Twin Brocade

Chapter 496

Chapter 496
After burning incense and donating merits, Mrs. Chu said: "Let's go to rest and let the young people play by themselves. It's hard to come out, and let them go and relax."

After more than a month of recuperation, Chu Mo's eye socket injury has completely healed, and he is still that handsome young man with golden appearance and jade quality.He sneaked a glance at Fang Jinshu, cupped his hands and said, "My son knows that there is a peony flower field in the back mountain, but I don't know if there are any buds. I would like to take Fang's younger sister to see it."

Fang Ziquan said slowly: "Don't forget, there is me." Although the two are familiar with each other, because of Hao Junmo's matter, he has always had some opinions on Chu Mo.Seeing that Chu Mo was about to become his sister-in-law, he felt even more unhappy.

Chu Mo Ruyu's face flushed slightly, and said, "Of course there is also Brother Ziquan."

Fang Jinshu, who was the party concerned, had no opinion.No matter how good Chu Mo's appearance was, to her, he was just an ordinary man.Her mind is not on it, let alone how much she likes it.As long as the two families think it's suitable, she doesn't object.

This time, Si Lansheng did not bring Fang Jinhui.With Fang Ziquan around, no one would gossip.

The three left the front hall and headed towards the back mountain.

Chu Mo led the way, while Fang Ziquan and Fang Jinshu walked behind and talked.He looked back at the two of them from time to time, no, to be more precise, at Fang Jinshu, distressed that he couldn't find a chance to get along with her.

This Fang Ziquan deliberately opposed him, right?He was just here to deceive others, so why did he keep talking to Fang Jinshu?But the two of them are brothers and sisters, what position does he have to drive him away now.

Chu Mo was very jealous, jealous that Fang Ziquan could stand beside Fang Jinshu in an upright manner, and was so close to her.

During this section of the road, he walked very aggrieved.

Finally, I arrived at the peony flower field he mentioned. "Sister Shu, look, such a large area is full of peony flowers." From where they stood, there was a large green flower field.

Winter has passed, and although it is still cold, everything has recovered.In this flower field, there are tender green sprouts on the branches, which look very gratifying.

It's just that it's still a long time before the flower buds are hit.

Fang Ziquan teased: "Brother Chu, didn't you say there are flower buds? Why didn't I see any of them." He clearly knew that it was an excuse Chu Mo made up just now, and he just wanted to talk to Fang Jinshu alone.Even the winter jasmine hasn't bloomed yet, how can there be peony buds.

Chu Mo knew that he was deliberately embarrassing, so he was not in a hurry. He smiled calmly, looked at Fang Jinshu and said, "As long as you have flowers in your heart, you can see them naturally."

His words were quite Zen-like. Fang Jinshu looked at the newly sprouted buds and said, "That's right. The shape of the clusters of sprouts is also like buds that are about to bloom."

Chu Mo proudly raised his eyebrows at Fang Ziquan, the meaning in his smile was self-evident.

Fang Ziquan rubbed his nose, his own sister said so, could he still sing the opposite?Forget it, he was just there to accompany the guests, and girls are going to marry after all.

Seeing him admitting defeat, Chu Mo said: "Sister Shu, there is a small path to go in here, why don't I go in with you?"

Fang Jinshu knew what he meant, and she happened to have something to explain to him, so she agreed, and Fang Ziquan said, "Brother, please wait here for a while."

Fang Ziquan replied: "Don't worry, I will watch you here." At this time, there were few people in Dabei Temple, and even fewer people came to the back mountain.But as an elder brother, it's better for him to watch here.

Fang Fei supported Fang Jinshu, she gently lifted the hem of her skirt, and followed Chu Mo into the peony field.

This path is very narrow, only for one person to walk, and the path under your feet is also a bit uneven.But being in it, smelling the earthy and grassy fragrance brought by the breeze, makes people feel comfortable.

In the flower field, there are several small grass pavilions, which are resting places for the working people, and some tools for weeding are placed.

When Chu Mo arrived in the thatched pavilion, he wiped off the dust on the stone bench with a handkerchief, and put a new handkerchief on the stone bench, then turned around and said, "Sister Shu, come and sit down for a rest."

He is thoughtful and considerate.Coming to this peony flower field was not on a temporary basis, since he learned that he was going to come to Dabei Temple to offer incense, he had already thought it through, and deliberately picked such a suitable place to talk.

The grass pavilion is not big, because people often rest here, it looks clean.Although it is just spring, the surrounding scenery is pleasant.Here, you can overlook the temples in the Dabei Temple below, with a good view, it is indeed a good place.

After walking for a while, Fang Jinshu's complexion was ruddy with a healthy glow.On the tip of the nose, there were a few drops of sweat faintly, which was really cute.In contrast, her pair of quiet eyes seemed to be enjoying the fresh air, and it seemed that she didn't take everything in front of her mind.

Such contradictory feelings appeared on her body at the same time, making her appear even more mysterious.

Chu Mo even felt that this beautiful woman in front of him was something he couldn't grasp in his whole life.She stood facing the wind like that, as if she was about to ride the wind away at any time.

He panicked, and said: "Sister Shu, don't stand in the wind, carefully catch the cold."

Fang Jinshu came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you, Brother Chu." Her voice was clear and clear, and in Chu Mo's ears, it was as sweet as a clear spring.

After she sat down, Chu Mo asked the following servants to take out the stove, charcoal fire, and tea sets that had been prepared, and said with a smile: "I have wanted to drink tea here since I saw this flower field. I have a book today. With my sister by my side, this wish is fulfilled."

He made a pot of tea with his own hands, poured a cup, and gestured: "Sister Shu, please."

Fang Jinshu reached out to pick up the teacup and sniffed it gently.It has to be said that Chu Mo is a person who knows how to live.This feeling, this scene, coupled with such a cup of tea, is extremely pleasant.

Covering her mouth with her sleeve, she tasted it carefully, feeling the aftertaste of the sweetness of the tea in her mouth, and praised: "Good tea."

"Good tea needs someone to taste it." Chu Mo blurted out.

What Fang Jinshu tastes is tea, but what he tastes is people.The more he looked, the stronger his desire to spend his life with her became stronger.She is so mysterious that he has a strong desire to explore her heart.

There was a clear and faint smile on her face, but such a smile gave people a sense of alienation.Her smile becomes genuine only when facing her own loved ones.

Chu Mo wanted to see her show a different expression towards him, this kind of thought came so suddenly, it burned his heart.

"Sister Shu," he said in a low voice, suppressing his emotions, "I will treat you well."

"Okay, I believe you." Regarding the promise of the young man in front of him, Fang Jinshu had no reason not to believe the sincerity in his tone at this moment.

 Thanks to "Xiyan" and "Linda Xiaozhou" for their rewards of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~ (PS: Xiyan, you go to bed too late, do you know if you go to bed early and get up early?)
  Thanks to "Green, Fat, Red and Thin 2", "Yangyang Loves Doudou", "Yemeng Erjun" and "Tao Zhitao" for their precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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