Twin Brocade

Chapter 802 So Deep

Chapter 802 So Deep
"Mother, there is something wrong with a set of pastel-glazed cups and saucers that were supplied to Mr. An's residence. Mrs. Zhuang personally painted this set of cups and saucers to order. Unexpectedly, when the cups and saucers were delivered, the assistant accidentally dropped one of them."

"There are still two days until the agreed delivery date. Lady Han is also unable to do so, so she invites me to go."

The Duke's Mansion is the home of the top dignitaries in Beijing except for the royal family.

Even though Anguo's mansion is not as good as Dingguo's mansion and Zhongguo's mansion among the four great kingdoms' mansions, it's not something that a mere merchant can offend, not even an imperial merchant.

Mrs. Zhuang is Xu Wanzhen's adoptive mother. With this relationship, Fang Jinshu came forward to intercede in order to buy time for the dealer.

It turned out to be the case.

No matter how unwilling Si Lansheng was, he could only let Fang Jinshu handle the matter.

"Mother, don't worry. I got into the carriage at the second gate, and got out of the carriage when I entered the goods store. No one can see me." Fang Jinshu repeatedly assured: "The goods store has already sent someone to invite the grandma of the Xu family. I just leave it to her."

Xu Wanzhen was still in a coma. Grandma Xu was the newlywed wife of her eldest brother, a well-educated Jiangnan woman.

Si Lansheng had met her a few times before and had a good impression of her.

It is very appropriate to use her to intercede with Mrs. Zhuang on behalf of the dealer.

At that moment, he gave Fang Jinshu a detailed instruction before letting her go.

After leaving Mingyu Courtyard, Fang Jinshu's footsteps were a little hurried.After such a long delay, she was afraid that Quan Moxian would mistakenly think that she would not attend the appointment.

In Guangying Goods Store, it was the same road that Quan Moxian came to last time, and the yard where they met last time.

The weather in early spring has not yet warmed up, and the flowers, plants and trees in the yard seem to lack some energy.

Quan Moxian sat where he used to sit, stroking the rim of the cup with his fingers, recalling the last time he saw her when he was here, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

It was here that she let herself marry her.

I don't know if she understands her own intentions at this time?
He hoped that she would understand, but was afraid that she would understand.

Immersed in the memories of the past, Quan Moxian was unaware of the passage of time.

"Lord Quan." Fang Jinshu's clear voice broke the silence. He looked up, and saw that this beautiful figure was as beautiful as he thought.

Walking in a hurry, she was slightly panting.

A few drops of crystal sweat ooze from the crow's temples, which looks so cute to Quan Moxian.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Naturally, Quan Moxian took out a handkerchief, walked up to her and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

He took care of her so naturally that Fang Jinshu was slightly taken aback.

The man's sudden approach, smelling the refreshing soap locust smell from his body, made her body stiff for no reason, and she dared not move.

Looking at the navy blue skirt in front of him and the breath coming from the top of his head, Fang Jinshu felt that he had to say something.Otherwise, the atmosphere would be too ambiguous.

"I'm afraid I've kept you waiting, my lord." Fang Jinshu regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

Saying that, she seemed to care about him so much.I hurriedly added another sentence: "I mean, I'm afraid that my lord will think that I won't come, so you can't wait and leave."

Ah, why do I feel like I'm getting darker and darker.

Fang Jinshu was secretly annoyed, what did he do?Such a simple thing can't be explained clearly.

Afraid that he might misunderstand what she meant, she simply kept silent.But the red earballs betrayed her heart.

Quan Moxian put away the handkerchief, but didn't take a step away from her. He smiled softly and said, "Jin Shu, I won't go. As long as you let me wait for you, I'll be willing to wait for my whole life."

His tone was unabashedly affectionate and sincere.

Fang Jinshu's heart couldn't stop beating wildly, and he lowered his head.

The atmosphere became more and more ambiguous.

Quan Moxian put his hands by his side and quietly clenched them into fists.Otherwise, it was really hard for him to restrain himself, the urge to pull him into his arms.

She was so sweet and touching that he wanted to taste its fragrance immediately.

The sun shone in from behind her, and her earballs were so red that they were almost transparent.God knows how hard it took him to restrain his urge to touch.

"Jin Shu."

He sighed deeply, what should he do with her?
She didn't do anything, just stood there, and even a strand of hair was touching his heartstrings.

Baochang, Ren Ying, and Qin Yu, what the three of them could not do with all their strength, was easily accomplished by Fang Jinshu.How much he longed for her, so longing that his body and mind ached.

Sensing the change in his breathing, Fang Jinshu let out a soft "hmm", flustered.

No, not yet.

Quan Moxian told himself this, exhausted all his strength, and then moved two steps back, walked to the table and sat down.

After leaving his envelope, Fang Jinshu pressed his heart, and felt his breathing gradually become calmer.At that moment just now, if he really wanted to do something, she really didn't know what to do.

She was not sure that she could firmly refuse.

Even after he left, she felt that even the air became colder.Unexpectedly, there is such a trace of nostalgia, a trace of reluctance, and a trace of loss.

When did he affect him so deeply?

Just by being close, you can make yourself forget everything, including the purpose of coming here.

Fang Jinshu controlled his emotions, picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly.After drinking the tea, she realized that her throat was very thirsty because of the tension.

Quan Moxian waited patiently for her to put down her teacup, and asked, "Do you know about my going to Bozhou?"

The wedding is coming soon, she can't want to see herself for no reason.This must be the only reason. Quan Moxian never doubted her ability.

Fang Jinshu took a breath quietly and refocused his attention.

"Lord Quan, Princess Duancheng entered the palace early in the morning, and this order came out in the afternoon." Quan Moxian would naturally understand the rest of the words without her needing to say more.

"is her."

Quan Moxian narrowed his eyes slightly, and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Therefore, it may be dangerous to go to Bozhou, please take care of yourself, sir," Fang Jinshu cautioned.

"Don't worry." Quan Moxian said to himself, "No matter what, I can handle it."

This is a strong confidence derived from strength.

The current Quan Moxian is no longer the Quan Moxian who was bullied a few years ago.

The strong self-confidence emanating from him made Fang Jinshu slightly distracted.

The man in front of her was so similar to the power minister in her previous life memory.The same confidence, the same determination.The two pictures alternated in her mind, making it hard for her to tell which one was the real him.

"Jin Shu?"

Quan Moxian waved his hand in front of her eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back. How could I be willing to die if I didn't marry you?"

 Thank you for "It turns out to be strange", "An Qisang", "An old man is a casual mess", "Linda Xiaozhou", "Sour", "Miao Huilan", "Haha", "Stone 620", "Chen Ruixuan's mother", "Book friend 16081211563..." "Moon Grass" and "Mom Tao" voted for 4 precious monthly tickets; thanks to "Mi Diexiang", "judyzhuzhu", "Hua Yu", "Yutian", "lingchenchen", "Yongyue" and "My Love Rival is a Cat" for each voting Two precious monthly tickets for ヾ≧≦)o
(End of this chapter)

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