Twin Brocade

Chapter 804 Not One Person

Chapter 804 Not Alone
Speaking of which, this is a relative of the Quan family, so there is no need to explain to her.But since Quan Moxian mentioned it deliberately, Fang Jinshu knew there must be something different.

"Actually, Ren Ying was killed on the way to Beijing." Quan Moxian said slowly.

"Ah?" Fang Jinshu was taken aback, and suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, unable to believe it.

"It's true. If Uncle Liu wasn't careful enough, I wouldn't be able to find any clues even if I suspected it. Right now, my mother likes her very much. I don't dare to startle her. I still don't understand her purpose and the people behind her."

No matter what kind of power it is, such methods are brutal enough.

"She has already entered the house, you are right to hold back." Fang Jinshu said: "When we get married, leave this matter to me."

After all, Ren Ying is in the inner house, and Fang Jinshu is more convenient than Quan Moxian to deal with her.

"The person who sent her here wanted her to be your aunt, right?" Fang Jinshu asked straightforwardly.

Quan Moxian rubbed his hands together, and replied vaguely.

The opponent's purpose is obviously obvious.

Not to mention that the current impostor Ren Ying looks like the deceased Lin Chenfei.Let's say she is a boudoir daughter who came to Quan's house to be an eyeliner. If it wasn't for the position of his aunt next to him, how could she stay in Quan's house for a long time?

Sooner or later, they all get married.

Thinking of Ren Ying's actions, Quan Moxian's eyes dodged a little, he raised his teacup and pretended to drink water, not daring to look Fang Jinshu squarely.

"Lord Quan, I just realized that your love debts are too much." Fang Jinshu Shi Ran said: "There was Baochang before and Ren Ying after. Also, the concubine presented by His Royal Highness Qi Wang?"

Hearing her suddenly mention Qin Yu, Quan Moxian was choked by the tea and coughed again and again.

He put down the teacup, wiped the water on his body in a hurry, and asked, "You... how do you know?"

"Why can't I know." Fang Jinshu said flatly.

"Ahem..." Quan Moxian finally calmed down, and said, "Well, that's the second thing I want to tell you."

He raised his right hand and swore to the sky: "I swear, I never thought of her."

"You know that I can't refuse her identity." Quan Moxian said, "I'll let her take care of my mother right now. With Ren Ying here, the two of them happened to be watching each other."

"I want to see, which of these two will lose their temper first."

Fang Jinshu continued his words and said, "The best thing is that she can force Ren Ying to show her feet, right?"

Quan Moxian gave a "hmm", nodded repeatedly, and said, "Yes, yes! Jin Shu is right."

"So, you just let these two big troubles stay in the inner house, and wait for me to clean up the mess for you?" Fang Jinshu said tepidly.

"Ah! That..."

Quan Moxian scratched his head, he really didn't think about it.Perhaps, there was too much tacit understanding between the two of them, so tacit that he thought that Fang Jinshu would solve all problems for him.

Only then did he realize that at some point in time, he had become so dependent on Fang Jinshu.

She has been integrated into his life.

"If you don't like it, I'll find a way to deal with the two of you." Quan Moxian said hastily.

How could he be willing, he was willing to let Fang Jinshu suffer a little bit of grievance.It's just because she knows that she can understand herself, so she does it subconsciously.

"Need not."

Fang Jinshu waved his hands and said, "You are about to travel far, so don't act rashly."

"What I mean is that you can't make up your own mind about what happens in the future, and then tell me later." She said slowly: "The matter of King Qi, I understand that it happened suddenly, so I can forgive you this time."

"But when you make decisions in the future, you have to think more about it. From now on, you are not alone."

Hearing what she said, Quan Moxian was stunned.

He experienced too many twists and turns and ups and downs when he was young, so he developed such a strong temperament.

He is the only male in the family, if he is not strong, how can he protect his mother and eldest sister?In such an environment, even Quan Lu was forced to have thorns all over her body, let alone him.

After entering the court, he did not do less things that he insisted on going his own way.

And his family always stood behind him silently, supported every decision he made, and were willing to bear the consequences.

For a long time, he has forgotten the feelings of others.

Fortunately, fortunately, Fang Jinshu woke him up now.

Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, his life no longer belongs to him only.He has more people who must be discussed, and who must be responsible for it.

"Okay." Quan Moxian replied cautiously.

The past cannot be taken back, but fortunately there will be more time in the future.

"When do you plan to leave?" Fang Jinshu asked.

"I have already reported to Shangshu, I will leave directly tomorrow morning." Quan Moxian said: "Go early and return early, I will definitely not miss the auspicious day."

"Be sure to pay more attention." Fang Jinshu reminded again: "As long as you are safe, it doesn't matter if you miss the auspicious day. I will marry into Quan's family after all, and I will wait for you at home."

Their marriage is different from that of ordinary people, it was bestowed by Empress Cao.

The selected auspicious day was also reported to the palace.Even if Quan Moxian couldn't come back on time, he couldn't change it.

"I won't let you wait." Quan Moxian said.

"I packed a few pieces of luggage for you, and you take them with you." Fang Jinshu raised his voice, "Fang Fei, bring the bags in."

Fang Fei put the burden on the desk and withdrew.

It was rare for Quan Moxian and Fang Jinshu to get together, and she didn't want to be an eyesore here.Although she doesn't understand the relationship between men and women, she can see the various changes that have taken place in her own girl.

She originally thought that the girl was a fairy in the sky, and she would not be moved by ordinary people.

After all, since Fang Jinshu was 12 years old and started talking about kissing, Fang Jinshu hadn't paid much attention to her own marriage, so it didn't matter.An attitude that it doesn't matter if you marry anyone.

Even a handsome young man like Chu Mo didn't make the girl even a little bit tempted.

Therefore, she once worried that if the girl was still so deserted after getting married, what would be good.Fortunately, after the marriage with Quan Moxian was settled, the girl became more and more different.

The burden this time was also packed by the girl herself.The clothes inside were also made by Fang Jinshu himself.

There are light and rain-proof burqas, thick-soled boots made of the size of Quan Moxian, and oilcloths used to wrap books.Everything you can use while traveling.

Because of preparing the dowry, Fang Jinshu has the right to measure the size of everyone in the family.

The new daughter-in-law has to prepare gifts for her husband's family, and the gifts are usually clothes, shoes and socks.Quan's family was small, and Fang Jinshu had nothing to do, so he made some extra preparations for Quan Moxian.

This will come out in a set, and it just fits.

"You did it?" Seeing the dense stitches, Quan Moxian was moved.

He originally thought that she didn't take him seriously, and their marriage was just a hug to keep warm for her.

But unexpectedly, she did so many things silently for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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