe Kurabe Division.The blank account books of various state capitals are stamped with official seals, and those forged official seals were passed down from the Cangbu Division.

Emperor Qinglong was furious, and arrested Si Geng Gaowei, the current Cangbu Division, and sent him to the Prison of the Criminal Ministry, where he was severely tortured and interrogated.But Gao Weiyi cried out for injustice, claiming that he never knew about it.

Once this shocking case broke out, everyone in the household department was in danger from top to bottom.

Gong Shangshu of the household department wrote a letter to plead guilty, removed his black yarn official robe, and treated the crime behind closed doors.The assistant minister, each Lang Zhong, and Yuanwai Lang are still doing their duty faithfully, but they can see the panic on each other's faces as they walk around.

How many officials died in the empty printing case in the previous dynasty?And that was not the fault of the officials.What about today?This is the real evidence of the crime.Although up to now, only Gao Weiyi has been arrested, but the atmosphere in the household office is so low that no one dares to speak loudly.

Who knows what the emperor thought?Will there be a major shake-up as a result?Emperor Qinglong had never been a merciful monarch.

The court situation calmed down unprecedentedly, and no one dared to stroke Emperor Qinglong's beard at this time.

But such a shocking case, those who know the inside dare not reveal a word.As officials of the imperial court, they knew very well that "if the king does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, and if the ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his body, and if few things are kept secret, he will be harmed." They dare not even say a word to their family members, for fear of affecting the investigation. It ruined the emperor's affairs and made me angry.

Therefore, although the court situation was unprecedentedly tense, the people in Luoyang City were not affected in any way, and they were still bustling and bustling.

The courtiers, nobles, also maintained the situation tacitly. There were no shortage of social entertainment, spring banquets, etc., and they looked like a peaceful and prosperous age.

They are all waiting for the final result of this case.

Now that the source has been found, the truth is no longer far away.Who is so bold that he dares to use official seals to make profits and concoct documents that are difficult to distinguish between authentic and fake?

But for Emperor Qinglong, the most important thing at the moment is not to find out who did such a thing, but to destroy the dens that manufacture and sell fakes.All the official seals and documents that have been handed down must be destroyed to prevent the appearance of false documents, which is the top priority.

He does two things:

One is to decree that from now on all road guides and customs spies must be re-applied. In addition to the local official seal, the private seal of the local palm seal official must also be affixed.These private seals are different, and even the household department has no archives;
The second is to send the commander of the shadow guards, with most of the four groups of shadow guards of wind, rain, thunder, and electricity, to destroy the counterfeiting dens, and go to Quangaomang to track down and destroy the fake printed documents that have been made.

The Shadow Guard was established during the period of the first emperor. It was originally intended to take in orphans and orphans born of the war, and gradually became a shadow guard organization that was only loyal to the emperor.

The two groups of wind and rain are responsible for collecting intelligence, those of Gaoman and those of the enemy country are good at sneaking around and tracking down clues.The leaders of the two groups are called Shadow Wind and Shadow Rain respectively. Shadow Wind's subordinates are all men, while Shadow Rain is composed of women.

The Lei team is all killers, responsible for eliminating all unstable factors for the emperor, including the shadow guards.

The electric group is responsible for researching and developing all kinds of weapons, secret medicines, etc. to kill the enemy and provide the shadow guards with the most convenient weapons and props.

All the officials were vaguely aware of the existence of the Shadow Guards, and they were extremely wary of such an organization similar to the Imperial Guards of the previous dynasty.

Such an armed force that is only loyal to the emperor is, at best, the emperor's personal guards, but at worst, they are the Eagle Claw henchmen.The legacy of the previous dynasty is only a few decades away, and most of the old people who have experienced it are still alive.

But this time, the ruling and opposition parties were all waiting eagerly for the results brought back by the shadow guards, secretly hoping that they would be a great success.Only in this way, Emperor Qinglong's anger can be slightly reduced, and the storm that follows can be smaller.

This was the first time that the shadow guard appeared in the sight of Gao Mang's courtiers in a semi-public capacity.

This false printing case is destined to have an extremely far-reaching impact on Gao Mang's court situation.It's just that those who are currently in the middle of the game don't know about this effect.

Except, Fang Jinshu.

It is now the beginning of February, and she has completely recovered from her illness.After many days of recuperation and nourishment, the complexion is a little more healthy than before, and the body is even more beautiful than before.

In the final analysis, she just caught a cold.It looks serious and gets better quickly.It's just that Si Lansheng was worried about her health and didn't allow her to go to school, and strictly ordered him to follow the imperial physician's orders to take supplements and recuperate.

In order to show that it is sympathetic to the kindness of its subordinates, Qi Wangfu will send the imperial physician to ask Fang Jinshu for pulse every three days until he is completely fine.The medicines sent from Prince Qi's Mansion and Princess Jing'an's Mansion were all high-quality medicinal materials. With these, Fang Jinshu was in the prime of his growth and recovered very quickly.

"Girl, the eldest lady has ordered you to go to the Dabei Temple tomorrow to offer incense and fulfill your wish." Fang Fei came in and said, "Let the servant girl tell the girl that it's good to dress up, and Mrs. Chu will go too."

Fang Jinshu withdrew his gaze and nodded to show that she understood.

Her mind was still on the fake printing case that caused a sensation in the government and the public.Counting the time, this is the calm before the storm.During this period of time, his father Fang Shuyu's return to the mansion was getting later every day, so it must have been very hard in front of the imperial court.

She recovered from her illness, and now the Fang family and the Chu family will go to Dabei Temple to offer incense, naturally for the purpose of seeing each other.What is this kind of thing compared to the major events of the ruling and opposition parties?
In Xiaoli, it is her marriage with Chu Mo; in Dali, it is at most the marriage between Fang and Chu, or even a political alliance.

Marriages between Wenchen families happen all the time.There will be some subtle effects on the political situation, but that's only subtle.

After thinking for a while, she told Fang Fei: "Send a message and ask Yang Liu to come over." As for the counterfeit seal case, she knew the key witnesses and physical evidence, so she arranged for people to watch it first, maybe it would come in handy.

Fang Fei was used to her daughter's indifference to marriage, so she took orders and left immediately.

The next day, the sun was shining and it was a good day.The number of pilgrims in Dabei Temple is much less than that of New Year's Eve, which shows the solemnity of Buddhist pure land.

Si Lansheng and Mrs. Chu met and went to the front hall together to offer incense and fulfill their vows.The sons and daughters are all at the age of seeing each other for their marriage, and to fulfill their wish, naturally, they are also fulfilling the wish they made in front of the Buddha before.

For the two families, it is a marriage that is satisfactory to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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