Twin Brocade

Chapter 803

Chapter 803 Ten Fingers Connected
"What nonsense?!"

Hearing the word "death", Fang Jinshu couldn't help feeling angry, and said, "Master Quan, you'd better be careful! How many people in the government and the opposition have not been offended by you?"

"The prince's party, the Qi king's line, the family, and those who dislike you and are jealous..." Fang Jinshu counted them one by one with his fingers.

Knowing that she was nervous about him, but looking at her white and slender fingers, Quan Moxian couldn't help swallowing, unable to concentrate.

"What do those people care about?" Quan Moxian said casually: "They don't dare to do anything to me, I have my own measure. Besides, it's not like you don't know what happened to King Qi, he won't do me any harm. "

Speaking of King Qi, Fang Jinshu became even more angry.He gave him a blank look, turned his face away and said, "I don't know."

Only then did Quan Moxian wake up suddenly, secretly hating himself for saying the wrong thing.

In order to be realistic, I don't know if she was angry in the play I acted in.Or, have you lost your temper?

"Jin Shu." He got up and walked around to Fang Jinshu, leaning on the arm of the chair and looking at her: "Jin Shu, I know I was wrong. You understand, I definitely didn't mean that."

For some reason, the more he said that, the more wronged Fang Jinshu felt.

She clearly knew the whole story of that incident, and she also understood the difficulties of what he did.She even advised Si Lansheng not to take it personally.

However, facing him, I felt infinite grievances in my heart.

"Master Quan said it himself, I am the wife of 'Kefu'." Fang Jinshu emphasized the word "Kefu", making him petty.

"Nonsense! Who said that? Let's see if I don't beat him up!" Quan Moxian looked at her and said, "You are the best in my heart."

As he said that, he was about to hit himself with a backhand.

Fang Jinshu panicked, she didn't want to see him hurt, not even himself.

She stretched out her hand to grab his palm, and said, "No! Without my permission, no one can hit you. I will write down this debt for the time being. When we get married, I will let you pay it back slowly."

Her tone was fierce, but inside she was full of love.

A burst of tenderness surged in Quan Moxian's heart, he turned his fist into a palm, and slowly spread his five fingers to wrap her hand in it.

interlocking fingers.

The room was silent, only the breathing of the two of them and the beating of their hearts could be heard.

Fang Jinshu only felt that the nervousness returned to her body.The earballs, which had finally become normal, turned red again, and after a while, even the roots of the ears became hot.

She wanted to take her hand back, but Quan Moxian clasped it tightly like a conditioned reflex.

He finally managed to hold her in his palm, how could he allow her to retreat so easily?
The touch from his hands was a bit rough, his palms were calloused from doing farm work, and his fingers also had thin calluses from holding the pen for a long time.

This feeling was so strange, Fang Jinshu swallowed hard, and asked in a low voice: "You... Are your injuries better?" Knowing that Quan Moxian was hurt by that rash boy Tang Xuli, she So they sent someone to give him medicine.

This will be asked, one is to care, and the other is to change the subject.

"Jin Shu."

Quan Moxian didn't answer, but traced her palm carefully with his fingers, Ru Mo's eyes became darker and deeper.A numb feeling came from his palm, Fang Jinshu took a low breath, and bit his lower lip lightly.

From Quan Moxian's perspective, the contrast between the white teeth and soft petal-like lips is so strong.

So strong that he wanted to kiss it desperately.

The big palm of his left hand went through the broken hair on the side of her face and came to the back of her head.After staying for a while, he silently retracted.

Desire, restraint.

Two emotions were wrestling repeatedly in his heart.

The temptation in front of him tested his steel-like willpower.

His retracted palm brushed against her burning red earballs.The graininess from the thin calluses on the fingertips made Fang Jinshu almost lose all his strength in shock.

Only at this time did she know that her earlobe was the most sensitive place in her past and present life.

Could it be that changing the body didn't change the physique?

Fang Jinshu couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't think about it carefully right now.She exhausted all her strength to hold back a low moan from the tip of her tongue.

However, her body trembled slightly, but she couldn't hide it from Quan Moxian whose ten fingers were connected to her.

He has never been married to a woman so far, but he is an adult man after all.In the vagueness, a flash of understanding flashed in my heart.

So, is he also a kind of temptation to her?

Knowing this, his mood became lighter for no reason.

No wonder there is an old saying: "Lonely men and widows cannot live together in the same room." Such a test can really drive people crazy.

He backed up quickly, sat down in his own seat, and even crossed his legs.It's just to cover up his desire that he doesn't want her to know.

Quan Moxian swore secretly in his heart that he must keep such a distance from her, and never be impulsive again.

"Don't worry, my shoulder injury is fine." He said: "That young master of the Tang family, it looks like he hasn't put in much hard work. The whip is like scratching an itch."

Fang Jinshu didn't say a word, she clenched her teeth, fearing that her voice would leak out of her heart.

"I will bring enough people to Bozhou this time, so don't worry." Quan Moxian quickly explained: "Uncle Liu will follow me, and there are two other bodyguards, so you can rest assured."

"No matter who wants to hit my idea, they will not succeed."

He gave her reassurance, but he was not sure in his heart.

Even if there is no problem with his personal safety, but the strange incident in Bozhou, he will not know what happened until he arrives.

His only worry was that he couldn't resolve this matter perfectly, which would affect his marriage with her.

Fang Jinshu's mood gradually calmed down, and he said, "No matter what, you need to be more careful. I don't think the incident in Bozhou has anything to do with ghosts and gods."

"Pay more attention to that actor, perhaps the breakthrough point lies in him."

In her previous life, she only found out about this strange case after solving the case. The only thing she could be sure of was that it was man-made and not a ghost.The actor was also the only clue she could be sure of after thinking over and over again.

For the rest, she couldn't say more.

Because it's all speculation, I'm afraid it will interfere with Quan Moxian's own judgment.

She knew the influence she had on him.

"Okay." Quan Moxian looked at her deeply.

"I..." Seeing him like this, Fang Jinshu didn't dare to raise his head, and said, "I'm leaving."

"and many more!"

"Any thing else?"

"I have two more things to tell you."

Quan Moxian said: "My uncle passed away due to illness, and my aunt was forced to remarry by her natal family. The only blood he left behind is called Ren Ying, who came to Beijing to join us. He has lived in our house for several months."

Fang Jinshu knew about Ren Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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