Twin Brocade

Chapter 801 Bozhou

Chapter 801 Bozhou
"Quan Moxian..." Empress Dowager Xiao flicked her index finger on the table, and slowly muttered: "He is the most suitable."

Quan Moxian is the only one who meets these conditions.

He's too young to attract much attention.Moreover, he is a good hand in judging cases and has a good reputation.Sending him to deal with this matter, the people in Bozhou can feel the attention of the court.

"Grandmother is really wise!" Wei Yixin's eyes lit up, and she said, "Indeed, there is no one more suitable than Mr. Quan."

The purpose of her coming here has been achieved, and she said a few more words following the words of Empress Dowager Xiao, and left Yanqing Palace after lunch to greet Empress Cao.

Emperor Qinglong came to Yanqing Palace to greet Empress Dowager Xiao as usual.

This is what he does every day, 360 for five days, rain or shine.This is also the reason why, even if Empress Dowager Xiao is not in charge, she is still respected in the harem.

The first thing he did was to ask Empress Dowager Xiao about her daily routine and diet.

The palace maid said: "The empress dowager slept well last night, and she only woke up once. Today, the princess is here to accompany the empress dowager for dinner. The empress is in a good mood, so she added half a bowl of ginseng soup."

Emperor Qinglong nodded, smiled and said to Empress Dowager Xiao: "The girl is willing to enter the palace? Seeing that she makes the queen mother feel better, I will spare her for the time being."

Empress Dowager Xiao said with a smile: "She's not doing well all winter, so the emperor shouldn't care about a little girl. She came back and said something, and I'll tell the emperor to hear it."

Immediately, he told Emperor Qinglong about the strange event that happened in Bozhou, and said: "I think this may not be some kind of ghost or spirit. Let people go to investigate and save people from panic."

This kind of thing is the easiest to spread among the people.If it can be resolved smoothly, it should be a good talk.

However, compared with the major affairs of the court, this matter is nothing more than a trivial matter.But since Empress Dowager Xiao is interested, it doesn't hurt to have someone check it out.

Emperor Qinglong asked: "Since the queen mother said so, do you think you have a candidate in your heart?"

"That's natural. How does the emperor feel about Quan Lang of the Ministry of Punishment?"

Emperor Qinglong laughed, and said, "Of course it's perfect."

Quan Moxian recently offended King Qi, so it would be good to send him out.Bozhou is not far from Luoyang City, and even a round trip will not delay his wedding.

As an emperor, it is not easy to think so much for Quan Moxian.Emperor Qinglong valued Quan Moxian from the bottom of his heart.

After leaving Yanqing Palace, Emperor Qinglong ordered Wu Guangqi to arrange this matter.

Whether what happened in Bozhou was a homicide or someone pretending to be a ghost is still unclear.It's not suitable for Quan Moxian to issue an imperial edict, just ask the Ministry of Punishment to send him a foreigner.

Quan Moxian was stunned when he received this order.

Next month will be the day of his marriage, so it is less than a whole month after calculation.He was preparing for his marriage, counting on his fingers every day when he would marry her in, his heart was full of anticipation and unstoppable excitement.

However, at this time, the palace asked him to go to Bozhou?
Even if Bozhou is connected by waterways, it will take some time to find out about that matter.

And all the clues are just stories passed down by word of mouth.Rumors, how much is true and how much is false?The truth about it will not be known until you arrive in Bozhou.

Normally, he would not be afraid.

But at this juncture, Quan Moxian was not sure, and became uneasy.

Gu Shangshu glanced at him and said: "I asked for you, the empress dowager heard about it. But the order was given by the emperor himself."

Since Quan Moxian broke openly with King Qi, his attitude towards Quan Moxian has become much better.At least, under his signal, those attacks on Quan Moxian, overt and covert, have all stopped.

These words are also obviously showing favor.

"Thank you, my lord." Quan Moxian cupped his hands and said.

Gu Shangshu twitched his beard and smiled, and said, "I know what you're thinking about. Next month is your wedding day, so it's inevitable that you'll be thinking about it when you go out at this time."

"Don't worry, you can go back to Beijing in three days by taking the waterway to Bozhou. Even if there is no result, it's not too late to go back and get married first."

"Your Excellency thanked you for your concern, and I will definitely live up to your expectations." Quan Moxian thanked you.

Gu Shangshu said it easily, but he instinctively thought that this matter was not that simple.

Indeed, Wei Yixin tried so hard to let him go to Bozhou, how could it be so simple?
Fang Jinshu's eyes were cold after hearing Yang Liu's reply.

Wei Yixin spent a whole winter in peace, and when he entered the palace, he was ordered to go to the Ministry of Punishment to send Quan Moxian to Bozhou.

She didn't believe it at all if there was no connection between them.

Although she didn't know Wei Yixin's purpose, but since she was plotting against Quan Moxian, she must have a countermeasure.

Bozhou, what is there in Bozhou?

Fang Jinshu's head hurt from thinking about it, but he couldn't figure it out.

She had heard about that incident in her previous life, but it was just heard.After the matter was over, when the wife entered the palace to pay her respects, she told her as an anecdote.

But this kind of rumor has passed through the mouths of countless people, and the emphasis is on hunting for novelty, becoming a story with twists and turns.

The truth in it has long been submerged.

"Yang Liu, go find Mu Chuan, and ask Mr. Quan to meet you at the goods store after he leaves the Yamen." Fang Jinshu suppressed his anxiety and ordered.

Quan Moxian didn't dare to delay the order from the palace, at most he would leave tomorrow.

She had to see him to be safe.

Although, according to the rules, unmarried couples are not allowed to meet each other three months before they get married.Where this rule came from, it is impossible to test now, but from the royal family down to the common people, they all follow this rule.

But at this moment, she no longer cared about that much.

"Yes." Yang Liu agreed, and said again: "Fourth Miss, Brother Gao, Gao Lu, Jiang Mei, I have personally asked them all, and they are willing to follow Fourth Miss."

"I didn't see Yechen, but Brother Gao notified him, and he brought a letter to me and told me: He has obeyed Miss Si's orders all his life, and even if Miss Si chased him away, he would not leave."

Fang Jinshu couldn't help being amused by this sentence, and his nervousness eased a little.

She pursed her lips and said, "Okay, follow me, I won't let you regret it."

This is the promise she, as the master, can give them.

Regarding the future, she didn't make empty promises, all she could do was to do her best.

It was already late afternoon when Fang Jinshu came to Mingyu Courtyard, and all the servants greeted her one after another.

"Why did Shu'er come here?" Si Lansheng was slightly surprised.

"Mother, something happened at the goods store, and I need my daughter to take care of it." Fang Jinshu said.

"What is it that requires you to go in person?" Si Lansheng disagreed: "Next month is the wedding date, and you are still running around. If someone sees you, it's going to be another gossip."

There have been many rumors about Fang Jinshu's reputation.After finally setting the wedding date, she didn't want to make any more troubles.

 La la la, I wish you all a happy National Day, have fun O(∩_∩)O haha~
  Thanks to "Pippi Loves Mom" ​​for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Ariel" and "Summer Star 2015" for voting for 2 precious monthly tickets^_^
(End of this chapter)

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